
Caliburn re-run filter

In caliburn, i have view with button. Button action is filtered by action filter. On view is textbox. When i change textbox content, i want to rerun action filter, how to perform that? ...

Problem with loading data asynchronously.

Our application downloads a large amount of data on the startup. It needs most of the data for all operations. Here is a problem: some operations can be performed only after data is loaded. As it loads asynchronously, most of user actions throw an exception. I tried AutoResetEvent.WaitOne(), but it doesn't work correctly. What can be don...

Silverlight: Delay in Storyboard's Completed event handler

The storyBoard_Completed event is invoked in a delay of about half a second after the visual animation had finished. Would be glad for some more eyes to check out my Storyboard XAML: <Storyboard x:Key="blaAnimation" Completed="storyBoard_Completed"> <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="bla1" Storyboard.Targ...

Silverlight C# force redraw

I've taken over a silverlight project from someone else. I should point out that I'm not a big .net person; most development I've done since graduating has been c++ and objective-c, but I'm just about getting the hang of it. I've been tasked with implementing a small on-screen control which can be used to change a time multiplication fa...

Extremely confused about ContentPresenter

FYI I'm pretty new to Silverlight. Okay, so I want to build a simple user control that contains a button plus some additional XAML as specified by the client of the control. I got searching on Google and found at least 30 different articles that were all very confusing; especially because they talk about styling animation, customizing ...

How to navigate to different Silverlight Control in Facebook Canvas ASP.NET MVC Application.

In my Facebook Canvas application i have the following problem: The Facebook application is running in an iframe inside Facebook. Basically it is an ASP.NET MVC application with two different silverlight apps nested in two different Views(and different controlls) If the user is in one silveright control the user should be able to navi...

Good way for experience WPF developer to learn Silverlight.

I'm developer with WPF experiences, my next project will use Silverlight. I have read some of articles from internet (almost msdn and and I think that it don't have much different. Anyway, I still have questions that I'm not sure. What is different between WPF 4 and Silverlight 4? (I find article on msdn but its base o...

How to wait for state changing transition to finish in Silverlight 4?

Hi, I need to change state of a control and then do some action. To be specific, I want to run an animation before a control is hidden. I would like to do something like that: VisualStateManager.GoToState(control, "Hidden", true); // wait until the transition animation is finished ParentControl.Children.Remove(control); The problem is...

davidpoll's printcollection

Hi - I'm trying to use David Poll's printcollection control, from the SLaB project- but for some reason no items get shown. Maybe it's something with my itemtemplate, please have a look at this: <Style x:Key="PrintStyle" TargetType="SLaB:CollectionPrinter"> <Setter Property="ItemTemplate"> <Set...

Building mind map based webapp. Not sure which framework to choose

We are working on a Mind map based webapp as our final year college project. It will be a website where users will be able to create mind maps collaboratively. The user interface will be very similar to what and hxxp:// have. In a nutshell, the users will have access to whiteboard and drawing t...

Silverlight 4: Upload file control?

I'm looking for a simple control that will allow the user to upload an image (or any file, really.) However, I'm not seeing it in the VS 2010 control toolbox. Is there something I'm overlooking? What's the idiomatic way to do file upload? I am developing a Silverlight app hosted in a ASP.NET page from Windows Azure. Thanks. I'm new to ...

Upload photo to Facebook from Silverlight

I have recently starting porting a small app of mine to Facebook as a learning experience. I'm quite familiar with Silverlight and .NET in general but haven't done anything on facebook yet. Since all the SDKs and APIs that are available seem to not work, or I wasn't able to use them properly, I decided to directly access Facebook's Graph...

Silverlight child window OverlayOpacity

I have child window and I want the overlay opactiy to be 0.1 I set this in the XAML. OverlayOpacity=".1" However when the modal is launched the background gets very dark for about a second and then goes the the overlayopacity setting I have coded in. Is their a way to make is go straight to the .1 opactiy without getting dark first. ...

Silverlight 4: how to switch control visibility

I am using MVVM in my Silverlight app. When control visibility is need to be managed by data, I am connecting its 'Visibility' property to object's corresponding property: XAML: <TextBlock Text="Price" Visibility="{Binding PriceVisibility, Mode=OneWay}"/> <TextBox Text="{Binding TicketPrice, Mode=TwoWay}" Visibility="{Binding PriceVisi...

A super-simple MVVM-Light WP7 sample?

I am looking for a sample that demonstrates in the lightest way possible the following: A Model that invokes a SOAP based web service; regularly polling to get the latest value (assume the SOAP service returns a boolean). The model should also support invoking a SOAP method that changes the boolean on the server. A ViewModel that enab...

Sharing authentication between WPF and Silverlight

Hello. I'm trying to integrate authentication between WPF application and Silverlight application. The users will login in the WPF app first, and they should be authenticated when they run the silverlight app from the browser. The silverlight app is using forms authentication.(through WCF RIA Service) The main application is Silverligh...

Silverlight SSL and WebService

I have recently modified my web service in IIS7 to use SSL. To do this, I have created a self signed certificate and applied that to my web service. I then added https bindings to my site in IIS. I have changed my clientaccesspolicy.xml file to allow https -> <domain uri="https://*" /> Whenever I try to call my service from my SL sit...

Auto cancel changes in DataForm when selection is changed

Hi %username%, I wonder how you do such thing. Assume, we have MVVM CRUD app which modifies a tree (menu structure, for example). We have a view model with the menu items and two views: the first with a TreeView and the second with a DataForm. Main problems are: DataForm can not handle hierarchical data. Depending on the menu item sel...

Two-pass UI Layout : Why?

I've noticed that Android, WPF, and Silverlight all follow a two-pass layout pattern. There's a recursive Measure() method that gets called to size the element, possibly multiple times. Then a recursive Layout/Arrange() method is called which lays out the exact positions of children in their parent control, and will also set the final si...

Silverlight 4 Audio Compression

Any suggestions on how to implement Compression of captured Audio in a Silverlight 4 Application? I'd prefer something lossy like MP3 or AAC but after my intial research only turned out one lonely pure C# FLAC encoder/decoder, anything better than this would be nice. Please note that sending uncompressed audio to the server and compress...