
Degrafa Best Practices

I've been learning Degrafa recently, and I have noticed that there is not much consistency amongst examples posted on the web. Is there a place where I can find degrafa best practices (esp. for skinning)? or can anyone suggest examples that use best practices? ...

Skinning HorizontalList scrollbar with Degrafa

I am having some issues when trying to skin the scrollbar on a horizontalList with Degrafa. The scrollbar doesn't show up at all. I checked to see if the scrollbar is supposed to show up without the skinning, and it does. Are there any gotchas with doing this? Here is some code: This is where I define the HorizontalList where I want...

How to get an HSlider with skins for each side of thumb

I'd like to create an HSlider so that the skin of the track is different on either side of the thumb. So, for example, the track on the left side of the thumb is green, but red on the other. Is this possible or will it take a custom component? ...

What is a good jQuery plugin (or plain JavaScript library) for skinning HTML Web forms?

I'm looking for a high-quality plugin or library for creating custom cross-browser-compatible skins for HTML form controls. I want to eliminate the inconsistency of visual appearance of form controls in different browsers and operating systems. I've done some searching, and the most useful page that I stumbled upon is: http://www.quene...

VCLSkin, TDBGrid column header skinning?

Hi, Having tried VCLSkin from, i came to an issue where column header skin didn't work on TStringGrid descendants including TDBGrid. I want it to display header similar like TListView colum header in report mode. Anyone has code to solve this problem? PS: already looked, ...

Letting users custom skin

As an exercise, I'm trying to wrap my head around what goes into letting a user custom skin their profile (like myspace as an example). I'm using PHP. Since I'm clueless as to the whole thing, I'm not sure what to ask, but some of my concerns are how complex this is, is it going to require an overhaul of my code, can I separate this part...

flex 4: custom css value.

is there any way to create a custom css value for a component and have it available to the skin class that component is using? for example, if i define this in a css file: s|Panel{ skinClass: ClassReference("PanelSkin"); myCustomValue: #CCCCFF; } is there a way to make myCustomValue available in the PanelSkin ? ...

How do/can designers work with ASP.NET

On most projects I've been one, designers has produced HTML code, then developers turned it into ASP.NET, including master-pages etc that should really be a part of design. After it has become ASP.NET, designers could not work on the code with their tools. I know that a lot of the design of ASP.NET is made with the purpose of separatin...

In Flex, What is the difference between a skin and an itemRenderer?

Indeed they both (skins and itemRenderers) seem to do drawing using the* package. I have copy pasted code between skins and itemRenderers before, so I really don't understand the difference. I have had more experience implementing itemRenderers than skins, so that might be part of the problem. Thanks, let me know. ...

What's the second-best way to make a skinnable user interface component?

I've been asked to make one of the components, which mimics a real-world appliance, in our application have a custom appearance, which varies depending on the make of the appliance being mimicked, so I need to make it skinnable. Now, I'm aware that the best way to do custom appearances in user interfaces, is not to do that at all; but I...

How to apply a .msstyles to a .NET app?

I code GUIs in .NET frequently, and most of them only have the value of being a GUI, e.g. they don't do anything otherwise impossible. So most of the development goes to making them friendly, intuitive and eye-candy. Then it comes to my mind it would be simply amazing to skin them through .msstyles files, since there are so many places ...

Having Trouble importing skinned mesh into PaperVision3d 3.0 from COLLADA

I can export just a mesh, but a mesh with a Skin modifier bound to Biped does not work. The skin is not imported as TriangleMesh3D or a skinning class, and is instead a DisplayObject3D class that lacks geometry. No warnings are given. Any idea how I should import a COLLADA file with skinning importation? ...

flex 4: skinning toggle button with images.

Hello. I'm trying to skin a button with images. i added the following css code: .muteVolumeButton { upSkin: Embed(source='images/sound-mute.gif'); overSkin:Embed(source='images/sound-hover.gif'); downSkin: Embed(source='images/sound-on.gif'); disabledSkin: Embed(source='images/sound-mute.gif'); } when the button is c...

Applying Dynamic Styles to Skins in Flex

I have a skin for a scrollbar thumb that I want to be able to style or set properties dynamically. <mx:Panel verticalScrollBarStyleName="verticalScrollBarNoArrows"> </mx:Panel> style.css .verticalScrollBarNoArrows { upArrowSkin: ClassReference(null); downArrowSkin: ClassReference(null); trackSkin: ClassRefere...

Make Windows Integrated Form Style In Delphi 7

Every Delphi 7 developer knows that if he compile a application on Delphi 7, the style will be as Windows 2000 applications, but there is any method to make this better as the application can have the default theme of the Windows version, as C++ and C# applications? ...

How to set multiple cssclass name to a control with theming enabled?

Css supports multiple class names; <hwc:DropDownList ID="ddlRoomType" runat="server" class="invisible blue" EnableTheming="true"> </hwc:DropDownList> Skin file; <%-- Default dropdown appearance --%> <asp:DropDownList runat="server" CssClass="dropDownList" AutoPostBack="true"/> And theming provides extra skinning an...

How do you create a different theme for each server in phpMyAdmin?

Is there any way w/o majorly rewriting the phpMyAdmin source code to have a different theme chosen based on server? I see it's easy to change themes, but it applies to all servers. Reason I'd like to do this is so that when I perform a query on production it shows a different color right there and I won't confuse it with a query on de...

customizing flex MenuBar or removing the hover effect

Is there a way to disable the hover effects? I don't want flex to highlight the entire component for both link buttons and menu bar. On the menubar, I applied a backgroundSkin, so having flex highlight the whole menubar when the user hovers their mouse on top quitely destroys the design. ...

accessing an image in a theme directory from a link tag

I have a link tag which assignes a bookmark icon to the page: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/App_Themes/Default/images/bookmark.ico" type="image/x-icon"/> Currently, it's hard coded to the Default theme, but I want it to change based on the theme that is applied to the web app. How can I point to the current theme directory? ...

Use StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration to set button skins in Flex

Hello all, I am trying to load an swf file which has button skins as images (In the library of the swf file i have given export properties which is 'TickMark') and set the skin of a flex button using StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration. I am getting errors like 'Argument count mismatch on TickMark(). Expected 2, got 0.' This is what i am...