
Silverlight expander control breaking intellisense

I am trying to use an expander control on a silverlight application. If I just drop it onto the design surface and rebuild the project the Intellisense for XAML suddenly stops working. If I then just remove the control from the XAML markup and rebuild it starts working again. I can even leave the namespace. Not sure if I have some so...

SILVERLIGHT: How to access a restful service from silverlight

Hi. What is the standard way of accessing a restful service from silverlight (I am targetting v3 of silverlight)? In .net i use REST Starter KIT but its not compatible with Silverlight - although i did find a port but unsure weather to try it. Is there a standard way to access rest from silverlight? Any good examples or tutorials? A...

Silverlight - Embedded font fails to load... sometimes

I have Silverlight application that is using an embedded font. The font works as expected 98% of the time. However, some of the time the font never loads. I don't get any errors, it just renders all text in a fall back font. Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas on what could be causing it? ...

How to default Grid Splitter collapse status

Hi,all, I want to default close status of grid splitter when silverlight application start, how can I do that? I set IsCollapsed="true", but not happen any suggestion ...

Verify that a Silverlight app loads without unhandled errors?

I'm involved with developing a Silverlight application together with a few developers. We use Hudson to build and deploy the application to a test server, the process is roughly like this: Developer checks in changes. Hudson detects changes, checks them out and builds the solution. If the build is successful, the new application is dep...

Silverlight on WP7 Popup doesn't close

Hi guys, I've a popup (this.popup = {System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup}) that doesn't close when for example I change the screen by calling navigationservice.navigate, I've tried to close it in the LostFocus event but it doesn't close. What's the trick guys? Thanks Ex.: void myComponent_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedE...

Zoom in out on mouse click Silverlight 2.0

Hi, I would like to zoom in/out an image exactly where mouse click occurs. Whole image should be zoomed but current view should show the part where mouse click happened and scrollbar should be available for seeing other parts as well. I tried using scrollviewer and placed my image control inside it. On mouse click am using RenderTransf...

Silverlight/XAML Convert text to upper case

Im working on a design in Blend 4 for Silverlight, however much of my text in the design needs to be in UPPERCASE. It appears that Blend and XAML dont support this, I was wondering if its possible to do it in CSharp? Basically I'd like to be able to style certain parts of text as UPPERCASE, can anyone suggest any code that might do thi...

Localization in Silverlight

how do I use localization in Silverlight? since there are no local resource files in silverlight like ASP.Net. I am stuck at how would I do this? any ideas? ...

ListBox with ItemTemplate: SelectionChanged not fired

ListBox with ItemTemplate: SelectionChanged not fired What's wrong? <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source1}" SelectionChanged="ListBox_SelectionChanged" SelectedItem="{Binding CurrentItem, Mode=TwoWay}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="0" Padding="0"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid Margin="0"> ...

which one is better for chart and grid controls?? Flash/Flex VS Silverlight

Hi, I am developing an application which contains controls like tree,grid and chart. I personally feel silverlight is the best choice for it because its got strong third party controls from Telerik. But, as flash is much widespread compared to silverlight, some members in the design team is supporting flash. To my suprise, I haven't see...

Silverlight performance testing

Hello, Can anybody recommend me a tool or an approach to measure the performance of silverlight object inside of Internet Explorer object? An approximate test scenario is Start Timer; Open the page, Wait until the silverlight object raise an event (for ex. OnDisplayed()); Stop Timer; OR Start Timer; Open the page, Wait until the si...

Popup orientation is not correct. Its 90 degrees rotated.

Hi I have created a popup using Popup class in silverlight. I wrote a class of type UserControl and I added this usercontrol to the popup by using Child method of Popup class. Following is the XAML code of my UserControl class <UserControl x:Class="MyProject.PopupWindowContent" xmlns="

silverlight: Help with IEnumerable

Please i need help: i have a listbox binded to IEnumerable source Person is a class that contains the following properties: Name (string), isChecked(bool) i need to change the property "isChecked" for a specific person with the name "Bob" i'm not able to change the value of the property! please help ...

Is it possible to create a desktop application using Silverlight?

Hi! I have been using WPF for a while, and I keep on realizing again and again that Microsoft invests its efforst in Silverlight, not in WPF (RIA Services, default theme, controls and more). I thought it might be a good idea to migrate to Silverlight (i.e. creating standalone desktop apps with Silverlight 4.0), the question is whether ...

Windows Phone 7 Silverlight MVVM (and other) frameworks

Hi, What are the available mvvm frameworks for WP7 out there today? Which one(s) would you recommend and why? Are there other useful frameworks one should consider when starting WP7 silverlight development. Thanks for posting your experiences so far. Cheers, Phil ...

Silverlight Constructor Injection into View Model + Design Mode

Hi all. Im trying to get to grips with writing testable ViewModels in Silverlight 4. Im currently using MVVM light. Im using AutoFac and the IoCContainer is doing its job fine. However to inject into the constructor of ViewModels, which are bound to Views I have this constructor chaining: public UserViewModel() : this(IoCContaine...

silverlight column header disappers on applying header style template

I have a Silverlight DataGrid with two columns. The headers of these two columns header have to be shown with a text box and column header title or name so that the text box can be used for filtering later. So, I have used the following code to display the text box using a style: <Style x:Name="mytemplate" x:Key="mytemplate" ...

Silverlight WebBrowser - Open Local File?

Our Silverlight application needs to show to the user previews of HTML pages it generates dynamically, so we want to use the WebBrowser (or something similar like Telerik's RadHtmlPlaceholder) to show these pages. The problem is that the HTML contains links to other local files such as images, flash objects, CSS and javascript files. The...

Rx: Ignoring updates caused by Subscribers

I'm having problems figuring out how to do this. I have two instances (source & target) that implement INotifyPropertyChanged and I'm tracking the PropertyChanged event for both. What I want to do is run an action any time source.PropertyChanged is raised until target.PropertyChanged is raised. I can do that just fine like this: INotify...