
Delay page change on Submit - jQuery

Header $(document).ready(function() { $('#user_box').animate({width: "263px"}, "slow"); $('#submit').click(function(){ $('#user_box').animate({width: "0px"}, "slow"); }); }); Content <div id="user_box"> <form name="login_form" id="login_form" method="post" actio...

iphone slide movement recognizer

Hi, I'm developing a new app and i need to implement a functionality used very often in many apps. I want to implement the functions "next page" / "previous page" with a sliding gesture respectively from left to right for the "next page" case and from right to left in the other. I've seen something about GestureRecognizer that maybe can ...

How to make element scroll with you on page?

I would like to create an element on a website that scrolls as you scroll down the window. In most cases, I know this could easily be solved with some basic css using fixed positioning. The issue is, I would not like it to be in the same space on the screen at all times. I would like it to be a sidebar element that starts with the rest o...

How to animate or slide when replacing image src

I'm creating a gallery where user can browse next previous and reading image name from array like imgNumber1++ if (imgNumber1 == NumberOfImages) imgNumber1 = 0 document.images[refimg].src = img[imgNumber1] It is working fine but I want to animate or slide when replacing image src. How can I do t...

FLASH/AS3: A way to move a MovieClip from one position to another with a bounce effect.

I want to have something like a big still image that you can move by clicking buttons—with a "bouncing" effect. Buttons that moves to an specific position are fine, although additional buttons that allow you to move it freely within a certain restriction is even better. I have an script for it in Actionscript 1.0 I found somewhere eons...

Android: Slide gesture and animation for switching between tabs.

I'm sure this has been answered somewhere, already, but I just can't find it: I have a TabHost with three tabs, each containing different views (not Activities). What I want is to make a swiping gesture from right to left and let the current view slide out to the left and the next view slide in from the right, thus changing the current t...

Jquery slider (wslider)

I am using JQuery plugin to slide images,, i dont want to load all images i am keeping it in an array and when the image is clicked it pass the src to the next image which will be visible now,,, my problem is the src is passed correctly but not showing the image when i restart the slide show then it show that image but the next is still ...

jQuery Panel - slideOut and fadeIn function at the same time problem.

I am working on a php form with some jquery, especially for the error and thank you messages. The jquery part can be viewed here: working example of the form is available here: have to hit the "Formular senden" button to see the message panel. I wanted to make the ...

How to find out if the mouse is over a certain part of an element using jQuery?

I have a div element that is 980px wide and I'd like to be able to trigger an event if the mouse is in the last 100 pixels or so of the div (I want to slide it). I already know how to slide it, but I haven't been able to make something that tells me when the mouse is either in the first 100pixels so it scrolls left or after the 880 so it...

Jquery slide text vertically

Hi, I am trying to make some text scroll vertically using jQuery, I have been following the code example on Please can someone guide me on how to achieve Position the slider vertically Make the text scroll vertically when the slider is moved up or down E...


Hi all! I got a question about TouchDragInside Actions. I have a button which is connected to two actions. The first action is a TouchUpInside-action, which set the view's alpha to 1.0! The second action is a TouchDragInside-action, which should set the alpha from my view to 0.0. But i want that this action happens only after i slid...

iPad slidable panel controll like twitter

Hi All, What would be the mechanism behind twitter iPad application? I feel its having split viewcontroller, viewcontrollers with animation and gesture controls, or there may be scrollviews for endless scrolling. How can I develop same UI for my application? Thanks ...

Click will a) scroll to div, b) open said div and c) load html from another page into that div. How?

I already have the "scroll to" and toggle functions in place: $("a.view").click(function(){ $("#content").slideToggle("slow"); return false; }); And the scrolling is taken care of via this handy little plugin. Now how do I load some html from another page into this newly opened div called #content. I've tried a few things her...

Animate visibility modes, GONE and VISIBLE

So im trying to animate when i set the visibility of a linearlayout with other widgets, from GONE to VISIBLE and the opposite.Im using togglebuttons to show and hide. Here's an image to show what i want to do: view show/hide element I can show and hide, but im not following how can i animate the sliding correctly....:( Heres my xml: ...

jQuery show content using horizontal slide/animate

Hi, I have a small menu that looks like this: Item1 | Item2 | Item3 The menu sits inside a div and floats to the right in the div. When I hover "Item1" I would like a "sub menu" to slide out to the left of the "Item1" item. Item 1.1 : Item 1.2 - Item1 | It...

jquery - how to add/remove class on slideToggle ?

Hello all, I would like to each time the div expands, to add the class 'selecionado' once the expansion is finished. When the contraction is done (the slideUp part) I would like to remove this class. Can I have a help here please? $('#btCategoriaA').click(function() { $('#listaCategoriaA').slideToggle('slow', function() { $('#b...