
SOLR - wildcard search with capital letter

I have a problem with SOLR searching. When i`am searching query: dog* everything is ok, but when query is Dog*(with first capital letter), i get no results. Any advice? My config: <fieldType name="text" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100"> <analyzer type="index"> <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/> ...

Geronimo vs Glassfish

For a production environment, is Apache Geronimo better for applications that uses ActiveMQ, Derby, Solr? ...

override an already declared filter by using weboverride.xml in jetty

Solr declares a filter in its web.xml which handles the request (actually handles it, not just intercept it). Hence any filter that I add to my web context using jetty's weboverride.xml technique does not work, because the request never reaches my filter. I need to add a filter before Solr's filter to this web application, and I do not w...

Solr - with LocalSolr for GIS Support Installation problems

Hello, I'm having trouble installing the LocalSolr component into my Solr setup. I'm running Solr on the following setup: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Apache Tomcat 6 Solr is running great guns.. however when trying to install the LocalSolr i'm getting the following message when trying to go to the Solr Admin Page: Dec 8, 20...

Which is the better client for Solr + PHP?

I have two options I read it somewhere that that 2) use JSON as output types whereas 1) use XML doc. Isn't that a property of Solr which returns doc both in JSON and XML? What other features do I have to consider before deciding? ...

db:migrate without loading models

Is it possible to do a "rake db:migrate" or "rake db:schema:load" without it loading all my models first? I'm using the acts_as_solr plugin, and it requires that the table exists before the model can be loaded. This is probably a bug in acts_as_solr, but the only workaround I found is to uncomment the acts_as_solr line in my model, run ...

how to use solr with mysql and php?

i read about how i could use solr to search in my threads but i dont quite understand how it works and i cant find any articles explaining this for a total beginner. could someone explain briefly how solr works and how it communicate with mysql and php? ...

solr with jquery ajax?

is it possible to use jquery ajax to send GET variables to Solr and update the content page so the user doesnt have to reload the page? ...

which solrconfig.xml file is it?

i have just unzipped SOLR zip file downloaded from their website. and it says in the tutorial i have to edit the solrconfig.xml file. there are several in different locations. which one is it? and where should i have this root folder? inside my web space? LICENSE.txt README.txt client contrib docs lib CHANGES.txt NOTICE.txt b...

how to import mysql tables to SOLR

i can never understand how solr works. it just talks about schema files all the way but how do i import content from the database to it with a painless method? i have tried to figure it out by reading their tutorials but it just mess up my head. its written for the Einsteins out there cause apparently there are a lot of people who als...

entity, document and fields corresponds to?

when using solr i often come across these 3 words. what do they correspond to in a database. and while we are on it..does one create an xml file of the whole database with multiple tables and them import it to solr? ...

Installing SOLR 1.4 with plug-ins on Windows

Hey guys I installed Tomcat, and got SOLR version 1.3 working no problem by copying the "conf" directory from the "example" directory in the 1.3 release files. Now I've just downloaded the SOLR 1.4 release, but can't get it to work. I've noticed the new solrconfig.xml file in the 1.4 release "example" directory has some new settings w...

Cheat sheets for Lucene/Solr?

Is there any cheat sheet out there for Lucene/Solr query parameters, schema.xml elements (all the analyzers, tokenizers, etc.)? Or somewhere else I can find ALL query parameters? I cant find any with Google. ...

solr wont work with jquery

When I enter 'http://localhost:8983/solr/select/?q=body%3Ahello` in the URL field I get all the correct results. but when I'm using jquery code: $.post(http://localhost:8983/solr/select/?q=body:hello, function(data){ alert(data); }); OR $.post('http://localhost:8983/solr/select/?, {q: 'body:hello'}, function(data){ ale...

php of jquery to access solr?

im a beginner in using solr. i know that you can either use ajax solr or solr-php-client to get the search results from solr. but which should i use or are there occasions you have to choose one of them? for example, which one is a better solution for autocompletion and which one is better for search content in threads? would appreci...

keep relational database structure in solr index?

I was able to import data through solr DIH. In my database I have 4 tables: threads: id, user_id, country_id tags: id thread_tag_map: thread_id, tag_id countries: id posts: id, thread_id i want each document in solr to consist of: thread_id tag_id country_id post_id for example: thread_id: 1 tag_id: 23 tag_id: 34 country_id: ...

unique key issue in solr

in my solr index i have in each document: tag_name thread_name i have no id for unique key and i cant turn it off because then solr says that queryelevationcomponent needs one. even if i add tag_id or thread_id it wont work because they got identical id. = 1 and = 1. how should i get around this issue? ...

Solr Facet Range with Integers

My index contains peoples information, name, age, phone email etc. I am faceting on Age. I group ages kinda like Date Range functionality. My ranges are: 0 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 etc etc When I do a query: ?q=*:*&facet=true&fq=age:[21+TO+30] It returns all the ages I want in the range 21 to 30, but ...

search engine (solr/sphinx) question

i want to make my threads content searchable with full text search engines like solr. but i wonder one thing. should i index just the thread.title, thread.body and post.body or should i index username, created date, nr of posts, views, country, region and city too that belongs to thread? i mean when an user search for a thread he will ...

ajax solr question

i followed the ajax solr tutorial, and in step one i wrote this code. header.php: <script type="text/javascript" src="static/js/ajax-solr/core/Core.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="static/js/ajax-solr/core/AbstractManager.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="static/js/ajax-solr/managers/Manager.jquery.js">...