
Spring MVC manual form elements

How would explicit hidden input elements be bound a model attribute? I'm not using <spring:bind> or <form:hidden>. I have a Form bean that has an object with a child collection. A user adds to that collection on the fly... public class Parent { List<Child> children = new ArrayList<Child>(); } public class Child { String name...

Monitor Spring java application

What is the best way to performance monitor spring java application?Jamon,Beet etc ...

Apply Transaction Management Spring

Hi. I have a j2ee application running on spring framework. I am trying to apply transaction management using aop but apparently it won't work. I am trying to apply transaction to a function from a class named RegisterBLogic with function name execute(ParamObject obj). My function inserts into a database. I also put a throw ne Exception m...

How to define a List bean in Spring?

Hi! I'm using Spring to define stages in my application. It's configured that the necessary class (here called Configurator) is injected with the stages. Now I need the List of Stages in another class, named LoginBean. The Configurator doesn't offer access to his List of Stages. I cannot change the class Configurator. My Idea: Define ...

Accessing Spring beans from servlet filters and tags

I can access Spring beans in my Servlets using WebApplicationContext springContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(getServletContext()); in the Servlet's init method. I was wondering is there an equivalent of the WebApplicationContext for servlet filters? Also, is it possible to access Spring beans i...

Spring context XML validator for eclipse?

Hi, Is there any way to validate spring context xml files in eclipse? Features like: Validate class attribute of bean Validate bean references Validating with autowireing perhaps? We're not working with annotations on current project unfortunatly. I dislike the current workflow: "deploy it and get a nullpointer for a classname typo"...

Design/Code Problem - From Apress's book on Spring

I was reading Apress "Beginning Spring 2 From Novice to Professional", and I found this one section that discusses usage of DAOs. The example is pretty simple and I have pasted the src here: UserAcccount.java - UserAccount Entity UserRole.java UserRole Entity UserAccountDao.java - UserAccount DAO JdbcUserAccountDaoImpl.java - JDBC Imp...

Exemplary open-source Spring projects

I am new to the Spring Framework. With Spring Core course recently taken, what would be some good example projects to download and learn good design from? Perfect would be a well designed project, small enough to read through and understand, big enough to have a structure that can scale well. ...

Representing multiple ordering through Spring @RequestParam

My Application currently serves requests for data, and can order the data to the users requirements, using RequestParams @RequestParam(value = "orderBy", required = false, defaultValue = "severity") String orderBy, @RequestParam(value = "order", required = false, defaultValue = "desc") String order, You get the idea. However, I want ...

How to iterate map in a list best way

The spring JDBC template returns me a list which looks like below: [{CODE_C=CSC, DESC_C=CSC}, {CODE_C=PG1, DESC_C=PG1}] I want the above list to printed in jsp as below: CSC-CSC PG1-PG1 Can you tell me the best way to do this? ...

Dynamic AJAX control

Initially, my form has two dropdowns. the contents of the second dropdown is populated via ajax using dwr. The "Add another" link creates another instance of the dropdowns but it loses the ajax/dwr functionality of the first. Appreciate the help. < div id="dynamicInput"> < form:select path="schoolState" id="schoolState...

Spring web application: executing common code before entering RequestMapping in controller

I have a web application developed with Spring 2.5. The application has numerous controllers, containing GET and POST request methods, which are marked with RequestMapping annotations, like this: @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) I would want to execute some code before each such request, without modifying the existing cont...

Best Flex Framework with Spring

Hi, I'm currently developing a Spring + Flex app. What is the best Flex framework to use? I've been using PureMVC... Thanks ...

Grails 1.2.1 with Spring 3.0.0 dependency problem under Jetty

Just moved to Grails 1.2.1 (used 1.1.1 before). Changed application.properties, ran grails upgrade, fixed BuildConfig and Bootstrap - everything works just fine from grails console. However, getting a problem when deploy packaged war under jetty 6.1.22: 1581 [main] ERROR org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader - Context initiali...

Using WebServiceTemplate with a keystore

Is it possible to configure a WebServiceTemplate with a java keystore? edit I'm looking for a way to configure the location of the keystore in the spring config ...

Bug with Spring Security 3.0.2 x Spring 3.0.1 - Proxies not being created

Friends, I have lost a few days searching the internet for an answer regarding my problem, and haven't found anything that could actually solve it. I have tried several different configurations, but still, to no avail. Here's my problem: I have an application that was working fine until I decided to add Spring Security. After I introd...

Foreign/accented characters in sql query

I'm using Java and Spring's JdbcTemplate class to build an SQL query in Java that queries a Postgres database. However, I'm having trouble executing queries that contain foreign/accented characters. For example the (trimmed) code: JdbcTemplate select = new JdbcTemplate( postgresDatabase ); String query = "SELECT id FROM province WHER...

How to inject JPA EntityManager using spring

Hello all! I have a few questions about jpa + spring integration running on tomcat, i've been looking fo some time and couldn't find any concrete answer, so here it goes: Is it possible to have spring to inject the JPA entityManager object into my DAO class without extending JpaDaoSupport? if yes, does spring manage the transaction in t...

How to get spring's javadoc in one jar/zip file.

Actually, I want to integrate spring javadoc with my netbeans IDE. Spring website only provides an HTML version javadoc online, no download link. But Netbeans only accept a jar/zip file or a local folder. I know I can build it myself from spring source, but would rather not go through the work. ...

How to populate Java (web) application with initial data using Spring/JPA/Hibernate

I want to setup my database with initial data programmatically. I want to populate my database for development runs, not for testing runs (it's easy). The product is built on top of Spring and JPA/Hibernate. Developer checks out the project Developer runs command/script to setup database with initial data Developer starts application (...