
CSS problem with silverlight component position. Cannot set height that i want.

I want to make simple content page with silverlight with next requirments: Page must contains: top space for banners(html) center - silverlight component. and he will stretch to fitt page. bottom space for banners(html) Looks quite easy but i faced problem with internet explorer 8. Silverlight component have small size and doesnot st...

How to do validation on both client and server side for a service which is a store procedure(return a complex type)

Hi I am doing Silverlight 4 In my database, I have a store procedure(having two parameters) which returns rows (with extra fields). So i have to make a complex type for those rows on my Models. And Making a service to call that function import store procedure. The RIA will automatically create a matching Entity(to the complex type) an...

How to use my own output for Action methods

Hi How can I use my own output type for action methods in MVC? I know that its possible (as they did in MVC Contrib), but how?! I'm trying to use Silverlight as MVC Views. ...

How do I add an element to the visual tree in Silverlight

Hi, Here is my specific problem: Xaml: <local:ShrinkableContentControl x:Name="m_ShrinkableContentControl"> <Border Background="SkyBlue"> <Button Click="Button_Click_1" Content="Hello"/> </Border> </local:ShrinkableContentControl> Code for ShrinkableContentControl: [ContentProperty("Shrinkable")] public class Shrink...

Silverlight Video File Won't Play; Can see .ism/manifest

I am running Windows Server 2008 SP2. I have an IIS 7.0 Webserver installed running IIS Media Services Beta 1. I also have WebDAV 7.5 installed. I encoded a video file, MP4(H.264/AAC), to the smooth streaming protocol using Expression Encoder 4.0 Pro. Under "Default Web Site" I added a virtual directory to the encoded video and created ...

Different views on items in listbox based on content

I have a list of items with the an interface like this public interface INamedItem { string DisplayName { get; } } In silverlight, I can bind to a listbox and show the display name, and that works. However, depending on the value of DisplayName, I want to show it differently (use a different DataTemplate?). If Di...

Redirect to an ASP.NET MVC page problem after POST request from Silverlight

In an ASP.NET MVC application I have a CartController with this AddToCart action: public RedirectToRouteResult AddToCart(Cart cart, decimal productId, string returnUrl) { Product product = productsRepository.Products .FirstOrDefault(p => p.prodID == productId); cart.AddItem(product); return R...

Changing the size of a region in Prism

This is perhaps a silly question, but I can't seem to find out how to do this. I have a Silverlight app using Prism's regions, and I have a requirement for an 'expand'-type button inside one of my views. When the user clicks that button, I need the view to grow larger. How do I change the size of my region dynamically, like this? I...

Prism: Prevent executing a command in duplicate views using IActiveAware?

Hi There, I have a Silverlight application that has three regions that will host the same Views. What I want to know is, how may I create a zoom control for each of the views, without zooming all of the views (assuming the zoom action is using Prism Commands). Would IActiveAware be the right approach? ...

Silverlight SEO

Hi All, Ive just released a silverlight website and Im trying to spread the word to get the ball rolling. Does anyone have any advice on SEO for Silverlight or other means to get the word out about me website. Thanks ...

Passing parameter to a JavaScript function as a Dictionary object

Please, help me to understand the following part of the code from the post function post_to_url(path, params, method) { .... for(var key in params) { var hiddenField = document.createElement("input"); hiddenField.setAttribute("type...

How to check when silverlight Listbox is updated

How do I check when a listbox is updated, or when its item count changes? I can only capture the SelectionChanged event now. I'm trying to select any new item when initially added to the listbox binded DocItemCollection. ...

Making HTTPS calls to website that does not have API

I am working on a wp7 app and I want to make an https call (sign-in and then post ) to a website which does not have an REST API. So I will have to use it just like a browser adding headers to the https sign in call and parsing the resulting data get the Cookie data and unique id assigned extra and pass that on to a subsequent https ca...

How to pragmatically create BubbleSeries in SL4

I am creating a BubbleSeries in a function within CS file. As a data source I use a List<Dictionary<string,string>> GridData, Unfortunately my implementation throws an exception: No suitable axis is available for plotting the dependent value. I am SL4 newbie and I can not figure out what could be a reson. Here is how I create and add Bu...

Multi-target rapid prototyping using Microsoft technologies?

I want rapid prototyping: Quickly define screens, links, buttons etc. I want to easily interact with sample data. I want to see things "moving". An example would be a mail account: I would like to say that a message has a sender, date, subject and content, then say that a "message" screen displays a list of message headers, and clicking...

How can I implement my existing Business Layer to a SilverLight 4.0 Application?

Hi, Lets assume that I have my own business layer containing my business objects and my business services. And I have decided to create a "SilverLight Business Application" (with SL v 4.0) and I want to use my already used Business Layer from the SL application I plan to develop. I know that I cannot include a project which is not a SL...

Silverlight adjust DataGrid height at run time

I have a Grid of 5 rows. At row 2 and 4 I have a DataGrid. The other rows have a fixed Height. The contents of the tables in the DataGrids is of course dynamically determined, and therefore their height too. As in my particular app there is a relation between the height of the two tables, I want to adjust the MaxHeight of both at run-tim...

How to DataBind from the Header property of a Silverlight DataGrid

How can the "Header" property of the DataGridTemplateColumn (or DataGridTextColumn) be bound to some text property of the ViewModel in the DataGrid of Silverlight 4? "Ideal" solution (that does not work): <sdk:DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" ...> <sdk:DataGrid.Columns> <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="{Binding MyViewModel...

Alternative to BLINQ, CLINQ, Obtics

Hi guys, I am addicted to Bindable LINQ but it is no longer updated. And the version of Silverlight is poor. What do you use in your projects? Some people use Rx Framework to replace this ? Best regards, Vincent ...

Child item in TreeView not updating

I copied the basic method of having checkbox in a treeview from the official Silverlight toolkit Checkboxes in a TreeView example. When a user clicks on a parent TreeViewItem I want all of the child items to be checked, as in the above example. This works fine when the parent is collapsed, clicking the checkbox puts a tick in the paren...