
Adding Cookie to ZSI Posts

I've added cookie support to SOAPpy by overriding HTTPTransport. I need functionality beyond that of SOAPpy, so I was planning on moving to ZSI, but I can't figure out how to put the Cookies on the ZSI posts made to the service. Without these cookies, the server will think it is an unauthorized request and it will fail. How can I add ...

Generating a WSDL using Python and SOAPpy

First of all, I will admit I am a novice to web services, although I'm familiar with HTML and basic web stuff. I created a quick-and-dirty web service using Python that calls a stored procedure in a MySQL database, that simply returns a BIGINT value. I want to return this value in the web service, and I want to generate a WSDL that I c...

Public free web services for testing soap client

Are there any publicly available SOAP 1.2/WSDL 2.0 compliant free web services for testing a Python based soap client library (e.g. Zolera SOAP Infrastructure)? So far, it appears to me that Google Web API may be the only option. Otherwise, how can one test a SOAP 1.2 compliant client library? ...

Adding a SOAP header to a SOAPpy request

Does anyone know how to do this? I need to add a header of the form: value1 value2 ...

How to access Yahoo Enterprise Web Services using Python SOAPpy?

Hi everyone. I have a PHP script which works and i need to write the same in Python but SOAPpy generates a slightly different request and i'm not sure how to fix it so the server likes it. The request generated by php script looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlso...

What's wrong with my Python SOAPpy webservice call?

I am playing around trying to call a simple SOAP webservice using the following code in the Python interpreter: from SOAPpy import WSDL wsdl = "" proxy = WSDL.Proxy(wsdl) proxy.soapproxy.config.dumpSOAPOut=1 proxy.soapproxy.config.dumpSOAPIn=1 proxy.GetWhoIS(HostName="") (Yep, I'm ne...

Best SOAP library for Python

I need to connect to a SOAP API in Python. A quick google led me here. Awesome, I thought, that looks perfect. However SOAPpy doesn't work with any moderately recent version of Python, and even if I could fix that, it depends on PyXML, which seems to have dropped off the net. So my question: what is the best library to use to connect to...

How to disable v1 tag in a Web service request with SoapPy?

I'm trying to use SOAPpy to write a web service client. However after defining WSDL object, a call to a web-service method is wrapped in a <v1> .. actual parameters .. </v1> How can I disable this v1 tag? ...

SOAPpy - reserved word in named parameter list

I'm using SOAPpy to access a SOAP Webservice. This call to the function findPathwaysByText works just fine: server.findPathwaysByText (query= 'WP619', species = 'Mus musculus') However, this call to the function login does not: server.login (user='amarillion', pass='*****') Because pass is a reserved word, python won't run this. Is...

Adding Cookie to SOAPpy Request

I'm trying to send a SOAP request using SOAPpy as the client. I've found some documentation stating how to add a cookie by extending SOAPpy.HTTPTransport, but I can't seem to get it to work. I tried to use the example here, but the server I'm trying to send the request to started throwing 415 errors, so I'm trying to accomplish this wit...

python SOAPpy problem

This my code service part class Test: def hello(): return "Hello World" server Part import SOAPpy from first_SOAP import * host = "" port = 5551 SOAPpy.Config.debug = 1 server = SOAPpy.SOAPServer((host, port)) server.registerKWFunction(Test.hello) print "Server Runing" server.serve_forever( Client part ...

Why Python omits attribute in the SOAP message?

I have a web service that returns following type: <xsd:complexType name="TaggerResponse"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="msg" type="xsd:string"></xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="status" type="tns:Status"></xsd:attribute> </xsd:complexType> The type contains one element (msg) and one attribute (sta...

Why the trailing slash in the web service is so important?

I was testing a web service in PHP and Python. The address of the web service was, let's say, When I tested the web service in PHP using that URL everything worked fine. But, when I used the same location but in Python using SOAPpy I got an error. Below is the code I used to communicate with the web s...

Python SOAP clients will not work with this WSDL

Thus far I've tried to access this WSDL: from the two common Python SOAP clients that I'm aware of: SOAPpy and ZSI.client.Binding. SOAPpy raises an exception in PyXML (xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token)) and ZSI raises an exception in the urlparse librar...

SOAPpy installation error.....

Hi i was trying to install SOAPpy module on my mac for python...... i installed xml and fpconst and tried installing this SOAPpy module, but i was getting the error... as below: venj:SOAPpy-0.12.0 venkata$ python build Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 8, in from SOAPpy.version import version File...

How to add header while making soap request using soappy

I have WSDL file, using that i wanted to make soap request which will look exactly like this -- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""&gt; <soap:Header> <AuthSoapH...

Can't call a webservice method using SOAPpy

I am trying to call a webservice using SOAPpy: from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy url = '' server = SOAPProxy(url); print server.GetWeatherByPlaceName('Dallas'); print server.GetWeatherByZipCode ('33126'); The server call fails: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line ...

Is SOAPpy the same thing as SOAPy?

I would normally read the documentation to figure that out, but the links from both websites are on sourceforge and both are 404ing. ...

python soappy add header

I have the following PHP example code: $client = new SoapClient(""); $h = Array(); array_push($h, new SoapHeader("", "h", "v")); $client->__setSoapHeaders($h); $s = $client->__soapCall('Op', $data); My question: what's the SOAPpy equivalent for the SoapHeader() and __setSoa...

Turn SSLchecking off in M2Crypto in Python

Is there a way to turn off SSL checking so that WrongHost Exceptions are not generated when using SOAPpy in python. ...