
Pre-sorting analysis algorithm?

It's a well-known isssue with Quicksort that when the data set is in or almost in sort order, performance degrades horribly. In this case, Insertion Sort, which is normally very slow, is easily the best choice. The question is knowing when to use which. Is there an algorithm available to run through a data set, apply a comparison fact...

Flex Dictionary Sorting

I have the following dictionary in flex, and i d like to sort it by value. Couldn't find any resource. '1'=>2, '0' =>1, '3'=>4 .. Any ideas ? How can i sort this by value ? ...

comparing a GUID so I can sort by GUID

what's a nice, fast way to sort a list of GUIDs (as TGuid). i thought i'd just use SysUtils.CompareMem(P1, P2: Pointer; Length: Integer): Boolean; until i realized it returns boolean. i'd wish for something comparable to CompareText( ) or CompareValue( ) that return integer so it can be used in a sort comparison. i suppose not many pe...

Reading in and Writing out in Java Program Question

Hello, this isn't a general question about read or write. I have written a program in Java to read in a text file of some metadata from images. They contain names and a long list of them sometimes over 4000 names. Unfortunately, many of these names are the same and so I wrote a program that takes the list in a .txt file and gets rid of t...

Quicksort superiority over Heap Sort

Heap Sort has a worst case complexity is O(nlog) n wnile Quicksort is O(n^2). But emperical evidences say quicksort is superior. Why is that?? ...

Sorting a very large text file in Java

Hi, I have a large text file I need to sort in Java. The format is: word [tab] frequency [new line] The algorithm for sorting is: Read some of the file, filtering for purlely alphabetic words. Once you have X number of alphabetic words, call Collections.sort and write the result to a file. Repeat until you have finished reading the f...

Sorting output with awk, and formatting it.

I'm trying to format the output of ls -la to only contain files modified in December and output them nicely, this is what they currently look like: ls -la | awk {'print $6,$7,$8,$9,$10'} | grep "Dec" | sort -r | head -5 Dec 4 20:15 folder/ Dec 4 19:51 ./ Dec 4 17:42 Folder\ John/ Dec 4 16:19 Homework\ MAT\ 08/ Dec 4 16:05 Folder\ Smith...

Which Sorting Algorithm used in .NET Array's Sort method ? (Array.Sort( ))

Which sorting algorithm is used in .NET's Array Sort method ? (Array.Sort( )) ...

Manually sorting a linked list in Java (lexically)

I am implementing my own linked list in Java. The node class merely has a string field called "name" and a node called "link". Right now I have a test driver class that only inserts several names sequentially. Now, I am trying to write a sorting method to order the nodes alphabetically, but am having a bit of trouble with it. I found...

Bubble-Sort with 2D Array

Howdy, I do know how to implement a simple bubble-sort for 1dimensional array. But with 2dimensional or multidimensional, that's where I have my problems. So far I've been using this to sort 1Dimensional Arrays, works like a charm. But mostly with integer numbers, not strings: boolean sort; do{ sort = true; for (int i = 0; i < test...

Sort Ascending or Descending inside a Bubble-Sort

After this was answered I continued to work my way through the code. It work's perfect this way: static String[][] bubbleSort(String customerdata[][], int sortafter, int asc) { String temp []; boolean sort; do{ sortiert = true; for (int i = 0 ; i < customerdata.length - 1; i++){ if(customerdata[i][sortafter].compa...

Excel Find Speed vs. VBA binary Search?

How good/fast is Excel VBA's Find vs. binary search? My platform is Office 11|2003 and I'll be searching for strings against Column A on three sheets of values. Total number of rows ~140,000 If worth it which Library & functions should I reference to do the sorting and then the binary search? Binary searching strings/text reportedly ...

Sortable combo box with columns

Hi, I have a combo with more than one value in it (different bindings from the same source) I would like to create a combo box where the user could sort by those columns and also include a header to clarify the informations Example : Item No | Name | Rank 00 | foo | 0 01 | bar | 2 02 | too | 1 We could sort by Item ...

C# Sort List by multiple conditions

I need to sort some soccer standings. My problem is how to sort in the right order. Sortorder: Points DESC Approximation match Goal difference DESC Goals scored DESC Goals against Input: TeamName - Points - GoalsScored - GoalsAgainst Team 1 - 1 - 4 - 7 Team 2 - 5 - 8 - 6 Team 3 - 1 - 2 - 10 Team 4 - 8 - 12 - 5 Team 5 - 5 - 7 - 4...

JQuery Help Needed for ID order given N Rows

Hi. I am trying to add a function that, when a user clicks "remove", 1) updates the numbers in the left-most column 2) updates the id order 3) updates the alternating color scheme I need help with 1) I am able to update the number row but it currently updates for all rows, even if there isn't anything there. Can somebody show me ho...

Generating sorted random ints without the sort?

Just been looking at a code golf question about generating a sorted list of 100 random integers. What popped into my head, however, was the idea that you could generate instead a list of positive deltas, and just keep adding them to a running total, thus: deltas: 1 3 2 7 2 ints: 1 4 6 13 15 In fact, you would use floats, then norm...

Drag & Drop Javascript sortable with moving marker?

I am searching through "drag & drop sortable" Javascript libraries such as Prototype's sortable, JQuery's sortable, and a number of standalone ones. I feature that I can't find (but know it's out there) is, I can't think of a better word, "delayed" sorting so that when I move an item around on the list, it will not be moved immediately,...

Gridview sort reveals far more than anticipated!!!

Hello all, I need some help here, I'm currently going round in circles. I have a gridview that is populated based upon a radio button item selected : protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (radTopx.SelectedValue == "" || txtbxHowMany.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Ensure that BOTH 'The N...

Actionscript: Sorting ArrayCollection by date: YYYY-MM-DD

I have an ArrayCollection of Objects. Each Object has the following keys/values: {date: 2009-12-01, visits=13555, bouceRate=45} {date: 2009-12-05, visits=46955, bouceRate=45} {date: 2009-12-06, visits=13685, bouceRate=45} {date: 2009-12-02, visits=13685, bouceRate=45} {date: 2009-12-04, visits=68755, bouceRate=45} {date: 2009-12-03, vis...

Sorting a table in PHP

Hi, I have some difficulty sorting my array. It looks like this : [0] => Array ( [firstname] => Jnic [lastname] => Fortin [points] => Array ( [id] => 20453 [f] => 31 [r] => 7 [tota...