
Why is IEntityCollection internal / How to find EntityCollection<T>.Count ?

In RIA services the EntityCollection<T> class is defined as follows : public sealed class EntityCollection<TEntity> : IEntityCollection, IEnumerable<TEntity>, IEnumerable, INotifyCollection...

Sketchflow Binding Between Screens

I'd like to bind selected elements from a Grid to text boxes on a different page. Can this be done? ...

SL4 AsyncEventArgs throws an InvalidOperationException after a second Socket connection

I have a class which has to send and receive data using sockets in Silverlight 4. It has to implement a pre-existing interface, so some things might look somewhat weird, but here it is: public class TcpDataTransportClient : IDataTransportService { private const string TCP_ADDRESS_SETTING = "tcpaddress"; private const string TCP_...

Query Query Task Silverlight with ESRI Maps

Where can i learn how to query the layers of an ESRI Map? Can anybody please help me. It is urgent. I need to query the layer of esri maps and store the data in dictionary. Pls help ...

How can i hold a few panels with different controls at one place in application in Silverlight/WPF and dynamicaly change them?

In my Silverlight application should be two or three panels with different buttons and images and i want to implement next functionality: when user clicks on one button of first panel, second panel opens in the same place and substitutes previous panel (on which user clicked). Maybe there is a better way, that few panels. Any help and id...

How to use DataBinding through code behind?

Hi I have in xaml as following: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0 5 0 0" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"> <TextBox Text="LinkColor" VerticalAlignment="Center" IsReadOnly="True"/> <ComboBox x:Name="ColorCombo" MinWidth="180" Margin="5 0 0 0" SelectionChanged="ColorCombo_SelectionChanged"> <ComboBo...

Render WriteableBitmap in WPF.

Hi there, I have noticed a bizzare situation - in SIlverlight, when a picture is rendered using WriteableBitmap Render method, the resulting pic is very sharp. Of course in WPF Render method is not available. I have used DrawingGroup to render two images on top of each other (I have got a png with transparency and standard JPEG). Howeve...

How to update WCF service refernce dynamically in silverlight ?

Hi, How to update WCF service refernce dynamically in silverlight ? Suppose i have created WCF service in my system and added refernce to silverlight project , now when i host this on server i want that automatically it takes that system refernce . ...

IlMerge Silverlight Class Library with Custom Controls

Hi, I am trying to merge all the assemblies of an class library in a single .dll file. I can merge all the assemblies using the Ilmerge but is that when I use the merged dll in a Silverlight application I am having trouble when a template is apply to my control and binding problems if I use a control that inherits with UserControl. is...

How Silverlight code gets exceuted

Can anyone please explain me how silverlight code gets executed.For example in if we request any .aspx page then browser makes a http reuqest to the server and then at server level it goes throgh pipeline and at last http handler proceses request and returns plain html to browser.What happens in case of silverlight?? ...

silverlight binding to a dependency property in a custom control

I've got a custom control ive created that is instanced in my view, in my custom control (a text box) i have a dependency property set up which is bound to the text value, this all works correctly and updates. However I now want to bind a dependency property of my view to the dependency property of my control but I cant get this to quite...

PropertyChangedTrigger doesn't work - wrong namespace?!

Hey guys, I put the following (via Expression Blend 4) in my XAML file: <i:Interaction.Triggers> <ei:DataStoreChangedTrigger Binding="{Binding StatusMessage}"> <ei:ControlStoryboardAction/> </ei:DataStoreChangedTrigger> </i:Interaction.Triggers> When building the project, Expression Blend throws following error: The tag...

Silver/WPF remove mouse events, but allow touch events

Do any1 know how to remove mouse event, but allow only touch events. In brief, I have 2 monitors. 1 is the primary display, another is a touch screen. I don't want the mouse cursor to move over to the second display. For the display, it will only accept touch events, so hopefully, when the 2nd screen is touched, the mouse should stay ...

Silverlight page level activity detection

Hi, I have a Silverlight 3 application that needs to display progress whenever there is any activity on the page. I have various buttons on the page, some drop down lists and other UI elements, most of which are capable of making a request. //Edited and as such registering the BusyIndicator control for each of them is what I am tryin...

Silverlight Order form - use DataForm?

I need to design an order form where one row represents and order line and the customer can add item to order. I then want to display a new row under then added row for the customer to add another item. I'm thinking I should use a DataForm, but how do I display all rows at once rather than paging through the line items? ...

Windows Phone 7 clear cookies

Is there any possibility to clear cookies generated by WebBrowser control in Silverlight on Windows Phone 7? ...

Shrink Panel in Silverlight Storyboard

I would like to have an item's width shrink on a click of a button. Right now I have two objects basically, when you click the button on objectA, a storyboard starts that rotates it around the x-axis and collapses it. Then it shows objectB by setting it's visibility to visible and rotates it around into view. All I want to add is setti...

How can I have a list selection like the theme accent color picker in Windows Phone 7?

In my windows phone 7 app, I would like a "depressed state" when the item is held on as in the themes, accent color setting for my lists. How can this be accomplished? ...

Silverlight TreeView ScrollViewer Issue

Hey SO, got a question about the TreeView control in Silverlight. I have an application which dynamically adds elements to a treeview. Some of the elements are long enough to require horizontal scrolling. When they are added to the treeview, my treeview remains correctly all the way scrolled left so you have to scroll to see the end of ...

Pros / Cons to Different Binding Approaches using MVVM and RIA Services

I have been building an application, which uses the LoadOperation's Entities to return an IEnumerable which becomes the source of a CollectionViewSource in my View Model. I am now discovering the potential pitfall to this approach, when adding Entities in my Silverlight client, I cannot see these entities, unless I either submit the New...