
Can I use urllib to submit a SOAP request?

I have a SOAP request that is known to work using a tool like, say, SoapUI, but I am trying to get it to work using urllib. This is what I have tried so far and it did not work: import urllib f = "".join(open("ws_request_that_works_in_soapui", "r").readlines()) urllib.urlopen('', f) I haven't been able to...

Performance benchmark: PHP Generated content VS. javascrpt and DOM over AJAX

Hi, For the following pretty straightforward task: query a list of products from a DB and present it on a webpage, consider 2 setups: Setup1: PHP script queries. All content is built on the server and the entire page is served back to the client. Setup2: Static HTML "page skeleton" requesting content using AJAX. Received content is pa...

What is the significance of trailing slashes in a namespace URI?

I have been studying SOAP and WSDL in preparation for implementing a web service. One thing that I have encountered that puzzles me is that some of the URIs that I have seen use a trailing slash such as: while other examples that I have studied omit this trailing slash. I really have several questio...

SugarCRM: Deprecated SOAP API calls?

Is it true that most of the web methods available in SugarCRM's SOAP API are now deprecated and replaced by set_entry() and get_entry() ? For example, if I want to create a new lead should I use create_lead() or should I stick to set_entry() on "Leads" instead? ...

What do you recommend using for graphically visualizing a WSDL?

I'm looking for a good solution for graphically viewing a SOAP-based web service and possibly interacting with it (for testing purposes). Online (browser-based) solutions would be interesting too. ...

How to see SOAP data my client application sends?

I have a project where I have created web service proxy classes with wsdl.exe and then simply create an instance of that class (inherits System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol) and call the method that should send a SOAP message. I'm using Visual Studio 2008 if that matters. And I'm trying this in my development machine wit...

How can I use DIME with WSE 3.0?

I need to make calls to a legacy SOAP API that only supports DIME, but DIME is not supported in WSE 3.0. Unfortunately, WSE 2.0, which supports DIME, is not supported in conjunction with Visual Studio 2005. I understand the reasons for moving to MTOM, but the need to communicate with legacy services does not disappear because a new sta...

Generic Exception over webservices.

I am integrating with MS Dynamics GP WebServices from C# and I am not sure how to handle exception. If I do a GetCustomer with a inexistant ID, the web services return me a "generic" SoapException and the message is "Business object not found." So the only way I see to be sure it's an invalid ID and not any other error, is by parsing th...

A Good C++ Library for SOAP

What are the alternatives for SOAP development in C++? Which one do you prefer and is most supported/modern? ...

Best way to integrate a Rails app with a slow webservice

I need to implement a web client in a Rails app. The existing web service is SOAP and can often take several seconds to respond to requests. Using SOAP4R, the requests block. Is it acceptable to call these blocking methods directly from a rails controller? If not, should the rails controller buffer up commands with a separate service ...

Consuming in Java a .NET Web Service that requires a custom SOAP Header

So I need to consume a Web Service that uses a custom SoapHeader, as described below. What is the simplest way to pass the correct values through this header using Java. I'm using Netbeans. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?\> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="

Get SOAP Message before sending it to the WebService in .NET

I'm calling an external HTTPS webservice. In order to check what is wrong, the owner needs the SOAP request I'm sending. I have a web reference and the generated proxy class generated by VS 2008... Is there a way to see the SOAP message just before sending it? I'm thinking in some .net code... because the Sniffers I tried didn't "see...

Delphi 2007 not consuming JAX-WS web service properly

I'm having an issue with Delphi 2007 when trying to consume a web service I've set up in Java using JAX-WS. The web service can be consumed fine from another Java program and from a C# / ASP.NET 2.0 website. However, when I try to access the same service using the WSDL Importer in Delphi 2007 (17-DEc-2007 patch), the JAX-WS web service d...

Null characters in web service response causes XML document error

It seems there is a bug in SQL Server Integration Services 2005 which, in certain circumstances, converts a zero length string into a single character string whose character happens to be an ansi null, ie. ascii character zero (Please note that this is very different from a sql null). This happens to one of our data load processes so th...

delphi 7 SOAP application stop compiling

Hello there, I don't know why, but a SOAP Server application and a pair of clients of this services stop compiling without any know causes for me. I have installed delphi 2007 and delphi 2009 and I don't know if the cause can come from this. Now when I compile a soap application I get an error like: 'Unit XMLSchema was compiled with a ...

Exceptions from SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke Method .NET web service

I am calling a web service from a C# forms based app. ServReturnType obj = ServProxyClass(int i, int k); I have the potential to get back an exception. The exception could be that the service didn't connect at all, that there was a failure on the receive, but the original message went, or anything in between. I then need to make a dec...

HTTP Content-Type in ASP.Net SoapHttpClientProtocol

Hi there, I have a problem with a Web Service Consumer written in ASP.NET. The error message is: System.InvalidOperationException: Client found response content type of 'application/xml; charset=utf-8', but expected 'text/xml'. The client is based on System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol. We can't change the Content-Ty...

Program to convert wsdl types

Is there a program that converts a RPC/Encoded style WSDL to RPC/literal? ...

Array in a RPC/Literal wsdl

Hi, I was wondering if anyone had an example of what an array would look like in a RPC/literal wsdl? I have a rpc encoded WSDL that I am attempting to convert to rpc/literal and the sticking point are the arrays. How would you convert to an equivalent rpc/literal type (assuming you created an A...

How to post SOAP Request from PHP

Anyone know how can I post a SOAP Request from PHP? ...