
Virtual methods as Comp function to sort

Hello everyone! I'm new to C++ and i'm trying to use std::sort function to sort a vector of Solutions. The code is something like this (solution list is a *vector): void SolutionSet::sort(Comparator &comparator) { std::sort(solutionsList_->begin(), solutionsList_->end(), &comparator::compare); } The comparator param is a Comparat...

Prevent initial array from sorting

I have an array where the order of the objects is important for when I finally output the array in a document. However, I'm also sorting the array in a function to find the highest value. The problem is that I after I run the function to find the highest value, I can't get the original sort order of the array back. // html document va...

A Digg-like rotating homepage of popular content, how to include date as a factor?

I am building an advanced image sharing web application. As you may expect, users can upload images and others can comments on it, vote on it, and favorite it. These events will determine the popularity of the image, which I capture in a "karma" field. Now I want to create a Digg-like homepage system, showing the most popular images. It...

C++ sort method

I want to sort a vector using std::sort, but my sort method is a static method of a class, and I want to call std::sort outside it, but it seems to be trouble doing it this way. On the class: static int CompareIt(void *sol1, void *sol2) { ... } std::sort call: sort(,, &...

Sorting a 2-D hash in reverse order

I have a 2-d hash.I need to sort each sub-hash by value in descending order. hsh={"a"=>{0=>1, 1=>2}} output= {"a"=>{1=>2,0=>1}} Thanks & Cheers ! ...

How do I display a Wicket Datatable, sorted by a specific column by default?

Hello everyone! I have a question regarding Wicket's Datatable. I am currently using DataTable to display a few columns of data. My table is set up as follows: DataTable<Column> dataTable = new DataTable<Column>("columnsTable", columns, provider, maxRowsPerPage) { @Override protected Item<Column> newRowItem(St...

Does Array.sort changes references in C#?

In my C# code, I have a array of objects. And many of these objects are referenced in another class. If Array.sort method is used to somehow sort this array of objects, then will it affect those references? Is it same for the arrays and lists? ...

Interview Q: sorting an almost sorted array (elements misplaced by no more than k)

I was asked this interview question recently: You're given an array that is almost sorted, in that each of the N elements may be misplaced by no more than k positions from the correct sorted order. Find a space-and-time efficient algorithm to sort the array. I have an O(N log k) solution as follows. Let's denote arr[0..n) to mean ...

Algorithm - combine multiple lists, resulting in unique list and retaining order

I want to combine multiple lists of items into a single list, retaining the overall order requirements. i.e.: 1: A C E 2: D E 3: B A D result: B A C D E above, starting with list 1, we have ACE, we then know that D must come before E, and from list 3, we know that B must come before A, and D must come after B and A. If there are con...

C++ struct sorting error

I am trying to sort a vector of custom struct in C++ struct Book{ public:int H,W,V,i; }; with a simple functor class CompareHeight { public: int operator() (Book lhs,Book rhs) { return lhs.H-rhs.H; } }; when trying : vector<Book> books(X); ..... sort(books.begin(),books.end(), CompareHeight()); it gives me e...

problem in leigeber's sorting

iam using leigeber's sorting javascript to sort my data on my page......i took the js from here :- leigeber's sorting javascript Now this is shwoing highlighted sorted column and all and its all perfect.Now iam having some negative and some positive values in my data and i want to show those negative data in red color and positive in g...

Python: sort a list and change another one consequently

I have two lists: one contains a set of x points, the other contains y points. Python somehow manages to mix the x points up, or the user could. I'd need to sort them by lowest to highest, and move the y points to follow their x correspondants. They are in two separate lists.. how do I do it? ...

[PHP Array] - Sorting data and print out in alphabetic order

Hi all, I got an array which contains some data like this: $arrs = Array("ABC_efg", "@@zzAG", "@$abc", "ABC_abc") I was trying to print the data out in this way (Printing in alphabetic order): [String begins with character A] ABC_abc ABC_efg [String begins with character other than A to Z] @$abc @@zzAG I don't know how to do it. ...

Merging multiple array then sorting by array value count

Hi, Please help me, i need to merge multiple arrays then sorting it by array value count. Below is the problem: $array1 = array("abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl", "mno"); $array2 = array("mno", "jkl", "mno", "ghi", "pqr", "stu"); $array3 = array_merge($array1, $array2); $array4 = ??? print_r($array4); I want the returns of $array4 like thi...

retrieve the 2 highest item from a list containing 100 000 integers

Hi everyone, How can retrieve the 2 highest item from a list containing 100 000 integers. You do understand without having to sort the entire list. ...

How can I sort a DataGridTemplateColumn on a WPF Toolkit DataGrid?

I have a WPF Toolkit DataGrid with one DataGridTemplateColumn. I've specified in a grid attribute that I wish all columns to be sortable, but the DataGridTemplateColumn won't allow it. All other columns do allow sorting. I've even tried explicitly setting CanUserSort to true for that column, but no luck. Is it even possible to sort a tem...

How to sort an array or ArrayList<Point> ASC first by x and then by y?

Hi everyone, I just want to use Collections.sort or Arrays.sort to sort a list of points (class Point) by x first and then by y. I have a class Ponto that implements Comparable like this: public int compareTo(Ponto obj) { Ponto tmp = obj; if (this.x < tmp.x) { return -1; } else if (this.x > tmp.x) {...

Sorting objects in Python

I want to sort objects using by one of their attributes. As of now, I am doing it in the following way USpeople.sort(key=lambda person: person.utility[chosenCar],reverse=True) This works fine, but I have read that using operator.attrgetter() might be a faster way to achieve this sort. First, is this correct? Assuming that it is correc...

Sort data in C language

I need little help on following requirement, as I know very little about C syntax. I have data in a file like this 73 54 57 [52] 75 73 65 [23] 65 54 57 [22] 22 59 71 [12] 22 28 54 [2] 65 22 54 73 [12] 65 28 54 73 [52] 22 28 65 73 [42] 65 54 57 73 [22] 22 28 54 73 [4] Where values in bracket denotes the occurrence of that series. I ne...

ICollectionView.SortDescriptions sort does not work if underlying DataTable has zero rows

We have a WPF app that has a DataGrid inside a ListView. private DataTable table_; We do a bunch or dynamic column generation ( depending on the report we are showing ) We then do the a query and fill the DataTable row by row, this query may or may not have data.( not the problem, an empty grid is expected ) We set the ListView's It...