
Click on month in Silverlight Calandar in year mode, get the selected month and stay in year mode?

I want to provide a user the ability to select a month\year I was going to just use 2 listboxes but I say that the Silverlight calendar had a year mode, which displays the months of a year (not the months with all the days). But when you click on a month it switches to displaying the days in the month selected (month mode). I tried sw...

RenderTransform flickering

See the following code, After I clicked the button, the listbox render several times. How can I prevent Listbox flickering? Is it possible to tell a control stop update/render? <UserControl x:Class="SilverlightApplication52.MainPage" xmlns="" xmlns:x="http://sche...

Adding x:Name to a user control gives error in generated code of page its used in.

I am basically using a user control for the first time, so hopefully it's just a dumb mistake. I have a simple user control <UserControl x:Class="TestProject.WebApp.myUserControl" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="http://schemas....

Silverlight Hardware Accelerated Graphics

Is there anyway to create cross platform hardware accelerated games in Silverlight? (OpenGL binding or something similar) Does libraries like Balder usable for writing large 3D games (e.g MMORPGs) in Silverlight? ...

Windows Phone 7: Recommended menu control?

What is the best way to make a menu of options in wp7? (Not a context menu or app bar.) Currently I'm using a ListBox of strings, but I'm not sure if that's the way to go. I'm also not entirely sure how to make make the ListBox entries respond to tapping such that they navigate to another page. ...

Silverlight Windows Phone 7: How to add content to a PivotControl?

I have a pivot control: PivotItem sectionPivot = new PivotItem() { Header = sect.Name, Content = new StackPanel() }; How can I add content to it? Edit: The reason I'm doing it programmatically is because I don't know how many pivots there will be or what they will co...

Silverlight: Adding TabItems to TabControl dynamically with a standard ContentTemplate for all tabs

I would like to add TabItems to a TabControl dynamically with a standard ContentTemplate comprising of a grid and few other input controls like textbox and button. Can someone pls help me achieve this? Also, if I try to load data from a WCF service asynchronously to the grid, there will definitely be a time lag. So how do I exactly bind...

Silverlight ComboBox

what is the name of the property to set the number of items displayed when the list pops up? ...

Ria Services return 'The remote server returned an error: NotFound.' only when out of browser.

I have a silverlight appliction using ria services. It works fine in the browser; however, when the application runs out of browser, I am getting the infamous "The remote server returned an error: NotFound." It occurs in a view model. I have a domain context and when the view model loads, I load three queries. _domainContext.Load<Pers...

How do I clear navigation history in Silverlight/Windows Phone 7?

I'm making a Windows Phone 7 app that has login/logout semantics (authenticating to a web app). When the user logs out I navigate back to the login screen and forget the session authentication. When doing so I'd also like to clear the navigation history so that can't go back to a page that expects them to be already authenticated. Can'...

AIR 2 app vs Silverlight 4 out-of-browser app?

Anyone released any Silverlight 4.0 out-of-browser app yet? does it compare to AIR 2.0? Question about Silverlight 4, it has some webview-like control where I can write HTML+CSS right? What rendering engine does it use? What ver of CSS does it support? IE? IE7? Planning to learn either Adobe AIR or Silverlight, but have not decided...

How do you bind to Xml in SilverLight/Windows Phone?

I am trying to use Linq to Xml and Xaml data binding in a Windows Phone app with no luck, following this example. I've got some Xaml that looks like this: <Image Source="{Binding Path=Element[image].Value, Converter={StaticResource UriBitmapConverter}}" Grid.Column="2" MaxWidth="75" HorizontalAlignment="Righ...

Silverlight Custom Gird with Fixed Header and Column, required refactoring

Hi All, I’m trying to build the custom grid with fixed Header and Column in Silverlight. I don’t know whether SL has built in functionality to build this or not because I’m very new to SL. Please take a look the following codes. I don’t think that this is the right way to build this. If you don’t mind, please refactor my codes and pleas...

Choosing a cross-platform library for PDF rendering and analysis app (preferably using C#)

I am planning to write an app that can open and display PDF documents, and perform OCR on vector graphic elements within the PDFs. The user must be able to select regions of the document and I need to draw real-time annotations on the document. I don't need to alter or save the document itself. I have plenty of experience with C# and WP...

Load xml file from website into XDocument (silverlight and WP7)

Hi, I have an xml file that I want to access in an WP7 and Silverlight app. Th exml file is on a webserver and I want to access is through So I want to use this url to load the xml file into an XDocument; Any ideas, thanks, Filip ...

Silverlight: How can I set the height correctly in XAML?

I am trying to make a control that displays a news item. There is an image that will be given in any size, but the control can crop to a square. There is also a headline and teaser. The headline and image will be on the same vertical level. The teaser will be beneath them: I want the control to stretch vertically to accommodate any ...

Is PRISM meant for large scale application development ?

I am developing a silverlight application for the past 6 months using prism framework. When I look at the code base now it has grown huge with lots of modules, event aggregators, inter module communication code etc. On hindsight I am contemplating whether I made the right choice. Is there any other simpler framework I should have gone fo...

Silverlight: Difficulty with ScrollViewer

I'm making a wp7 Silverlight app. I have a ScrollViewer that contains a ListBox of ten elements. However, it only lets me scroll down a tiny bit. What could I be doing wrong? <ScrollViewer> <ListBox x:Name="StoryListBox"/> </ScrollViewer> The ListBox is filled with items of the following type: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" ...

How i can open all items in accordion control in silverlight?

I set the SelectionMode property to OneOrMore. How i can open all items, when conrol loaded? ...

How to bind back to the dependency property

I have a custom user control that exposes a DepenencyProperty (ImageData). I've placed this user control on a page and I bind it's ImageData property to a property of my page's ViewModel (photo). <localControls:PhotoPicker ImageData="{Binding Path=Photo, Mode=TwoWay}"/> When the user interact with the control setting the controls Ima...