
how to bind images to grid in silverlight?

can u give sample example code for how to bind images to grid in silverlight? ...

HTML5 - Can it do this? Today?

In HTML 5 is there any support for things which are really easy to do in Silverlight? For example, ripping a file (chosen by the user) into an array of bytes that can be base64 encoded and passed up to a web service? Or, creation/reading of an image and being able to manipulate the pixels and display this on screen? Or even save it to ...

Imposing minimum times spent in a given visual state

I'm wanting to ensure a control remains in a certain state for a minimum amount of time. The control has two states: Loading and Loaded. The Loading state displays an animation and the Loaded state displays the data. There is a fade in/out transition between the two states. However, the problem is sometimes the data loads so quickly tha...

WP7 - IsolatedStorage Errors

I'm building a Windows Phone 7 application that uses isolated storage. The code works most of the time but I keep getting IsolatedStorageExceptions randomly: {"An error occurred while accessing IsolatedStorage."} There are no further details about the reason for the exception. Here is the stack trace: at System.IO.IsolatedStorage...

Multiple instances of user control with a canvas causes exception in Silverlight

I have a user control that has a grid (the one you get automatically when you create a user control) and a canvas within that. <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <Canvas x:Name="SurfaceCanvas"> </Canvas> </Grid> In the CS file, I've defined an "Items" collection. public ObservableCollection<TestItem> Items { ge...

How to draw shapes on top of Silverlight multiscaleimage?

There is a multiscale image with deepzoom image as a source. Now I need to allow users to draw poligons and lines on top of the multiscalimage in such a way that the shapes will follow drag and zoom to scale accordingly. I tried to add a canvas in addition to the multiscaleimage but can't figure out how to make them stick to each other...

Force latest version Silverlight app to be loaded in browser each time.

I notice that Firefox will not always load the latest version of a Silverlight app. I believe I can get my app to always be loaded by setting an 'expiration' in a cookie or something .. Where do I do this? (I have found that Firefox will work away happily for hours loading a new app each time and then the next time I try and load it wil...

template / style issue with silverlight textbox

I am trying to recreate a textbox that we created in Flash in XAML / Blend and I am stuck on the bevel / shadow only on two sides (top and left). then linking a button. Could someone point me in the right direction or a list of some books that cover Blend for designers or how to create custom effects / styles. example picture http://www...

Is it possible to implement ping on windows phone 7?

To get the impression of networking capabilities in WP7 I was going to build a simple ping app that would display the result of ICMP ping request to a certain host. However, not only the System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping class is missing, System.Net.Sockets namespace is missing as well. After a short research I found out that there ar...

Which technology is used in majority of LOB applications?

Which technology has the most market share among the line-of-business applications. Is it ASP.NET? Silverlight? WPF? Java? Or something else? ...

Can I have a ValueConverter in my ViewModel?

I have a combobox bound to a collection, so the user can select one of the items. So far, so good. The content of the combo box is driven by the item, but also by a value in my viewmodel. Imagine the value in my viewmodel is the language, I have dictionary of descriptions by language in my bound item, and I want to display the correct...

How to use Streetside of Bing map with silverlight?

Hi I am tring to use Bings Streetside. I have searched a lot in Google but nothing. In all post says, that I need to download Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.ExtendedModes.dll but all links are invalid. I can't download it. These inks are incorrect too. What can I do? Thanks. ...

Open SmoothStreamingMediaElement fullscreen

i wanna open a SmoothStreamingMediaElement in fullscreen and can't use the video brush as it takes mediaelement UI type so i tried to remove the element from it's grid to new grid but in that case it reload and replay the movie is there anyway to move the control without removing and adding or there are other options to open it in fulls...

Silverlight DatagGrid AutoFilter Style Problem

Hi, I am using silverlight TwilightBlueTheme theme in my application. I am trying to apply iy to a datagrid auto filter application. When I try to apply it no row are displayed. Sample application link is here For the last 4 days I have been trying hard to apply theme and understand the code. Please help me. Waiting for your valuable...

WPF/Silverlight: How do you make a Button call ICommand.CanExecute when the command parameter is changed?

How do you make a Button call ICommand.CanExecute when the command parameter is changed? This is my current XAML. <Button Content="Delete" Command="{Binding DeleteItemCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding SelectedItem, ElementName=DaGrid}" /> EDIT It appears this is only an issue in WPF. ...

.net winform talking to Silverlight

Hi All, Im currently working on registration of our application. Basically we have a simple concurrent licensing system so when the user logs in we store their computer name and logon name to uniquely identify them. This is done from a simple winforms app that allows us to retrieve this data. We now have a brother silverlight project th...

WCF Data Services - How to delete item from that does not exist in the database?

I am using WCF Data Services and let's say a user creates a row in a datagrid (via AddObject) and then decides they do not want it after all so they would like to go ahead and delete it. So in this scenario, the item is in the DataContext but no in the Database yet. How can I do this? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. ...

wpf/silverlight mvvm sample app request

could you guys point me to some really simple silverlight or wpf sample project where the usage of the MVVM is showed ...

Silverlight + WCF RIA + how to include a conditional set of child records (not all but a set)

Hello everyone! I've got a problem with loading related data via WCF RIA and Entity Framework - please help me - i don't know how to solve it. I have Room <-- RoomRecords(contains startDate/endDate fields and reference to parent Room) and I have to load RoomRecords where e.g. start date >= 1.07.2010 and endDate <= 15.07.2010. Parent R...

Suspend binding in Silverlight

I have a ChildWindow (Ok, Cancel buttons) that contains binded controls. I want the behind object to be updated only when pressing the 'OK' button. What's the best way to do it? ...