
Can we draw links between nodes in the diagram dynamically in silverlight?

My question is about drawing the links between nodes dynamically in Silverlight. How can we achieve this in Silverlight? Thanks in advance Padma ...

How do I put and replace a file using in a client machine in a Silverlight app?

Hi, I'm trying to make a Silverlight app which has a local sqlite file to search some data when the app gets offline. I found the following library, and it seems pretty nice. So, what I want to know is, what is a good approach to have and place a file which might be replaced by automatically when...

When to use the TestProperty-Attribute in the Silverlight Unit Test Framework?

The other Attributes (aka. TestMethod, ExpectedException, etc.) i know where and when to use, but i don´t know what i can do with the TestProperty-Attribute. Why should i use it and when? Whats the reason for this attribute? I found no useful documentation on the Internet, that explains the TestProperty-Attribute. And intellisense doe...

How to output HTML in Silverlight 4 to a string (like HtmlTextWriter)

I have a requirement to generate an HTML snapshot of an object - basically on my app you can click on the Clipboard button and generate either Text, BB Bode or HTML and it goes through the object and builds a string of text which is copied to the Clipboard. You can then paste this snippet on forums, blogs, websites (ie. a way of sharing)...

How can I trigger the PropertyChanged event from static method?

I have the following class public class LanguagingBindingSource : INotifyPropertyChanged { public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public string Dummy { get { return String.Empty; } set { PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Dummy")); } } } that is bound to elements in XA...

Changing collection from CollectionChanged event

Hello, I want to update collection after it was changed but I can't seem to get "away" from this exception: Cannot change ObservableCollection during a CollectionChanged or PropertyChanged event. Inside event handler I unsubscribe from Collection changed event before changing anything to prevent infinite loops and after changes are ma...

Silverlight DataGrid with grouping - row leading space

I've a simple Silverlight DataGrid bound to a PagedCollectionView that has a group description. Grouping works fine. What I want to do is remove the leading space on each grid row that is blank and have the actual cell content (it's just a one column grid) fill the entire row. I can't for the life of me find out how to do that. Just to...

Silverlight Datagrid - image in template cell shown only after scroll out/in view

Hi, I have a SL4 DataGrid with one template column. The column template contains an image (source points to an resource inside the xap) and a textblock. The image source is set using a binding to the view-model + a value converter that converts to a valid path to the image. For most rows it works, however for one row the image is not v...

Figuring out Silverlight namespaces and assemblies

Often when you find examples of Silverlight code on the web it may only contain a snippet of code rather than the full set needed to make it work. This causes me immense frustration when I am trying to work out what namespace and/or assembly declaration to use at the top of the xaml file. For example, take the following snippet (which s...

Creating ObjectContext for AuthenticationService without username and password

I have used the Silverlight BusinessApplication template in VS2010. I have changed the AuthenticationService to use my own Authentication methods - the requirement is that the user logs into the system with their SQL login (no AD in the company). On login, I construct a SQLConnection, attempt to open it, then I get their details (fri...

How to get can CanAddNew to be true for a collection returned by RIA Services

RIA Services is returning a list of Entities that won't allow me to add new items. Here are what I believe to be the pertinent details: I'm using the released versions of Silverlight 4 and RIA Services 1.0 from mid-April of 2010. I have a DomainService with a query method that returns List<ParentObject>. ParentObject includes a pro...

Make cells in datagridTextColumn text columns appear as hyperlinks

I'm looking for the simplest way to make text in the cells of a dataGridTextColumn appear as hyperlinks, ie; blue, underlined. Any ideas? ...

WPF/Silverlight How To Calculate total cubic units/pixels in a control?

I have a scribbale inkpresenter in my silverlight app that I'm using multiple times in different shapes, I want to calculate how much percent of the inkpresenter has been scribbled, My problem is that since the shape of the ink presenter can be circular or poly I don't know how i can get the units/pixels there is available on the scrib...

Sliverlight control with code hightlighting?

Is there a Silverlight control out there that will allow you to type in text and have it highlighted as code? For example: foreach (client in Clients) { client.Save(); } would become foreach (client in Clients) { client.Save(); } I need to write a web app to screen non-programming programmers without wasting time on them one...

Target Silverlight Version is stuck

I have my shiny new Visual Studio 2010. I want to develop a Silverlight 4 web app with it. I made a project and it told me that I needed to update my Developer version of Silverlight. I followed the link provided and did what it suggested. I then went back and created my project (under a different directory). But when I try to selec...

reject a particular deleted item from a DomainContext

Hi All, I’m using Silverlight4 and Ria Service : Imaging we have a table (called "MyTable") with 3 records ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) , I’ve just written the following codes somewhere in my application: CurrentItem = 1; MyContext.MyTables.Delete(CurrentItem); CurrentItem = 2; MyContext.MyTables.Delete(CurrentItem); For some reasons, before hi...

Exception in brand new Silverlight project

I am getting the following exception message when I try to run my newly created Silverlight app: An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI 'http://localhost:8732/Design_Time_Addresses/IsAProgrammer.Service/Service1/'. This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without a proper cross-domain p...

Live streaming with silverlight 4

Greeting, Is there a live streaming server for silverlight 4 from Microsoft like Flash Media Server from Adobe that support live streaming for Flash??? I know that there are many open source live streaming server that support silverlight 4 but I did not find some one good as Flash Media Server which support Flash!!! please tell me if M...

Silverlight toolkit themes override styles?

I have a Silverlight app that has a bunch of styles that are referenced everywhere in various controls...etc. If I apply one of the default silverlight.toolkit.themes to the app will these styles be overridden by the them (assuming the theme affects whatever the styles are applied to)? Thanks!! ...

A P2P CRM Proposal

At first, I found a P2P CRM on But it was discontinued for years. And it is not natural to have a local web server. And the worst thing is that is hard to integrate its data with other data source for it used CouchDb. So I draft a P2P CRM proposal and I am thinking to implement it. Features: Decentralization...