
Can someone recommend a reliable CVS or SVN hosting service?

I want to use CVS or SVN as my source control mechanisms on several side projects I am working on. Instead of hosting the server myself, I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on CVS or SVN hosts. My concerns in order are: reliability, uptime, and price. When responding, please give details on your recommendation. Also, if...

Assembla is no longer free, is there a good alternative?! I'm very disappointed about this... I use Assembla for my personal projects(commercial) and now I have to move everything to another place! There are some questions about different free hosting... I extracte...

Should I use a free hosted Source Control system as my personal backup system?

I am a one-computer shop, and increasingly I am thinking I need some redundancy for storing programs and other code. Should I use, or, or or another online Source Control system for this? It wouldn't be to host a particular project, but more like a storage area for everything that isn't in a big pro...

How does one make a source folder project to be "public" in ProjectLocker?

When creating a new project in ProjectLocker, by default it makes the project private, and you have to explicitly add people to the project. What if you simply want to make the project public. Seems like you should be able to do it, but the UI is unclear. ...

Serverless Internet Tools for Collaborative Development?

I'm wondering if there are any recommendations regarding tools for collaborative development over the Internet. Specifically, we're going to have a group of developers working on the same project in different geographical locations, without the benefit of a company-owned-and-run base. We need some of the obvious things, like Source Con...

How to set up source control in VS2010

Hi, I want to set up source control for my project, but it seems like I need a server for this. I've never done this before, and I couldn't find anything helpfull yet. Is there any way to host a server locally so Visual studio can use it? Or do you know any online (free) servers I can use? By the way, if source control is not actually ...

Is there any decent git repository manager that's downloadable?

I want to host git repos on my server, but still have a nice tool to manage them, such as Beanstalk or Assembla. Does anyone know of a similar tool which is downloadable (Other than Assembla private)? Security and reliability concerns won't allow for hosted solutions. ...

Can I use Mercurial for multiple projects (in an approximately the same way as SVN)?

I have a private SVN repository that I use for all of my projects. It is backed up regularly, and I like being able to browse it over the web, when I need a little snippet of code. Now, I would like to move to a more modern platform for source control (say, Git or Mercurial), but I also like having all of my projects in one place. Is ...

Mercurial and Bitbucket: how to structure repos

I'd like to move from Subversion to Mercurial, and specificially to start hosting all my private stuff on Bitbucket. I'd like to know how adapt a large SVN repo to hg repos. I'm new to mercurial, too, but I think I understand the basics. I've currently got a single, large SVN repo. I have over 150 projects, most of them very small, all ...

Guidence on using a remote Git repository for teamwork.

I project I have been working on has now been split between me and another developer. I have created a Git respository at my client's host of choice, CodeBase, and both me and the other developer have been able to clone the repo back to our machines. He is not able to push back to the remote though. I would like some guidence e.g. adv...

SVNserve giving Error 1053 The service did not respond to the start or control request

I have installed SlikSVN and I'm trying to set up svnserve. SlikSvn is installed in C:\Program Files\SlikSvn and C:\Program Files\SlikSvn\bin is in the path. the registry entry for the service is currently svnserve.exe --service -r "C:\SVNReposities" DisplayName= "Subversion" depend= Tcpip start= auto however when I try and start the...