
about Quick Sort

Hi I have written this code but it will print these stack traces in the console please help me thanks! (Aslo "p" and "q" are the first and last index of our array ,respectively) public class JavaQuickSort { public static void QuickSort(int A[], int p, int q) { int i, last = 0; Random rand = new Random(); if (q < 1) { ...

Variable function name Javascript.

I'm sorting array: myArray.sort(comparators.some_comparator); and I have several comparator to choose from: comparators = { asc_firstname_comparator : function(o1, o2){ ... } desc_firstname_comparator : function(o1, o2){ ... } etc... } I want to write function which returns certain comparator depending on ...

Fastest sorting algorithm for a specific situation

What is the fastest sorting algorithm for a large number (tens of thousands) of groups of 9 positive double precision values, where each group must be sorted individually? So it's got to sort fast a small number of possibly repeated double precision values, many times in a row. The values are in the [0..1] interval. I don't care about sp...

How do I sort an ArrayList lexicographically?

I am trying to sort an ArrayList of Strings that represent card values. So, some cards contain letters ("King") and some contain Strings containing only a number ("7"). I know to use Collections.sort, but it only sorts Strings that contain letters. How do I get the ArrayList to be sorted by number as well as alphabetically? Edit: Sorry,...

How can I sort the vector elements using members as the key in C++

suppose we have a vector<student> allstudent Now I would like to sort the students using different memebers,such as name, age, address, like that. How can I do that? ...

Queue In a C# Ilist

Hello, I have a list with 5 elements...What I want to move foward all elements, removing the last one and add a new value to the first one. Is there any pre-made list methods that do that or help me so? Like a Queue ...

Sorting a list of items using javascript

Hi all, I am working on a class assignment in which i need to accomplish the following: 1 User types a list of items into a text box (form field) 2 When the user presses the sort button, the list in the text box is sorted 3 It takes the text from the text box and puts the sorted text back in the text box Please help! edit: this is wha...

Python: Access dictionary value inside of tuple and sort quickly by dict value

I know that wasn't clear. Here's what I'm doing specifically. I have my list of dictionaries here: dict = [{int=0, value=A}, {int=1, value=B}, ... n] and I want to take them in combinations, so I used itertools and it gave me a tuple (Well, okay it gave me a memory object that I then used enumerate on so I could loop over it and enume...

PHP remove the first index of an array and re-index

I have an array like Array ( [0] => A [2] => B [4] => C [6] => D ) I want to remove the first element and then re-index array to get the output ( [0] => B [1] => C [2] => D ) Which PHP function i need to use? Update Input array is Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Some Unwanted ...

XSL template structure for choosing latest event.

I have a list grouped by Region and it currently shows all the items for each city. I want to reduce to only the most recent advisory for each city. I have tried to use an xsl:for-each statement but I am messing up the names/parameters. List is called mlc The list contains the fields: Title City Region Advisory DateCreated TT (calcula...

Sorting datatable column by day name

Hi, I have a datatable with day name column. I want to sort this column by day name e.g. if I have [Friday, Monday,Sunday] sorting should return [Monday ,Friday, Sunday] (ascending) and [Sunday,Friday, Monday] (descending). I tried to use custom sorting but I wasn't able to represent my custom order. Do you have ideas ? Thanks ...

Custom sort logic in OrderBy using LINQ

What would be the right way to sort a list of strings where I want items starting with an underscore '_', to be at the bottom of the list, otherwise everything is alphabetical. Right now I'm doing something like this, autoList.OrderBy(a => a.StartsWith("_") ? "ZZZZZZ"+a : a ) ...

Splitting values into groups evenly

Let me try to explain the situation the best I can. Lets say I have 3 values 1, 2, 3 I tell an algorithm to split this values into x columns. Lets say x = 2 for clarification. The algorithm determines that the group of values is best put into two columns the following way. 1st column 2nd column --------------------------- 1 ...

Custom listbox sorting

I need to sort the data contained within a number of listboxes. The user will be able to select between two different types of sorting using radio boxes, one of which is checked by default on form load. I have created the IF statements needed in order to test whether the checked condition is true for that radio button. but i need some he...

Sort a GridView Column related to other Table

Hello, i have a GridView bound to a DataView. Some columns in the DataView's table are foreignkeys to related tables(f.e. Customer). I want to enable sorting for these columns too, but all i can do is sorting the foreignkey(fiCustomer) and not the CustomerName. I have tried this without success(" Cannot find column ERP_Customer.Custo...

Sorting a list of colors in one dimension?

I would like to sort a one-dimensional list of colors so that colors that a typical human would perceive as "like" each other are near each other. Obviously this is a difficult or perhaps impossible problem to get "perfectly", since colors are typically described with three dimensions, but that doesn't mean that there aren't some sortin...

Sorting multidimensional arrays in PHP

Hello. I have a 'simple' multidimensional array which looks like this: array(3) { ["user 1"]=> array(4) { [0]=> array(1) { ["item 4"]=> string(5) "11385" } [1]=> array(1) { ["item 2"]=> string(6) "144268" } [2]=> array(1) { ["item 1"]=> string(5) "65774" } [...

Reading a large file into Perl array of arrays and manipulating the output for different purposes

Hello, I am relatively new to Perl and have only used it for converting small files into different formats and feeding data between programs. Now, I need to step it up a little. I have a file of DNA data that is 5,905 lines long, with 32 fields per line. The fields are not delimited by anything and vary in length within the line, but...

3-way quicksort, question

I am trying to understand the 3-way radix Quicksort, and i dont understand why the the CUTOFF variable there? and the insertion method? public class Quick3string { private static final int CUTOFF = 15; // cutoff to insertion sort // sort the array a[] of strings public static void sort(String[] a) { // StdRandom...

Hibernate Discriminator sort

I am trying to sort the records when queried on discriminator column. I am doing a HQL/ Criteria query for retrieving all the records. Here is my class: abstract class A { ... } @DiscriminatorValue("B") class B extends A { } @DiscriminatorValue("C") class C extends A { } When I return the records, I want it sorted on the discrimin...