
DomainContext Load

I tried to load a entity by domainservice(async) in on line of code like: context.Load<Book>( context.Books.Where(b => b.BookID == 1), (s, e) => { _book = e.Results; }, null); But I got following error: The type 'SilverlightApplication1.Book' cannot be used as type parameter 'TEntity' in the generic type or method 'System.Service...

Differences in XAP-File - but there are none?!

I have a very strange problem. Maybe some can give me some more ideas... I have a hosted (IIS) SL4-App. In the clientbin there is one xap-file. If I took the installation from our buildserver, all works fine, despite one (and only one) datetimepicker delivers an validaton error if I enter a valid date (string could not be determined as ...

Using Silverlight vs standard controls

Over the past 6 months I've been developing web sites using When I design something such as a contact form, 99% of the time I find myself using a script manager and update panels. Recently I tried out silverlight and expression blend, and I love it. Is there any big cons for me to start building my forms with silverlight instea...

How to make local touch event handler for windows phone page?

Hi, I have several pages in my windows phone/silverlight project in a constructor of one of the pages added touch event handler like this: Touch.FrameReported += Touch_FrameReported; The problem is that it works for all the pages in my project, but I need to limit it just to one page. How can I do that? How to make local touch event...

Input validation in textbox in windows phone 7

I am new to windows phone 7 development platform.I am trying to do validation for textbox input. On debugging ,in case of invalid input , I get the error "exception was unhandled".How to correct this?This code works fine for silverlight application. TextBox Text="{Binding Name, Mode=TwoWay, NotifyOnValidationError=True, ValidatesOnExcep...

Silverlight - Binding Listbox ActualWidth to ListboxItem Width

Hi, I'm working on a photo gallery for Windows Phone 7 and I'm trying to get each image to take the full screen and slide horizontally. What I am doing so far is to use a listbox that I have modified to scroll horizontally but the problem is that I can't seem to find a way to bind the width and the height of the ListboxItem with the A...

What is with Silverlight Animation?

Hello, I am not good with Silverlight animations. When i use Expression Blend it generates huge amount of code, the classes of which go way above my head. Do i need to remember all these classes or is it fine if i just use tool? I really get tensed when i see such big class names. Please guide me. How do i remember all these class names...

Get the scroll position from a RichTextBox?

I've created a highlighting mechanism for a RichTextBox in Silverlight 4. It'll get character positions and draw rectangle(s) over the text. The trouble I have now is with scrolling on the RichTextBox. As I scroll all of my precious highlighting gets left behind. Is there any way I can add an event handler to a scroll event and/or a ...

Very simple databinding crashes / GlobalOffsetZ / Windows Phone

HI there, I'm playing around with the new Windows Phone 7 SDK and have a prob here... xaml <Rectangle Fill="#FFFFEA00" Stroke="Black" Height="300" Width="300"> <Rectangle.Projection> <PlaneProjection GlobalOffsetZ="{Binding Path=Test}" /> </Rectangle.Projection> </Rectangl...

Fade image to grayscale in silverlight

I'm using expression blend and can't figure out how to go about fading a color image to grayscale. Can I do it in the xaml or do I need to handle this in my C#? ...

SecurityException with Silverlight Web Services

I've been following along with this Silverlight tutorial, using Twitter instead of Digg. Everything is working fine, until I get to the step where I try to get data from the service. private const string TWITTER_API_URL_FORMAT = "{0}"; private void Button_Click(object s...

Silverlight WCF works with BasicHttpBinding, "HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type" exception when using CustomBinding/BinaryMessageEncoding

I have a silverlight app that talks to a WCF service inside of an ASP.NET website. The following code works: var service = new ChannelFactory<IService>(new BasicHttpBinding() { MaxReceivedMe...

Silverlight dataform blanks out textbox when focus is given to other textbox on form.

I have a data form that I assign a new Entity class as its current item. The problem is when i tab from one textbox on the dataform to the next the first one reverts back to a blank textbox. If hit save it will save the values you typed buy you cant see them once you tab or click on the next texbox. Below is my xaml and code behind. < ...

Suggestions for synchronization of lists in Silverlight

Hi, We are creating a business application (Silverlight 4) at our company where we, in several of our views, use the functionality to synchronize two lists of some kind. More precise we are, at the moment, using two list boxes (one source and one target) and two buttons (one add and one remove). Both the source list and the target list...

how to get childnodes if i pass the parent node id to the xml in silverlight?

I have a xml in the below format and need to get the id and name of all the SubEntity when I pass the ParentEntityId. This needs to be done in silverlight. <Treeview> <ParentEntity ParentEntityId="1" ParentEntityName="P1"> <Facility FacilityId="F1" FacilityName="F1"> <Category CategoryId="C1" CategoryName="C1"/> ...

GoToState not working on controltemplated usercontrol based on combobox

I'm trying to create a custom combobox that shows a loading animation when a bool property is set on it (e.g. IsLoading). I've created a control template in Blend based on the combobox, and added a textblock inside the togglebutton template. In the code behind I'm calling VisualStateManager.GoToState but it always returns false. I was t...

Do long class names affect the size of a XAP file?

There is a custom control in my Silverlight application, which is put on the canvas about one thousand times. I'm concerned about the size of a XAP file of this app. Will XAP file contain explicitely the names of this control in the same quantity? Will I reduce the size of the XAP file by changing the name of the custom control from, s...

Using VerifyAccess and CheckAccess methods of DispatcherObject

While going through this article I came across this statement - If you are writing your own WPF objects, such as controls, all methods you use should call VerifyAccess before they perform any work. This guarantees that your objects are only used on the UI thread, like this //Using VerifyAccess and CheckAccess public clas...

Silverlight 4 - Adding new Rows via the DataGrid control

I'm busy building an application where a user can copy and paste data to a silver light data-grid. If there are no rows the rows should be added via code and the rows should be updated with the pasted value. The datagrid is bound to a observablecollection. I'm able to access the Clipboard.GetText() method to get the database but I'm not...

Silverlight 4 DomainService - EntitiesInError - EntityConflict - PropertyNames throws InvalidOperationException

Following an introductory tutorial for the new DomainService in Silverlight 4 RIA, I got an unexpected exception. When I perform an update the property EntitiesInError[index].EntityConflict.PropertyNames throws the following exception: InvalidOperationException: PropertyNames are not available for delete conflicts. Service method execu...