
Location of view.properties in my proyect spring mvc jasperreports

Hello, i´m trying to generate reports with jasperreports, acording to documentation i need to configure the ResourceBundleViewResolver like this. <bean id="resourceBundleView" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.ResourceBundleViewResolver"> <property name="basename" value="views"/> </bean> And a file called view.prop...

Make Spring Service Classes Final?

Can I make the spring service classes final? Is there any harm doing that? Nobody is going to extend the class. Is there any issue? public final class MyService { // Depedencies go here. } ...

Extracting startup errors from Spring contexts

Consider the following output from a Tomcat server under Eclipse: INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080 INFO: Initialization processed in 634 ms INFO: Starting service Catalina INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.20 SEVERE: Error listenerStart SEVERE: Context [/MyServlet] startup failed due to previous errors I ...

Why does Hibernate ignore the JPA2 standardized properties in my persistence.xml?

I have an extremely simple web application running in Tomcat using Spring 3.0.2, Hibernate 3.5.1, JPA 2, and Derby. I am defining all of my database connectivity in persistence.xml and merely using Spring for dependency injection. I am using embedded Derby as my database. Everything works correctly when I define the driver and url pro...

Simple Java web application on Tomcat

If we only need to graphically authorize a user, view a few tables representation (from database), ability to change data in the database visually what tools to use to write such a web application that will run on Tomcat? What framework allows to do that in the most straightforward, easy-to-manage and elegant way? ...

Spring 2.5 Hibernate 3.5 NamedQuery

I do not use HibernateTemplate, but work with getCurrentSession() in my DAO. I would like to know how to declare Hibernate named queries in a beans.xml file (I do not use hbm.xml). And maybe Spring has alternative means to declare Hibernate named queries? ...

Spring + iBatis + Hessian caching

Hi. I have a Hessian service on Spring + iBatis working on Tomcat. I'm wondering how to cache results... I've made the following config in my sqlmap file: <sqlMap namespace="Account"> <cacheModel id="accountCache" type="MEMORY" readOnly="true" serialize="false"> <flushInterval hours="24"/> <flushOnExecute statement="Account.a...

Who creates beans in a spring web appplication?

I know that in a standalone application I create one of the application context instances which in turn creates the beans from conf files. But I can not see any such code in dispatched servlet. How then are the beans created in a web application? ...

Hibernate overriding database modifications with detached object state

I'm gonna go with this design: create an object and keep it alive during all web-app session. And I need to synchronize its state with database state. What I want to achieve is that : IF between my db operations, that is, modifications that I persist to a db someone intentionally spoils table rows, then on next saving to a database ...

Spring: I wish to create a junit test for a web application - WebApplicationContext needed

Hi all, I am writing a junit test in order to (surprisingly) test a part of my app as a standalone. Thing is I execute the following line in a constructor being invoked in the unit test: WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext = ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext(); How would I go about to set up a web context when ru...

spring mvc vs seam

Hi, Spring mvc is a framework that has been long time out there, it is well documented and proven technology. A lot of web sites are using spring. Seam is a framework based on jsf - rich faces implementation. It has a lot of ajax based components. It uses some heavy stuff like EJB, JPA. All of this is prone to errors and this framework...

How to add a spring application context to the java runtime to be used for integration tests within eclipse?

I am trying to add a test spring application context to the java runtime, so that my beans can be wired properly for my integration tests. ...

How do I use a custom select statement in Hibernate using the HibernateDaoSupport class

I am trying to write a custom select statement in Hibernate using the getHibernateTemplate() method. I am having problems with the resulting mapping. Example Code: List<User> users = getHibernateTemplate().find("Select user, sysdate as latestPost from User as user"); for (User user : users) { assertNotNull(users.name); } The goal of...

oracle hibernate + maven dependenciesm dbcp.basicdatasource exception

I'm trying to create a web application using maven, tomcat and hibernate. Now I'm getting a cannot find class for org.appache.commons.dbcp.basicdatasource for bean with name datasource... exception. Without the hibernate aspects it works fine, but if I add <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"> <pro...

Spring + JWS + Tomcat

Is it possible to bundle Tomcat with a Spring application with Java WebStart & how ? ...

What transaction manager should I use for JBDC template When using JPA ?

I am using standard JPA transaction manager for my JPA transactions. However, now I want to add some JDBC entities which will share the same 'datasource'. How can I make the JDBC operations transactional with spring transaction? Do I need to swith to JTA transaction managers? Is it possible to use both JPA & JDBC transactional service wi...

Spring MessageResource , Il8n Spring , Struts

Hi There! I am using Spring and struts in my application. To support il8n I have created a class public class ApplicationMessageResource extends ResourceBundle implements MessageSource { private static MessageSource ms = null; //Injected by spring and contains parentMessageSourc...

How to inject ServletContext for JUnit tests with Spring?

Hi I want to unit test a RESTful interface written with Apache CXF. I use a ServletContext to load some resources, so I have: @Context private ServletContext servletContext; If I deploy this on Glassfish, the ServletContext is injected and it works like expected. But I don't know how to inject the ServletContext in my service class...

Are there some newer books to read beside these?

I've come accross these websites who recommend certain books but they are pretty much old : http://www.joelonsoftware.com/navLinks/fog0000000262.html http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2004/02/recommended-reading-for-developers.html http://sites.google.com/site/steveyegge2/ten-great-books Are there books in recent years which every dev...

Firebird query is crashing with org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544364. request synchronization error

I am using JdbcTemplate.queryForInt to insert a Row into the DB, and then get the ID back. The Query is "INSERT INTO metadocs(NAME) values (?) RETURNING METADOCID". If I run the statement in Flamerobin, it works fine. However, if I run it from Java, I get the following error: org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: Prepare...