
Silverlight ListBox ItemTemplate: Make certain elements visible when item is selected

In a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight application, I have this ListBox: <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Programs}" > <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Begin, Converter={Stati...

Silverlight as an editor in an ASP.NET MVC site

I'm considering the scenario where an MVC view would pass the model to a Silverlight application (to display preferably as a modal form), which in turn would send back the updated model to the view before submitting. Is this at all possible? ...

Entity Framework: Missing related objects on client side

I've a (wcf data services) serviceoperation on server side: <WebGet()> _ Public Function GetProjectsToAdmin() As IQueryable(Of Project) Dim ctx As SilverProjectEntities = Me.CurrentDataSource Dim query = From p In ctx.Project From u In p.Administrators Where u.UserID = HttpContext.Current.User.Id...

Eloquera DB on Windows Phone 7 / WP7?

Has anyone tried using Eloquera DB on WP7? Besides the question of whether it actually works under WP7, how is the performance (if it actually works)? Are there alrernative object-based DBs that anyone can recommend for use with WP7 applications? ...

Paths - How do I parse / cast or convert a Path to a StylusPointCollection?

Hello, I'd like to convert a Path to a StylusPointCollection. Can I parse this using XamlReader or something similar? Is there a property of the Path that represents Points (x, y coordinates) that I can cast to a StylusPointCollection? If not, is there a way to render the Path out to an x, y coordinates, so I can manually loop through ...

Silverlight socket

I downloaded the silverlight 4 socket application from the book "Pro silverlight 4 with c#" which is basically just a silverlight socket client and server application. The server is a console application and the client is a silverlight web applcation. I can run the server and client fine on ONE computer, it shows that its connected a...

Silverlight port

When i run silverlight 4 application with the developer server, it seems to use a default port as localhost port 1091. How do i change to a different port? ...

Silverlight 3 Mobile (WP7) - PathGeometry issue, please help!

Hello, in Silverlight 3 for Mobile, how do I get at a Path's figure points, so I can ultimately get at it's Points (X, Y coordinates)? From what I've been reading, it sounds like the tree structures of the PathGeometry isn't stored in Silverlight 3 for Mobile (I'm doing this for WP7)... Is there another way around this? All I want is th...

How do you arrange items in a table layout in SilverLight?

SO I am stumped. I've got a collection of items that I'm binding to an ItemsControl and would like them arranged as a grid rather than strictly vertically or horizontally. All of the examples I've used in WPF are not supported in Silverlight like using the ItemContainerStyle or SharedSizeGroup and the Silverlight toolkit WrapPanel does n...

Saving inkpresenter as png

Is it possible to save an inkpresenter's content as a .png image? If not is there an alternative to inkpresenter that can be drawn on, and saved? ...

Silverlight 4.0 using WCF to connect to SQL server

Hi, Is it good idea to use WCF to connect to SQL server in my silverlight application? This communication layer deals only with the database (SQL Server) and will return a large dataset most of the time. I am trying to speed up my silverlight application. I was using aspx pages and the client wants something flashier and faster. Any r...

How do I pass username and password to an httpWebRequest in silverlight 4

How do I pass username and password to an HttpWebRequest in Silverlight 4. since the HttpWebRequst class in silverlight does not implement Credentials property, therefore i am unable to authenticate my user. one way I found was, to pass credentials in header using Authorization header, but it requires ASCII encoded value, which is not...

telerik gridview in silverlight using mvvm

I am using teleriks gridview in an mvvm silverlight project. I am struggling to get the editing of a row working. If I double click a cell I am able to change the text of that row. I have a command for a save button. but when I look at my ObservableCollection prog I do not see the changes. so I went and changed everything from observable...

silverlight template for ListBox and DataGrid when empty?

Hi guys, So are there any available in the SL4? I need to display some sort of info when no data is presented in the ListBox and/Or DataGrid when they are empty. If anyone is familiar with any of these and can provide examples or links, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Voodoo ...

Custom slider with an image or path.

Hi, I have a slider in my WP7 app that I would like to restyle. Im having a problem with default template I made something like this but I cannot "bind" the thumb to the value. <Style x:Key="ThumbStyle1" TargetType="Thumb"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType...

Silverlight(card game) and WCF communication (with IIS)

Hy people! I have an IIS server on my computer, and there is a silverlight card game what I develop actually, and i want it as a mulitplayer game tu run on my server. I search a lot of about it,but i can't decide which technology or what i should to use. Which technology allow me to communicate my server with the users who connect to it...

deploying silverlight

Do i need to host silverlight onto a website before i can host it on the internet? For example when you first created a silverlight applciation, itll ask you to check "Host silverlight applcaition to a new website" Is that required if i want to put my aplicaion on the internet. ...

Modify DomainService code?

How can one modify DomainService code without the custom code being overwritten? Is there a way to put the custom code in a seperate class file? Thanks. ...

Silverlight Datagrid: Setting background of a template cell with custom behavior

I have a custom DataGrid mixed with DataGridTemplateColumns and a custom behavior derived from this answer The problem I'm experiencing is that any DataGridTemplateColumn's cells are not picking up the 'highlight'. The c...

Silverlight application for iPad

Hi All, I want to write silverlight application for iPad device. Is that possible? i have searched on google but not getting exactly. Need proper guidance on it. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks ...