
Can I use SOAPUI for concurrency testing?

I am trying to test my web service using SOAPUI (the free version). For testing concurrency, I wished to fire concurrent threads from SOAPUI onto the service. But with the options, the thread count increases gradually (even in the burst mode). The machine where SOAPUI is installed is a WinXP machine. Can I actually do the concurrency tes...

How to make jetty-maven-plugin deploy a war that is retrieved from a repository?

Hi there. I'm setting up an integration test module for a good sized web project. The integration test module is separated from the web project itself, and it has it's own pom. The idea is to use the maven-soapui-plugin to send requests and verify the response. Setting up the soapui-plugin is no hassle. However, I'm having trouble with...

SoapUI Web Service Request using Public Key Certificate

I have a WSDL for a Web Service and a Public Key Certificate in the shape of a .cer file. I need to get SoapUI to encrypt the service request with the public key of the certificate. How do I do this? ...

fail soapUI test case using groovy but dont abort

I have a number of test cases using groovy. I want to be able to have the test case fail but to carry on with the rest of the script. Tried using: "It didn't work" ) also tried assert false : "It didn't work" but they both abort the test case even if the abort on error is unchecked. Any ideas? ...

soapui teardown script to reset request

Hi, I have a request which I am changing using some groovy and property transfers. However after the test case has finished I would like to reset that request to its original code. I am guessing I do this using groovy but am not sure how. The setup is as follows: TestSuite1 has a property which is the request. TestCase1 has a number...

SOAPUI: Document Type Webservices Testing.

Hi , I am new to SOAP UI usage. I would like to test one of the webservices generated using weblogic 8.1 SP 6. The webservice is a document type webservice. Is there any way to test this webservice using SOAP UI ?? Or is there any tool which helps to test document type webservices?? Thanks in advance. ...

Issues using SoapUI with Eclipse

I get the following in the Error log when using the latest SoapUI 3.5. plugin in Eclipse Galileo on Ubuntu. Also, this seems to continually freeze Eclipse. I have tried a complete uninstall and restarting Eclipse with -clean argument to no avail. Has anyone encountered the same issue? Is there anything I can do to fix this? Could not...

Soap Ui serialization error

a:DeserializationFailed The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The InnerException message was 'There was an error deserializing the object of type PerformanceManagement.BusinessObjects.Alert...

Good tool to test WCF service (not SOAP/HTTP webservice)

I recently found SOAPUI and discovered that it is just a great tool for testing any SOAP/HTTP service. Conventionally, we have been developing our own driver to test our services (WCF based netTCP binding) so far. But with SOAPUI experience, I am really looking for some such tool that can be used with such ease with built-in facilities f...

Soapui mocking services which return json

Microsoft Ajax can expose webservices which respond with json or xml depending on configuration. I would like to mock these services using soap ui. Using the wsdl I can do this to mock the services in the case where xml is returned, however how can I mock the response when JSON is returned? ...

How to create a valid schema in a WSDL that restrict to <|<=|>|>=

This is what I have in my schema section of my WSDL to specify the field has to be comparison operators <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:pattern value="&lt;|&gt;|&lt;=|&gt;=|="/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:s...

How to return dynamic response in SoapUI MockService

Hi, I am new to SoapUI and have just configured a very simple MockService. Is it possible to manipulate the response so that for a particular request the response's elements are dynamically built up? Scenario 1: Request: <record> <identifier>ID1</identifier> </record> Response: <response> <child1>child 1</child1> </response> ...

Groovy MarkupBuilder causing java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError on closure in soapUI

I am not able to get the Groovy MarkupBuilder to work with soapUI. I am very new to Groovy and I am just following one of the user guides on creating XML. Testing a very simple method: public String Example(){ def writer = new StringWriter() def root = new MarkupBuilder(writer) root.mkp.xmlDeclaration(version:"1.0", encoding:"UTF-8") r...

How to add complex data type from Groovy script to the response in SoapUI

My question is about putting data elements (from groovy script) in the response in SoapUI. I've an array of data that I would like to put in my response (in different tags/elements) I'm aware of putting a simple element like this: The element "MyName" in the Xml response: <ns:MyName>${MyName}</ns:MyName> Is mapped from the Groov...

SOAPUI & Groovy Scripts, executing multiple SQL statements in one go

Hi, I've got some soapUI tests, that use groovy scripts to first insert some data into a table Previously, I've been using the following snippet of code to do this : def conn = context.dbConnEtopup conn.execute( "INSERT INTO A(ID, NAME) VALUES (1, "Johnny")" ) This works fine, however I have many test scripts that now d...

Property transfers in soapui

I'm trying to write parallel tests in soapui and need to transfer properties between the test steps I currently have 3 tests steps: Execute legacy request Execute new request XML diff the two responses in a groovy script I've found a lot of blogs about picking values out with xpaths, but nothing about passing the full response throu...

soapUI: Revalidate (recorded) Request/Response pair

Is there a way to record a response (even non permanently during one "test-session") in a way that I can use an assertion like "please validate that the (new) response is exactly like this (old recorded) one". The use case is a regression test for changes which apply to several web services, which then have to be retested to be sure ther...

How to import existing SOAP request messages to SoapUI?

I have a bunch of SOAP request messages in XML format. Is there a way to import them to a SoapUI project? I want to import them and add as "Test Request" Test Step to an existing Test Case. ...

Mapping complex datatypes to model classes (SOAP)

I'm writing SOAP web service tests in Groovy/soapUI (the web service heavily takes advantage of complex datatypes). To make my life easier I'm looking for solutions to map complex datatypes to model classes in Groovy. Are there any automated solutions for this task, or do I need to write my own conversions? I'm relatively new to SOAP an...

FaultTypes in SoapUI

Hi, SoapUI project created by using WSDL.. with definitions for Faults with complex types <xsd:element name="Fault" type="FaultType"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> </xsd:element> In Mock Response edit window, when I create a Fault response, it prompts to choose the fault ...