
JQuery slide animation reveal div height issue

Hi, I have added a JQuery slide reveal effect to a page which partially shows the main content div (with text, flash and or images) for a couple of seconds then it animates to reveal the full content div. The scripted animation is added to the ".slide" class div on the page which can have various amount of height based on how much text ...

jquery photo slide

Hey guys, I have an image, when i hover on it i am able to view left and right arrows... when i click an arrow i am changing the source attr of the image using jquery... so i am successful in changing the images on clicking the arrows.. what i want is, how do i get the slide show feel... the animation pat where the current image slides ...

Undesired "flashing" in Jquery dropdown menu?

Hi, I've got the following piece of Jquery: $("#collapse-menu > li > a").click(function() { $(this).toggleClass("expanded").toggleClass("collapsed").find("+ ul").slideToggle("medium"); }); What it basically does is expands or collapses a menu of nested "lists" which contain dropdowns (simplified example): <ul id="collapse-menu">...

slidepanel/hover help

I'm trying to create a menu navigation system from the top of the page. I want it so when I hover over the link, it drops down (the link drops down; so it'd be as if there was a whole field being hidden beyond the 0px mark) with the related field. I've gotten it to work, somehow but it still isn't right. A few issues are: when I hover...

.animate question/help

So, I've built this navigation bar so far and I'm curious if it's even possible to achieve what I'm thinking. Currently, when you hover over each of the links they drop down (padding is increased). Now, what I'm curious in doing is if you hover over say "test1", test2-4 also drop with it but in the padding that has been created from the...

jQuery slide effect

Hi I'm looking for a slide effect for a navigation. But in my opinion the slide effect of jQuery is a little strange, or doesn't really fit my needs. The list items kind of appear but aren't animated (the container is only animated) when I apply the slideDown,slideUp,toggleSlide effect. I would like to have the list items animated as we...

Is there an easier way with jQuery accordions?

I've been struggling with a feature I've been trying to create for sometime. The idea here is that the user sees the little thumbnail + headline, as well as the Posted By information. They can then click on the headline to expand to the article or click on the "Comments" link to expand directly to the comments made on the article. Or, if...

jQuery click event to make a div slide down and push next div out of viewport

I'm trying to figure out how to make jQuery slide #content2 down and replace #content1 with it while making it look like #content1 is actually being pushed down by #content2 removing it from view... Then the same button that was clicked to make #content2 replace #content1 would also need to do the reverse effect by replacing #content2 w...

Is there a way to make Android tabs slide?

Hi all, I'm new to Android development, and I was wondering if anyone knew either how to make Tabs slide, or how to get a similar effect without tabs. I have quite a few tabs in my application, and it does not look good on devices with smaller screens. Or maybe tabs are not what I am looking for. If you don't know what I'm talking about...

jQuery - Moving background arrow in menu

I would expect something like this to be pretty popular in demand but I had much trouble finding a suiting script. I've got a basic menu build like this: <div id="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="#"><img src="images/btn1.png"></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="images/btn2.png"></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="im...

Sliding "pull-down" navigation - what do I use? How do I implement? jQuery?

I'm new to Javascript and jQuery, but I'm learning. Here is what I'd like to accomplish: I have a row of navigation "pull-down" tabs that I'd like to animate. Some sliders will have text links to sub-pages and some will not. The bottom portion of the tab should be clickable to go to the main page. Then the sub-page, text links should al...

jQuery slideDown: Parent element doesn't expand?

Hi, This issue occurs in our beloved Internet Explorer 7: I have a list of items, each with a hidden child div. When user clicks the "expand" button in any list item, the hidden div will expand downwards and push all content beneith it lower. This works just as it should in FF, Chrome, IE8 - but IE7 will not expand the parent element ...

Jquery Superfish menu - How to slide up?

This is the jquery code for superfish menu plugin (after some revisions of mine). I'm looking to add an effect (either through superfish or adventitiously) that would cause the submenus to slide up on mouseout (just as they slide down when you hover a menu-top). jQuery("ul.sf-menu").supersubs({ minWidth: 12, ...

How to create the drag and slide effect from this website?

If you drag and release quickly from the horizontal menu, the menu will auto slide for a distance. It seems to slide more the faster you drag and release. Source -> How do i achieve this effect? Has it got to do with some complex formulaes? ...

Simple Ticker (jQuery)

<ul> <li><a href="#">one</a></li> <li><a href="#">two</a></li> <li><a href="#">three</a></li> </ul> I'd like to show only one li at a time using slide effect, thats it. I'd like to avoid using plugins for something as simple as this. Thanks in advance for your help. ...

jQuery: Animated header

I'm looking for a jQuery plugin that can help me with the following: I have a list of images I want to use for my header but they are pretty big (height especially) and I don't want to resize them to fit my small header div. What I'd want is a plugin that allows the images to start at the bottom of the div (or rather the top of the im...

JS - Dynamic div content, but need a fixed div height.

Hello. I'm using javascript to animate a div collapsing/sliding. The javascript requires the div to have a set height, although the content inside the div is dynamic. How would I go about making it work, as I don't want the div to be any larger than it's meant to. I've set the height of the div like this: <div id="main-div" style="ove...

How do I change the animation style of a jQuery Accordion?

Hi there. Is there a way to change the default animation that jQuery accordion uses? It appears to be "slide" but I'd like to use a Bounce or Drop effect. Here's my current code: $("#accordion").accordion({ autoHeight: false, collapsible: true, event: 'click', active: 4 }); I'd like to change this from a slide to a drop or a bounce....

How to use CSS to ensure items remain offscreen even if window is resized?

I am trying to implement a type of slider using jquery. However this question is about the CSS involved in trying to achieve the functionality. My site design occupies a central column of width 960px. Within this layout there is a central element, that I wish to slide right, on click of a "next" button, and at the same time, another ele...

how can I create "Sliding Page" effect in web Application ?

Looking to implement a solution on a web application but don't know if it is possible. If clicked the menu would take you to the full page with slide(Left to right / right to left). slide looks like iPhone Application. Doe's anyone know of a solution to this problem? ...