
Page navigation on left/right swipe

I'm trying to achieve swipe navigation on Windows Phone 7. I would like to navigate from one page to another by swiping left or right. How can i do this? ...

Setting a TreeViewItems ItemTemplate dynamically

I have a TreeView which i build up in code recursively. I would like to change the template of each TreeViewItem so that i can add in images etc. into the header. I have tried setting the ItemTemplate of the TreeView Item by creating a static resource within the XAML <DataTemplate x:Key="TreeViewItemControlTemplate"> <sdk:TreeVie...

How to limit item position into Canvas?

[EDIT] Alright, I edited this post since the code I posted back then had no real links with what I'm trying to do now, but the question is the same. When I'm talking about limiting objects to a Canvas it was more like a Mouse Clipping, but as I read on many threads, this feature doesn't exist in SL. So I searched a bit around all foru...

Are there predifined styles for making arrow buttons in windows phone 7?

I want to make some buttons in my app that look like the common round buttons with the arrows found all over the win 7 apps. Anyone know where I can find resources for these? UPDATE Here's a great tutorial on creating round buttons in WP7. This is exactly what I was trying to do, but I will use the images mentioned by John Gardner belo...

Silverlight Facebook client.

As my final project I wanted to do client for Facebook and twitter using the API's available. But there is not much tutorial or guidance available for me to start this project. And the other idea was to build a Game in Silverlight, which have more tutorials and info on it. I would prefer to do social media client,but if enough help is th...

Why is XamlReader.Load unable to recognize my attached property in Silverlight 4?

I'm trying to figure out how to programmatically apply a theme at runtime in our Silverlight 4 application. I figured this should be as simple as loading a resource dictionary from XAML and merging it with the application's merged dictionaries. Here's my code so far: var themeUri = new Uri( "OurApp;component/Themes/Classic/Theme.x...

ValidationException in WCF

I am trying to implement ValidationException against a serialized DataMember of a class in a WCF web service. This datamember is of float type. I am getting the default data type validation messages, however the range validation that i had added is not working. Thanks for any input. Following are the details - Logic from WCF.... [Data...

silverlight forms authentication heartbeat

I have a silverlight application protected by forms authentication. I want the forms authentication to stay alive as long as the silverlight application is up. I created a heartbeat web.service that silverlight calls. In the web motheod I set a session variable. However I am still having trouble with the forms authentication kicking ...

Silverlight star-sized grid row (mis)behaves like auto-sized row

I have the following grid as the LayoutRoot control in my Silverlight page: <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="30"/> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> <RowDefinition Height="30" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> The entire contents of the second row is a datagrid populated via data binding, and the total h...

How do I share styles in WP7?

There's no "ResourceDictionary" templates in the WP7 SDK. Is there a different way of creating styles to share across pages? Thanks! ...

Silverlight EventAggregator not causing bindings to change

I am using the EventAggregator from the Microsoft.Practices.Composite.Events section to all several user controls on the silverlight page to update when it's parent updates. The subscribed events fire correctly and update the properties of my view model, but the view never changes itself. On my child control view model EventBroker.Cur...

How to make Silverlight labels behave like HTML labels?

For example when you create a radio button and a label for it in HTML and then click on that label, corresponding radio button is checked/unchecked. How to achieve similar behavior with Silverlight Label control? It seems like setting it's Target property doesn't help: ...

How do I dynamically construct a predicate method from an expression tree?

Here's the scenario: Silverlight 4.0, DataGrid, PagedCollectionView itemssource. The objective is to apply a Filter to the PCV. The filter needs to be a Predicate<object>(Method) - where Method implements some logic against the object and returns true/false for inclusion. What I have is a need to optionally include 3 different criteria ...

Thread safe, Silverlight

Hi guys, I use very often RIA WCF Services and I inject the same context in several ViewModel. My problem is that as you know, the context of RIA Services, is not thread safe. So I my solution "home made" for synchronization. I use backgrounds workers, and using PostSharp, I apply my attribute [UniqueThread ("Data")] on the method and ...

Microsoft Certification Advice : Silverlight path

I apologize if this title is misleading. I already know that Microsoft isn't planning on releasing a Silverlight certification due to their quick development cycles (please correct me if I am wrong). I have started a new job that places a lot of emphasis on Microsoft Certifications, as of late I have been doing Microsoft Silverlight deve...

Have to install Silverlight in browsers in the future too?

I know that you have to install plugins before you could use them in the web browser. Will it always be like this for plugins like Silverlight? Or do you think major browsers (Firefox, Safari, Chrome etc) be shipped with it in the future? ...

RIA Services - call a stored procedure

I am using RIA Services with Silverlight and Entity Framework. I want to call a stored procedure and map the results to a datagrid. What is the best way to do this? The output of the stored procedure doesn't map to any table design. I found the following article -

How to add GestureListener handler to a control in cs code in silverlight?

I don’t understand how to use some features from Windows Phone Toolkit in cs code in Silverlight (more precise, I don’t understand how to use GestureListener). I saw many examples of using GestureListener in xaml like this <Image Source="something.jpg"> <toolkit:GestureService.GestureListener> <toolkit:GestureListener Tap="i...

Why is child grid not expanding to fill parent grid width?

The grid I'm targeting is the one with background color azure: Somehow it does not go to the full width of LayoutRoot, and setting it's width programmatically will cause a layoutcycle exception. I've also tried binding the width to parent layout... but that didn't seem to work either :( <Border Style="{StaticResource ZoomBorderStyle}">...

PrintDocument doesn't work properly when to print multiple pages in silverlight,

Hi, I've coded to print a number of user controls in silverlight and it may be across multiple pages. So I took a look at the following link, and it worked brilliantly. But when I try to print huge data, let's say, it provides more...