
Sorting two-way cell connections with priority

I have a two dimensional grid of cells. In this simulation, cells may request to switch position with another cell. The request also has a priority. The problem is that Im having a hard time coming up with a good way to structure this. If A wants to switch with B, and B also wants to switch with A, they currently can be switched and swi...

Unix sort treatment of underscore character

Hi, I have two linux machines, on which unix sort seems to behave differently. I believe I've narrowed it down to the treatment of the underscore character. If I run sort tmp, where tmp contains the following two lines: aa_d_hh aa_dh_ey one machine outputs aa_d_hh aa_dh_ey (i.e. '_' precedes 'h') while the other outputs aa_dh_e...

The C programming language 2. ed. question

I'm reading the well known book "The C programming Language, 2nd edition" and there is one exercise that I'm stuck with. I can't figure out what exactly needs to be done, so I would like for someone to explain it to me. It's Exercise 5-17: Add a field-searching capability, so sorting may be done on fields within lines, each field sor...

PHP: Sorting array with natsort

I have a PHP script that creates a thumbnail and lists an image gallery. The problem I'm having is that it lists it by timestamp on the server but I want it to list 'naturally'. <?php # SETTINGS $max_width = 100; $max_height = 100; $per_page = 24; $page = $_GET['page']; $has_previous = false; $has_next = false; function getPictures()...

How can I sort a dd/mm/yyyy formatted date by month using Perl?

I have a list of dd/mm/yyyy dates stored in a hash that I need to sequentially print out in order of date by month. Here is the relevant excerpt. use feature 'say'; for my $date (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %data) { say $date; } This outputs: 16/07/2008 16/08/2008 16/09/2008 17/07/2008 17/08/2008 17/09/2008, etc. when what I need is... sorting Gridview custom datasource type

It seems that the only way to sort my gridview is by binding it to a datasource or datatable. I binded mine with a user custom list type and in this situation i can not convert my gridview datasource to a datatable or dataview. Is there any fast way, how to do this? Regards ...

Problems with a simple dependency algorithm

In my webapp, we have many fields that sum up other fields, and those fields sum up more fields. I know that this is a directed acyclic graph. When the page loads, I calculate values for all of the fields. What I'm really trying to do is to convert my DAG into a one-dimensional list which would contain an efficient order to calculate th...

Sort images based on content

Hello everyone, I have a bunch of images I would like to sort automatically. These are screenshots from a videogames, so there are parts of the images that never change. Is there a simple/quick way to sort those images, based on rules such as "if there is this bunch of pixels in the right hand corner, put in folder N#1", "if the middle...

How to keep items sorted based on dynamic attribute?

I'm using an STL std::multiset<> as a sorted list of pointers. The sort order is determined by a property of the items being pointed to, something along the lines of this simplified example: struct A { int x; }; bool CompareAPointers(const A* lhs, const A* rhs) { return lhs->x < rhs->x; } std::multiset<A*, CompareAPointers> sorted_...

jQuery: Sort a table column not rows.

I want to sort a table by column's head field. Means I want to keep the rows at same place but order of columns should be sort based on column heading field(td). For Example: table before sorting: assign1|assign3|assign2|assign4| assign1|assign3|assign2|assign4| assign1|assign3|assign2|assign4| assign1|assign3|assign2|assign4| assign1...

custom sorting or ordering a table without resorting the whole shebang

for ten years we've been using the same custom sorting on our tables, i'm wondering if there is another solution which involves fewer updates, especially since today we'd like to have a replication/publication date and would'nt like to have our replication replicate unnecessary entries. i had a look into nested sets, but it does'nt seem ...

How can I make a template column of WPF Toolkit's DataGrid sortable?

Hi! My application uses the DataGrid of WPF Toolkit. Standard column headers are clickable (when I move over them with the mouse, also some effect appears), but the headers of template columns don't have this behaviour. The sorting event is not fired when I'm clicking on the header and there is also no visual effect. <Controls:DataGrid...

Sorting a collection of objects

If I have a simple list of Strings: List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>(); I can sort it with: Collections.sort(stringList); But suppose I have a Person class: public class Person { private String name; private Integer age; private String country; } And a list of it: List<Person> personList = new ArrayList<...

DataTable.DefaultView.Sort Doesn't Sort

I am confused on DataTable.DefaultView.Sort. Here is the segment of the code I want to use it in. actionLogDT.DefaultView.Sort = "StartDate"; foreach (CustomerService.ActionLogStartEndRow logRow in actionLogDT) { // code here } The samples I have seen don't use the foreach loop and thus is confusing me on how to process this. It is...

quicksort in C++ is slow

Hi I have 9 values in the form of a matrix and need to compute the median from these values as part of a simulation process. I use quicksort in C++ (i.e qsort()) which results in the process running slow (as this process iterates several times). Is there a better sorting algorithm that I could use? Thanks. Bi. ...

How to sort the result set of an UPDATE statement that uses the OUTPUT clause?

The title says it all. I'd like to sort the rows returned by an UPDATE statement, but there's no direct way to do this according to the msdn page for the OUTPUT Clause, which says: SQL Server does not guarantee the order in which rows are processed and returned by DML statements using the OUTPUT clause. Since I can't just tack "or...

Python: sorting a dictionary of lists

Still learning python (finally!) and can't quite wrap my head around this one yet. What I want to do is sort a dictionary of lists by value using the third item in the list. It's easy enough sorting a dictionary by value when the value is just a single number or string, but this list thing has me baffled. Example: myDict = { 'item1' ...

Very confused... problem using 'annotate' in Django

So I have two models, a Ranking model and a UserRanking model. The app centers on people taking a list of items and ranking them (ex: "Best Movies of 2008"). The Ranking model is the overall aggregate ranked list, which is calculated from all the different UserRankings that people create for that list. So for each Ranking, there are a bu...

Wordpress order/sort problem

Hi, The Problem: I would like to sort my posts based on custom fields, when the user clicks on a link. I don't know if there is a parameter that can be passed via url to reorder posts. Comparison: I would like it to work similar to how you can sort songs in iTunes. The user simply clicks the "Artist" button and the songs are reorder al...

How to get the biggest numbers out from huge amount of numbers?

Hi, I'd like to get the biggest 100 elements out from 100000000 numbers(may be more) in a list. So I don't want to do a sort and pick up the first 100 elements to avoid memory issue. Sorting will consume much memory and time. Any existing choice? What I want is following function instead of a pure sort. Actually I don't want waste ...