
RestSharp v. WebClient?

I'm building a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight app. Is there any reason to use RestSharp instead of WebClient? I've looked around on the RestSharp site, but it's not immediately obvious what the benefits are. ...

Read RSS on Windows Phone 7 and Pass data to next Page

On Windows Phone 7: I want to read RSS feed with 3 different field: Title, Description-1, and Description-2. But I want to show only title and description-1 in main page as listbox. When user click on each item then it goes to next page which just show title and description-2 field related to the item user clicked on it. How do we do ...

How do you build a clientaccesspolicy.xml for this API?

I have a RESTlike API that I want to access from Silverlight. It needs to support the following: All requests are made over SSL Allow GET, POST, PUT, DELETE (or just any) Allow any request headers Allow requests from any host Pretty much wide open. I'm a little confused by the docs so does anyone have an example of what it might look...

Bind Silverlight Animation to Button Click

I'm trying to kick off an animation at the click of a button. The following code looks reasonable, but is throwing a runtime error. Ideally I'd like to just point the storyboard to a command. Is that possible (I Googled and found nothing to indicate that it is) <Button Width="50" Height="24" Content="X"> ...

Looking to place navigation frame where it is available in entire application

I have what amounts to a menu page in my Silverlight application. It has some HyperlinkButtons in a StackPanel. The hyperlinks are mapped to other page Uris in the app using a navigation frame with a UriMapper. It all appears within the LayoutRoot Grid of the menu page. I'd rather have the UriMapping be available to the entire applic...

Codeplex Silverlight Media framework player over HTTPS

Hi I have a media player written using Codeplex Silverlight Media Framework and it works fine over HTTP. However when I switch from http to https it will not work... MMS, ISML or ISM streams. Now I have read about the cross scheme problems but I still am a little unclear if this can be made to work or not... Yah see, the site is compl...

Adjust DIV height and width to actual size of Silverlight control

Hello, I want to embed a silverlight app into a web page and have the height/width of the div that contains the silverlight control match the dimensions of the actual size of the silverlight control. I essentially want the div to stretch to accommodate the size of the silverlight control. I do not know what size the silverlight contro...

Bind DataGrid Column to ViewModel Property

If I have the following DataGrid, how would I go about binding the Visibility of the TemplateColumn to a property on my ViewModel? The code I have here is based on a recommendation from this SO Question but no luck. <sdk:DataGrid Visibility="{Binding GridVisible}" DataContext="{Binding}" Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding ...

silverlight combobox - highlight a few items in the popup list

I'm wondering if I can make fake sections in the popup menu: The rule would be, if the 5th character of the displayed item is different from the 5th char of the previous item in the menu, it has to be highlighted What do you think? Thanks! ...

How can i activate multiple views belonging to the same region?

I'm new to Silverlight and Prism. I'm developing a dashboard application. Here's my question. I've 2 regions: 1. Login 2. Maincontainer. My Login region has one view and my maincontainer has 2 views. After a successful login, i need to deactivate the Login region or view (whichever is simple) and then i need to activate the Maincontain...

How to add scrolling buttons to a data bound, horiztonal list

So I have a List, which contains items. Right now they are thumbnails of pictures. I wanted this list to be bound to a changing list in code behind, so I used a Listbox. However, I needed this box to flow horizontally. So it is styled as a StackPanel. Lastly, I want buttons to control the scrolling, not scrollbars. That's the part that d...

Validating XML against XSD using Silverlight?

So I have been twiddling with a personal project to import my garmin gps data into a local database. The data lives in a GPX xml file, whose schema is defined by an xsd file. The idea is for the client to upload their GPX file, and the SL client would validate it before sending it to the server. But I ran into some issues here, first ...

Play an audio file in Windows 7 Phone

Hi I am working on Windows 7 based application development in Silverlight. I have not been able to find a way to play a an audio file in windows 7 phone programmatically. I have been googling it since past few days but i could not get any solution of that. There is a class SoundPlayer in C# but i guess its not available in Windows 7 Phon...

Is it possible to automate Silverlight with PowerShell?

It is possible to automate Silverlight with PowerShell? I want to control Silverlight, press buttons etc. Like automation with the IExplorer: $ie = New-Object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application $ie.Navigate("") $ie.Document.getElementById("ButtonID")|foreach{ $_.Click() } ...

RIA Services, Silverlight 4, Hooking child entity events in the parent entity.

I'm using Silverlight 4 RIA Services. Customer class has CustomerAddresses child collection. In the server-side metadata file I added the following attributes: [Include] [Composition] public EntityCollection<CustomerAddress> CustomerAddresses { get; set; } I'm able to query my customer data without any problem. When customer loaded in...

It is possible to deactivate the InternetExplorer Silverlight Add-On with PowerShell?

Hello, it is possible to deactivate the InternetExplorer Silverlight Add-On? Later I want to open the Internet Explorer with the Powershell command: $ie = New-Object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application ...

Thread problem in Windows 7 Phone

Hi I am working in windows 7 phone based app using silverlight. I have following methods in one of my UI classes, GameScreen.xaml. I am calling startTimer method in the constructor GameScreen. Problem is that when the updateTime method is called and timeLabel.Text = "Time left: 00 : " + time; line is executed, the program throws Una...

PRISM-MVVM, ItemsControl problem with View injection

Hi, I need to display multiple instances of a basketDetailsView.xaml within a region placed in basketView.xaml, but I'm getting the following errormessage when i debug my code: "An exception occurred while creating a region with name 'basketRegion'. The exception was: System.InvalidOperationException: ItemsControl's ItemsSource propert...

Bing maps two-way binding to Center property. Animation problem

Hi folks, There is an example of two-way binding to Center property from Micrsoft guys. You can find it here. Its sample works fine, but they disabled full animation. When I set AnimationLevel="Full" and use the Compass I get trembling picture. I really like aminations effects and don't want to turn it off. Are there any ways to get ...

Silverlight UI not unsubscribing from PropertyChanged events

I have a data bound UI. When I change the underlying data the UI updates fine but the controls appear to remain subscribed to my PropertyChanged events. I have the following: An ItemsControl bound to ListA Each item ListA contains a sub list ListB that is displayed using another ItemsControl Each item ListB is displayed using a TextB...