
Silverlight c# socket

Has anyone gotten a silverlight socket application to run successfully over the internet? Like have a console server that listens for client. The client uses silverlight sockets where users can go on any web browser and connect to the console server. ...

How to call a service when a SilverLight OOB app is closing an

I need to call a WCF service to update when my SilverLight app exits. it is an out-of-browser app and I'm using SL4. Since the WCF in SL works only async it is not possible to do on Application.Exit I tried also MainWindow.Closing which is available for OOB but this didn't work either. Tried to make the Closing function wait for th...

is there a standalone flash/silverlight player that can resize

Hi, I was wondering if anyone would be aware of a standalone silverlight or/and flash player that can be resized . I need this because sometimes the video size is too small and fullscreen is not adapted ( a small video on a 24inches screen is not nice !!) Thx ...

How to set the Application Bar no to be displayed or to show another buttons in different pages in Windows Phone 7?

Hi everyone! I was messing around with this windows phone 7 application bar when I noticed that even setting a different application bar in XAML wouldn't make it change through different application pages (which is quite annoying I have to say). My intention is to use this bar with some buttons that change according to the page being dis...

Silverlight 4: Business Application Template

Hello, I am developing a Silverlight 4 application which is based upon Business Application Template. I am interested to ask user to login and display a login form as soon as user arrives to my site. I need to makes sure that the user cannot see/navigate to any other page of the application until he/she logs in. Could you please help ...

Silverlight TextBox.TextChanged event when tab item is unfocused

It's easy to test that TextChanged event won't fire when a text box is inside inactive tab item of a tab control. The same is true when text box is invisible (but unselecting tab item doesn't set text box's Visibility property to Collapsed). I guess the problem is not specific to text box or TextChanged event. What I need is to force Tex...

Need Advice - Looking for quality .NET Training (OOP and Silverlight) - Feedback

I am in search of some .NET Training (my company will be paying for this training). I am and prefer learning via books (always have). I would like to know what others have experienced in terms of some quality training - I am looking into two types of training: OOP Design Patterns and Silverlight. I am not seeking these two different t...

Element Data-Binding in Silverlight

Dear all, I have a template column in a DataGrid: <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellEditingTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Center" > <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name,ElementName=rsAllSkills}"/> ...

silverlight 4.0 runtime hide grid row.?

Any one have idea how to runtime tide grid row.? ...

is it possible to set the page count for the silverlight datapager control

hi is it possible to set the page count for the silverlight datapager control with no itemsource for the datpager. if not possible is there any other equivalent controls to use as datapager in silverlight ...

Firefox shuts down with silverlight

I have two silverlight apps on the same page that use the same methods from the same classes on page load. This causes problems in firefox (firefox doesn't respond and shuts down/crashes), but is okay in IE and chrome. Is there a reason for this? ...

silverlight listbox inside checkbox ?

I need to get how many checkboxes are checked in listbox. Do you have some idea how to get it? ...

Visual Studio: "This document is opened by another project"

I spend most of my time developing controls for both WPF and Silverlight using the same codebase. To do this I add existing files from one project (say Silverlight) "as links" to the other (say WPF). For minor differences I use preprocessor directives like #if SILVERLIGHT ... #else ... #endif The code in these blocks is grayed out dep...

PureMVC and Navigation with Silverlight (C#) for Windows Phone 7 (WP7)

I've used PureMVC before with AS3, and am playing around with WP7 so thought it would make sense to try the C# port ( The problem I'm having is that the samples (Login/Employee Admin) don't use the NavigationService to change states within the application - they simply hide/show controls when need...

Silverlight complex binding

Hi. I've the page: <view:PhoneApplicationPageBase x:Class="Exadel.CCHMobile.View.NewsView" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:phone="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Phone.Controls;assembly=Microsoft.Phone" xmlns:shell="clr-namesp...

Silverlight and XmlnsDefinition

Hi ya'll Consider 3 assemblies: EntryPoint (SL app) ClassLibraryA ClassLibraryB Where there is a class A in ClassLibraryAand a class B in ClassLibraryB EntryPoint has a reference to ClassLibraryA, and ClassLibraryAhas a reference to ClassLibraryB. In the AssemblyInfo of ClassLibrary1 I have the following code: [assembly: XmlnsP...

User preferences in Silverligth web application

I need to create a user preferences dialog in a Silverlight web application in a way that a user can change settings (let's say background color in main window) and see the results after clicking on an "OK" button of the dialog without closing it. I tried a child window and was not happy because the main window is blocked untill return ...

Events handler has gone away!!

In a SilverLight Project I Have one control instantiated two times, when the second object is created the first one loses all event handlers. Something Like This: UserControl a = New MyUserControl(); UserControl b = New MyUserControl(); When b is Created MouseLeftButtonUp on a does not occur any more!! It's possible?? ...

Two-way databinding, Silverlight and custom control / dependancy property

If I create an dependency property on a custom control that takes an IEnumerable<T>. For example with an IEnumerable<string>: public static readonly DependencyProperty MyCollectionProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MyCollection", typeof(IEnumerable<string>), typeof(MyControl), new PropertyMetadata(new List<string>())); public...

wp7 / Silverlight] How to animate a ListBoxItem on SelectionChanged?

I'm developing an app (VisualStudio 2010 Express for Windows Phone). I have a listbox with images and a storyboard with an animation (a projection) that I want to apply to a specific listboxitem/image when the SelectionChanged event gets fired (well not immediatly but inside the event handler). How can I "link" my animation to this spec...