
OpenXML SDK Spreadsheet starter kits

I am trying to start working with excel documents through the OpenXML SDK Spreadsheet API. But I havent found any good guides or even examples on how to create a xlsx file from scratch. Only how to open an existing document and modify it. I have been thinking on having a empty template document and make a copy of it an then begin my pro...

Creating Excel document with OpenXml sdk 2.0

I have created an Excel document using OpenXml SDK 2.0, now I have to style It, but I can`t. I don't know how to paint the background color or change the font size in different cells. My code to create a cell is: private static Cell CreateTextCell(string header, string text, UInt32Value index) { Cell c = new Cell(); c.DataTyp...

XLSX- how to get rid of the default namespace prefix x: ?

I'm generating XLSX spreadsheet using OOXML SDK, and I need to get rid of x: namespace prefix. How can I achieve this? using (SpreadsheetDocument doc = SpreadsheetDocument.Open("template.xlsx", true)) { //Save the shared string table part if (doc.WorkbookPart.GetPartsOfType().Count() > 0) ...

Bug in HYPERLINK() in Excel 2003 SpreadsheetML implementation

This isn't really a question, more of an issue I ran across that I hope others can avoid. If anyone can test in Office 2002, 2007, and 2008/Mac, that may add some important context. Before replying, please note that Microsoft has released two XML-based formats for spreadsheets: SpreadsheetML and Office Open XML (aka "xlsx"). I've only ...

OpenXML - CellFormats - Do I really need to configure one for every single permutation??

I'm currently working with v2.0 of the SDK to generate an Excel workbook and it was all going well until I came to apply the cell formatting. I've created a few CellFormats and successfully applied them but there are a few more permutations that I need to configure: 4 fonts (normal, bold, italic and bold+italic) 5 number formats 3 ali...

Spreadsheet ML Text Color (Colour) Rendering

Hi All, I am writing a tool which generates some Spreadsheet ML (XML) to create an Excel spreadsheet for my users. I have defined a style as follows: <Style ss:ID="GreenText"> <Font ss:FontName="Arial" ss:Size="9" ss:Color="#8CBE50" /> </Style> This works to an extent, but when I open it in Excel the colour rendered for the text ...

Reading XML SpreadSheet in OleDb

Hi All, I have generated an xml spreadsheet (*.xls) using XSL. I have another program that reads this spreasheet and processes it. Dim sConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + filnavn + ";" + "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;" Dim objCon As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(sCo...

How do I read data from a spreadsheet using the OpenXML Format SDK?

I need to read data from a single worksheet in an Excel 2007 workbook using the Open XML SDK 2.0. I have spent a lot of time searching for basic guidelines to doing this, but I have only found help on creating spreadsheets. How do I iterate rows in a worksheet and then iterate the cells in each row, using this SDK? ...

Theme confusion in SpreadsheetML.

I've been fighting this all day. Inside my styles.xml file I have color information given like so: <fgColor theme="0" tint="-0.249977111117893" /> ECMA 376 defines a theme color reference as: Index into the <clrScheme> collection, referencing a particular <sysClr> or <srgbClr> value expressed in the Theme part. Ok, tha...

Add Hyperlink to Cell in Excel 2007 Using Open XML SDK 2.0

I can't seem to find any documentation or code samples on how to add a hyperlink to a cell in Excel 2007 using the Open XML SDK 2.0. I am using the following code, but is there a step I am missing? WorksheetPart workSheetPart = ExcelUtilities.GetWorkSheetPart(mWorkBookPart, "Program"); workSheetPart.AddHyperlinkRelationship(new Uri("h...

How change excel 2007 document orientation to landscape by OpenXML sdk

Hi everyone! I need help with changing excel 2007 document orientation to landscape. I have not found any helpful information about this. I am using OpenXML SDK for this. The only thing I have found: when I create a new Worksheet I should set PageSetup() { Orientation = OrientationValue.Landscape}; But this doesn't help. Can anybody hel...

Parsing SpreadsheetML Using Perl

What's the best way to parse a file in SpreadsheetML format with Perl? I've tried Spreadsheet::ParseExcel, but it doesn't recognize the format. Here's the error I get when trying that module: No Excel data found in file It looks like CPAN doesn't have a module that can parse it as far as I can see. What's the easiest way to do it? ...

With C# is it possible to put an object on the clipboard that will paste into excel as data and formulas?

In a WPF application, I need to generate data that can be put on the clipboard and pasted into excel. I need to paste something that can carry over data and formulas. I was attempting OpenXML... but I'm not sure that works. I am currently attempting to make raw "Spreadsheet ML" (This is different than OpenXML?) Anyway, if anyone coul...

Exporting tabular data in Numbers-readable format

I have app that exports data in CSV. Recently I added "Open In..." feature for opening .csv files in other apps. I would like to be able to have Numbers (on iPad) open exported files as well. Trawling through Numbers's Info.plist, I saw that it supports four document types: com.apple.iWork.Numbers.sffnumbers com.apple.iWork.Numbers.nu...