
PHP Sorting

I am trying to sort an associative array which has multiple vales per entry. For example [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => node [sid] => 158 [score] => 0.059600525242489 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => node [sid] => 247 [score] => 0.059600525242489 ) I want the array sorted by 'score' (highest score is first index) How would I...

How may I sort a list alphabetically using jQuery?

I'm a bit out of my depth here and I'm hoping this is actually possible. I'd like to be able to call a function that would sort all the items in my list alphabetically. I've been looking through the jQuery UI for sorting but that doesn't seem to be it. Any thoughts? ...

C#: Is a SortedDictionary sorted when you enumerate over it?

A SorteDictionary is according to MSDN sorted on the key. Does that mean that you can be sure that it will be sorted when you enumerate it in a foreach? Or does it just mean that the SortedDictionary works that way internally to have better performance in various cases? ...

Remove dupes/sort from a Array of Associative Arrays in PHP

I have a array of associative arrays aa[] = ('Tires'=>100, 'Oil'=>10, 'Spark Plugs'=>4 ); aa[] = ('Tires'=>454, 'Oil'=>43, 'Spark Plugs'=>3 ); aa[] = ('Tires'=>34, 'Oil'=>55, 'Spark Plugs'=>44 ); aa[] = ('Tires'=>454, 'Oil'=>43, 'Spark Plugs'=>45 ); aa[] = ('Tires'=>34, 'Oil'=>55, 'Spark Plugs'=>433 ); aa[] = ('Tires'=>23, 'Oil'=>33...

Sort DBGrid by clicking column's title

Well, this seems a little tricky (if not imposible). I'm tryin to make my DBGrid sort its data by clicking on column's title. The thing is that I'm (sadly) working with Delphi3, I'm not using ADO DataSets and the query gets a lot of rows, thus I can't reopen my TQuery changing the "order by" clause on clicks. Someone has implemented so...

Lua - Sorting a table alphabetically

I have a table that is filled with random content that a user enters. I want my users to be able to rapidly search through this table, and one way of facilitating their search is by sorting the table alphabetically. Originally, the table looked something like this: myTable = { Zebra = "black and white", Apple = "I love them!", Coin =...

Resources on the newest Java sort algorithm

Where can I find1 information resources, and probably, the source code for that new adaptive mergesort based sort algorithm mentioned by Joshua Bloch on his Devvox 2008 interview, and is mentioned as a RFE report too? 1 Remark: I used my favorite search engine, and its largest competitor too, without satisfactory result other than the R...

Database records added to top of table instead of bottom using LINQ

Hello I've currently got a program which retrieves WMI information and stores it to a database, after a certain period of time older records are then deleted. Currently I'm having my program delete records over 10 mintues old and it checks this every 2 mintues after populating the database with new information. In another timer which run...

Best continuously sorting algorithm?

I have a set of double-precision data and I need their list to be always sorted. What is the best algorithm to sort the data as it is being added? As best I mean least Big-O in data count, Small-O in data count (worst case scenario), and least Small-O in the space needed, in that order if possible. The set size is really variable, fro...

How does the MapReduce sort algorithm work?

Hi, One of the main examples that is used in demonstrating the power of MapReduce is the Terasort benchmark. I'm having trouble understanding the basics of the sorting algorithm used in the MapReduce environment. To me sorting simply involves determining the relative position of an element in relationship to all other elements. So sor...

Sorting SPARQL results by date

Is there a way to sort the results by creation date? Example query which must be sortet: SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} limit 200 ...

Merge sorted lists in python

I have a bunch of sorted lists of objects, and a comparison function class Obj : def __init__(p) : self.points = p def cmp(a, b) : return a.points < b.points a = [Obj(1), Obj(3), Obj(8), ...] b = [Obj(1), Obj(2), Obj(3), ...] c = [Obj(100), Obj(300), Obj(800), ...] result = magic(a, b, c) assert result == [Obj(1), Obj(...

Sorting in a php array

I have this code that prints out columns in my DB and adds a column "Profit" for me. Distance is calculated in a complex way and so is done in a loop, while the transformation of distance to "profit" is done as it is printed out. What I wish to do is print them out in descending order of "profit". I believe (but do not know) that the be...

c# looping object creation

I'm very new with c#, and was previously attempting to ignore classes and build my small program structurally more similar to PHP. After reaching a road block, I'm trying to start over and approach the problem properly OO. I'm taking a long file, and in a loop, every time certain conditions are met, I want to make a new object. How can I...

How do I sort a query object in ColdFusion 7?

I have a query object, with, say, fifteen rows returned. For all intents and purposes, I can't modify the SQL which generates the query object, but I need to sort this query object by column. Is there a way to do this in ColdFusion 7 without resorting to an external library? Edit: I should add: I've run a query on this query object, and...

Is there a good library for sorting a large array of numbers in C?

If I have a large array of integers or floats, what is a good algorithm/ implementation for sorting (in C)? It is a bit late in the game for an edit... but I am looking for correctness and speed. ...

Touch files from Z->A with a delay

I need to do a touch of several files in a directory in reverse alphabetical order, with a 1 second delay. These files have spaces in their names. I've tried this: ls | sort -r | tr '\012' '\000' | xargs -0 touch and this: #!/bin/bash for i in $(ls -r); do touch "$i" sleep 1 done but the first makes it too quick and doesn...

Sort ruby array by updated_at

Hello, all I want to do, is to fetch the lastest item from my models and have them in an array sorted (freshest items first) by the attribute "updated_at". Somewhere is an error, but I can't find it: @results = Note.find(:all, :limit => 3, :order => "created_at DESC").each do |item| @results << item end Pictur...

Should use an insertion sort or construct a heap to improve performance?

We have large (100,000+ elements) ordered vectors of structs (operator < overloaded to provide ordering): std::vector < MyType > vectorMyTypes; std::sort(vectorMyType.begin(), vectorMyType.end()); My problem is that we're seeing performance problems when adding new elements to these vectors while preserving sort order. At the moment ...

WPF ListView - Sorting by Nested Properties

I have recently stumbled across an issue where the WPF ListView control seems to be restricting the ability to sort its items. Specifically, I am having a great deal of trouble trying to get a SortDescription to recognise nested properties (properties of properties). For straight-forward sorting by propreties, the following line should ...