Possible to play a sound without stopping music?
I use AVFoundation framework to play sound. If music is playing when I play a sound, the music stops. Is there a way of avoiding that? ...
I use AVFoundation framework to play sound. If music is playing when I play a sound, the music stops. Is there a way of avoiding that? ...
Is there any way to get sound playing when user taps on a row in multi value selector of my app setings page on settings.app? ...
I have some code that basically inflates a 'balloon' through 15 or so stages and then makes it pop at the 16th stage. (yes, images are changed). What I'm wondering now is if it's possible to use Jquery to play a sound file whenever I reach that 16th stage (or when whatever var reaches whatever value) - in other words...when I want. I've...
I'm trying to get jQuery to play a sound on element hover/click. (It's like a flash website without flash) I've tried the methods recommended in Cross-platform, cross-browser way to play sound from Javascript?, the jQuery Sound plugin and a couple of other tutorials without any success. I'm assuming this is because they haven't been upd...
Would be a nice thing - do I have to write a script or can't I just tweak the build script to do some task? ...
Do you know any good commertial or free audio / sound components that can be used in Silverlight (better on the client)? Desired features: visualizing (waveform, peakform etc., zoom, editing volume, pan, start and end markers etc.) editing (channels: volume, pan, mute, fading, etc., merge, cut, copy, paste, etc., effects) mixing di...
Hi ppl, Is there any way to let's say, user clicks a button, and then he needs to say something to the mic, but only after he finishes to talk to the mic, the app will wait 5 seconds, and then the app will do something. is there any code or example for this? to check if there is an input to the mic or not. thanks in advance! ...
I have a problem with start to code my app. How I can detect sounds provided to my microphone using Alvas.Audio library? Could anyone provide me a sample code (i don't know how to use bulit-in function in that library)? ...
Hello, I have a plugin system in my app and I would like to prevent those plugins from playing sounds. It doesn't have to be a perfect solution that cannot be overriden by a plugin. EDIT: Sounds will be played via MediaElement in plugins Thanks for an answer! ...
i would like to record any sounds produced in my soundcard. please help, where i can get a freeware component or commercial(trial). delphi7/2009 ...
Hi! On one hand, I have a MPMusicPlayerController playing music, on the other, I play sound effects like this: NSString *sound_path=[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"snd_special_explode" ofType:@"caf"]; CFURLRef url =(CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:sound_path]; SystemSoundID specialExplode; AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(...