
Is there any way to hit test for a disabled control?

I'm trying to detect the control under the mouse cursor, regardless of whether the control is enabled or not. VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates ignores controls that have their IsEnabled property set to false. Is there any way to change this behavior, or any other way to find the controls at a specific screen location? Tha...

Building a sideways scrolling chart using SilverLight

I am trying to build a sideways scrolling chart using SilverLight 3. I want to display multiple pieces of data that span a set of numerical values; however, the values are not parallel as they are in a bar chart that has a standard base value for each piece of data. Think of it as a Gantt chart with the top scale being zipcodes and the...

How to use the Completed event handler in silverlight

Onmouseover moves my image down 50px (storyboard1) Onmouseout moves my image back up 50px (storyboard2) My problem is that if you mouseover quickly and then back out again it makes the animation stutter because storyboard1 isn't completing its animation, it stops when I mouseout. How can I use the completed event handler or some other m...

Proper data access strategy for Silverlight / WCF RIA Services application

I have come to a cross roads and can't figure out the proper way to get lots of data for a form onto a Silverlight / WCF RIA Services application. Imagine an order form that you can update fields about the order (Billing information, etc.) and also other information that is read-only, payments to the order, order items, etc. The data...

Silverlight and local singleton

Is it possible for multiple instances of a Silverlight application running on the same local computer to get a hold of a local object instance on that compputer. I'm thinking about having a WCF service hosted as a window service on the local computer which hands the Silverlight applications the singleton object to use. But I am not sur...

Adding Text to Textblock in StackPanel does not move Image, Silverlight

I have the following xaml: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" x:Name="HeadlineSP"> <TextBlock x:Name="CanvasHeadline" Text="Sample" Margin="8,8,0,0" /> <Image Source="http://localhost/myimage.png" /> </StackPanel> when i update the text of CanvasHeadline the Image does not move right to left dependiong on the wid...

WP7 Prevent ListBox scrolling

I have a page with two ListBox controls. The page contains a list of items based on the item's category. There is a header for a category, followed by a ListBox containing all items for that category, then another header followed a list of items for that category, etc. The issue I'm having is that each ListBox scrolls independently. I...

How to consume an existing WCF service from my Silverlight app?

Hi, Im porting an "old" silverlight 3 app that used WS* webservices to connect. These services have been changed and are now replaced by an WCF "equivalent". I cant seem to get my silverlight app to work with the WCF service, I add a reference to the: http.....svc and create my client, but the clientConfiguration is empty. The silverligh...

Is it possible to upload a file from silverlight client to server using WCF streaming?

Hi, I have a WCF file upload service, which is using streamed mode. Is it possible to consume this in a silverlight application? Cheers ...

I am looking for some third party components / controls for Wp7?

I am looking for some third party components / controls for Wp7? ...

Two different versions of Silverlight Control

I have a really strange issue in my project. I have a facebook app which loads a silverlight control in an iframe. Right now the app is pointing to my localhost. Now the strange thing is if I open the app in two different browser with the same address, it load two differen versions of the same silveright control. (One i start by debugg...

How to get accordion region to expand (vertically) to dynamic content?

I have a main datagrid, then an accordion control below it. In one of the accordion items I have another datagrid that binds to the selected item of the first datagrid. Simple xaml is: <sdk:DataGrid Name="dgMain" ItemsSource="{Binding SomeSource}" /> <toolkit:Accordion> <toolkit:AccordionItem Header="Details"> <sdk:DataGrid ...

Launch Silverlight out of the browser experience based on a url

So the user installs the Silverlight application to their desktop, could this desktop version be launched based on them visiting a url? And the silverlight application could inspect the parameters of the url it was launched from? ...

Silverlight unable to start debugging

I'm trying to run a sivlerlight website in Windows 7 64-bit. I have VS 2008 SP1 and downloaded silverlight 3 SDK. It installed succesfully and everything, but I'm getting this error when I try to compile: "unable to start debugging the silverlight managed debugging package isn't installed" Any help? Thanks! ...

How to register to receive all property changes in Mvvm-Light

I want a class (called PremiseServer) in my Mvvm-Light solution (WP7) to subscribe to all property changes for classes that are derived from a base type (SysObject is the base class and it derives from ViewModel). I have a set of classes derived from SysObject. These classes have various properties on them of differing types (Strings, ...

Default styles with internal custom controls (C# Silverlight)

I am trying to create a Silverlight custom control that derives from System.Windows.Controls.Control with visibility internal, but I am seeing problems when trying to apply a default style. Here's the simplest form of the class ... internal class MyClass : Control { public MyClass() { DefaultStyleKey = typeof(MyClass); ...

Silverlight DataGrid add Arrow to the right of the DataGrid near selected row?

Hi All I have master DataGrid and detail DataGrid. I need a arrow beatween them align to selected row in master? [ Master ] [ Detail ] [ row ] [ row ] [ row ] [ row ] [ selected row ] > [ row ] [ row ...

Silverlight crash after button event handler execution

Dear team, this is my problem: Inside a control I have a generic number (I know it only at runtime) of sub controls. Each sub-control is a LanguageTextView which contains a rich text editor from Liquid. A button is used to control how these rich texts have to be shown inside the parent control. There are 2 options: a single LanguageTe...

How do I force a relative URI to use https?

I have a relative URI: Uri U = new Uri("../Services/Authenticated/VariationsService.svc", UriKind.Relative); The problem is that depending on whether the user has typed https:// or http:// into their web browser to get to the silverlight application, it may use either http or https when trying to contac...

Restrict Silverlight/WPF Behavior visibility

In Silverlight (and probably WPF), when I define a System.Windows.Interactivity.Behavior<T> for e.g. an ItemsControl, like public class SomeAwesomaticBehavior : Behavior<ItemsControl> { } it will appear in Visual Studio's XAML editor (and probably in the Designer too) even for ordinary, non-Items-Controls and throw nasty runtime excep...