
Get Row from Index in Silverlight DataGrid

I am trying to implement reordering rows in a Silverlight DataGrid. For this I am extending the default DataGridDragDropTarget, and I need to override and implement the following method: protected override DataGridRow ContainerFromIndex(DataGrid itemsControl, int index) { } How can I get the DataGridRow from the DataGrid and the Inde...

Visual studio silverlight

Is it possible to host a silverlight 4 application with iis 5 because i am using windows xp. or are there other ways to host silverlight application without iis ...

Windows Authentication in silverlight Vs 2010

I want to implement windows Authentication in silver light, How to do that ? ...

How to make crystal report fit width with ?

Hello ! I have a Silverlight application. On the server I have an aspx file that contains a report viewer. I get the report from the server and I display it on a RadHtmlPlaceHolder. The report has set the property FitWidth and BestFitPage property set to false. I would like to make the report to fit the place holder's width, maybe to ...

[Silverlight] Defining Textbox-behaviour in XAML without Codebehind

Hello everyone, what I want to achieve is a pretty common thing, but I want to use the Silverlight advantage to keep the UI-Behaviour in XAML. I want a Textbox which has an 'empty' state like this: [ Name ] (Name in gray font), and when the Textbox receives Focus, the Fontcolor is supposed to change to black and the Textbox is suppose...

RIA Services and the generic Repository pattern

Hi, I'm working on a Silverlight project that uses RIA Services. My question is that I can use generic repository pattern with RIA Services on the client side? What is the best practice how I should organize the RIA Services method on the cilent side? l. ...

Flash Cookies in Silverlight doesent work on Windows XP Embedded

Hi, I have a Silverlight 4 out-of-browser full trust application that shows a Flash file. This Flash file is using cookies to store some informations. When I opening the Flash application in my Browser (Internet Explorer) he can acces the cookies, but in my Silverlight application he can't do this. This happens ONLY on the Windows XP Em...

Silverlight navigation application with two frames

I have a Silverlight navigation application in which I have a Frame for the main navigation and a sub-frame in a sub-page where i navigate from one customer to his details. How can I add the navigation history from the sub-frame to the parent navigation history eg. the web browsers history? ...

Clipping Paths in Silverlight Mobile (WP7) - I can't create anything but a simple rectangle?

Hello, I'm trying to create clipping paths for shapes, such as circles, polygons, etc. I'm actually trying to make the clipping path follow the line of the shape. I've tried the below in Expression Blend, what am I missing? What I'm really trying to do here is have the user trace shapes with an InkPresenter, and have it error if they've...

Silverlight + WCF problems

Hy everybody! I've made a silverlight project(a card game) with WCF service hosting, and I test it on localhost. How can I connect with other computer to my own localhost? ( ...

Raise an event with the SynchronizationContext in Silverlight

Hello, I have created a View Model in Silverlight. This View Model has an event defined as: public event EventHandler Data_Loaded; I want to "Raise" this event when data from a service call has been completed. This will allow my UI to respond properly. Please note, it is not just a simple binding scenario, that is why I want the even...

How to maintain aspect ratio of a rectangle as user resizes the browser

I'm using a rectangle with either with a fill from either a video or image brush. As the user resizes the browser the rectangle resizes, which is fine, except that it must keep it's 4:3 aspect ratio. How can I keep the aspect ratio constant? ...

Caliburn.Micro and WebServiceResult

I'm looking for the correct version of this class for Caliburn.Micro public class WebServiceResult : IResult where T : new() The above signature is from the ContactManager example in the full Caliburn framework. It does not cut and paste directly into a Micro-based project. There are too many missing classes to use this directly. Thoug...

How can I access a string table that is in a XAML file from code?

I have a XAMl string table that is working a treat when i need to refer to it from my controls in XAML. However I could also do with being able to access it for use in other sections of code - such as validation messages in my model. As you cannot add a resource file to a silverlight I beed to use this. someone must know what i need to...

Binding arbitrary XML to a datagrid

I'm completely new at silverlight, and trying to do things "the right way". Problem is: I have an XML that I need to get from a web server, and I need to display that data in a datagrid. I've searched around and I've managed to get the following: say my XML looks like: <customers> <customer> <name>A Person</name> ...

How to compile IronRuby into a Silverlight Application (XAP) ??

I'm looking to possibly use IronRuby as the primary language for development of a Silverlight 4 application. I know there's the "IronRuby in the Browser" stuff that uses Gestalt, but I would like to build a standard Silverlight Applicatin using IronRuby and XAML that gets compiled into a XAP file, just like you can in C#. Anyone know if...

Default Value for Dependency Property in Silverlight Custom Control

I've set up a custom control in SL and I'm trying to get the default look of the control to behave properly. I feel (with the help of some smart folks on here) that I am getting pretty close to getting this, but I'm still not quite there yet. When my control is first added to a panel in Blend, it shows up as I expect based on the templa...

hosting silverlight application

I want to go live with my silverlight 4 application and host it on the web but some of the web servers i looked at ask if i want the web server to be iis6 or iis7 but im using windows xp and that uses iis5.1 so im a little lost on how to do this. Also any suggestions on where to host silverlight applications ...

combobox with different datacontext for ItemsSource and SelectedItem

So i have a combobox as the CellEditingTemplate of a datagrid and selected item is bound to the datacontext of that row as expected, but i need the combobox to be populated from a ObservableCollection outside of the context of the datagrid from the ViewModel. How could i acheive this? Thanks ...

Silverlight localhost problem

Hy people! Is there any option to connect from other computer ton my localhost(if i actually run a Visual Studio project --> a Silverlight web application)???? Because i want tu use my local as my own iis server, and i want to test(when actually run) from other computer!!! Please Help... ...