
How to retrieve missed calls on Windows Phone 7

Is there any possibility of retrieving missed phone call numbers from WP7? As far as I know, third party apps will be tombstonded on incoming calls. So there is no way of implementing a caller id request to a web service based phone book provider... Question is: will I manage to look up the number, when I missed the call? ...

How to create circle button with image background and CLICKING feel IN Silverlight

Hi Right now i can change the look of the button to an ellipse with a background image. However, when i click on it, i don't feel the CLICKING EFFECT of the normal buttons in Silverlight Can anyone help me how to get that effect? this is my XAML style for the round button <style x:Key="roundButton" TargetType="Button"> <Setter Pr...

VS2010 for Windows Phone 7 & Blend crash with Mvvm-Light

This is not really a question, but an assertion. Posting this so that others can avoid this problem. If you use Mvvm-Light (and maybe other Mvvm frameworks) and have code in your ViewModel that runs on a thread other than the UI thread, VS2010 and Exression Blend will likely crash when trying to view/edit your XAML in design mode. For ...

Load Resources ".resx" from folder in Silverlight.

I have a multilanguage application and customer wants to edit Resources.resx files like he wants. I created silverlight project and add some files: Resources.resx Resources.en-US.resx1. They all have build action "Embedded Resource" Everything is working but Those files are embeded to XAP file. And customer...

Silverlight Network Connection priority and bandwidth

Is there any way to set QoS value for socket in Silverlight? I'd like to open a second connection on a background thread to send some large amount of a data, but with a lower possible network priority. Just without eating the bandwidth of other (let's say "realtime") connections. I meant something like this:

Using WCF CloseAsync in silverlight

Is this the right approach for closing connections with WCF in silverlight? ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient(); client.MakeRequestCompleted += (sender, e) => { client.CloseAsync(); //some implementation goes here }; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) ...

Silverlight Sockets restriction

Why are sockets restricted to ports 4502-4534 only in silverlight ? Is it just a security restriction or there is more into it ? ...

Silverlight UserControl and his own Viewmodel hosted in a View

I want to make a reusable UserControl as: A VIEW with its own VIEWMODEL where is the logic data recovery This UserControl (or View ?) has a button 'OK' to target a RELAYCOMMAND in his viewmodel I'm hosting this 'UserControl' in another VIEW ('MainPage'), who, herself, has its viewmodel My question is: How can I target the p...

Handling PropertyChanged in a type-safe way

There have been plenty of articles about how to use reflection and LINQ to raise PropertyChanged events in a type-safe way, without using strings. But is there any way to consume PropertyChanged events in a type-safe manner? Currently, I'm doing this void model_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { switch (e....

WPF / Silverlight - selected row style on DataGrid

What is the best way to get a row-by-row selection feel to a DataGrid in Silverlight rather than a selected row and an active cell? For my current application I just don't need the UI effect of an active cell. ...

Why doesn't HorizontalContentAlignment work in Silverlight as it does in WPF?

In WPF, tb.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center works: WPF XAML: <Window x:Class="TestText2343434.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300"> <Grid> <StackPanel x:N...

Silverlight 3 - No Built In Menu Control?

Is there no such thing as built in menu control in Silverlight 3? ...

Silverlight 3 - Binding To A DataGrid

In WPF I would use an ObjectDataProvider. This dosn't seem to be available in Silverlight 3. Is this just meant to be done via the C# code. ...

Silverlight application in facebook canvas fails to call WCF service

Basic structure: I have a really strange issue with my facebook iframe application. I am developing a facebook card game. Two players can play a card game against each other on facebook. The basic structure is: The silverlight control is hosted inside an ASP.NET Website which is hosted in localhost for...

Can't bind child collection in silverlight

I have a pretty simple setup that I cannot get to work in silverlight. I have an order with a collection of OrderPayments. These objects are part of a Entity Framework model and are exposed through WCF RIA Services. I can bind perfectly fine to any basic property on the Order class, but I wanted to bind to a listbox to show the OrderP...

Using MEF to handle authoerization/user-access w/ the Navigation Framework.

I think im starting to understand how to use MEF now. But im still not sure what the best way of utilizing MEF in order to handle controlling user access. For example: Im using the silverlight navigation framework. And each navigation menu item is to be either disabled or not shown at all if a particular user has rights (i.e. roles, cla...

Silverlight 4, WCF and Relative URI error

I get this error System.UriFormatException [net_uri_BadFormat] Arguments: Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See;Version=4.0.50826.0&amp;File=System.dll&amp;Key=net_uri_BadFormat at System.Ur...

Silverlight bestpractices

My team is starting a new project in silverlight. We are all experienced developers. It should be out of browser application with usage of public api's. We read about MVVM pattern... Are there some other guidelines/best practices for silverlight? ADDED: What we would like to know is: Is there some other patterns/guidelines for SL oth...

How to DataBind to specific item properties in an ItemsControl in the most elegant way?

Scenario: A ListView is DataBound to an ObservableCollection<CustomClass> and is displaying it's items through a custom ItemTemplate. The CustomClass just contains three string properties and one boolean property and already has INotifyPropertyChanged implemented on every of it's four properties. The custom ItemTemplate of the ListView h...

Reuse existing types not working for silverlight

I have two web services that return the same type. It doesn't work... it generated proxies for each and sees them as two different types. What are the typical causes for this? Do I need to be using WCF for this to work? ...