
Doesn't Spring really support Interface injection at all?

Hi I know that Spring doesn't supports Interface injection and I've read that many a times. But today as I came across an article about IOC by Martin Fowler (link), it seems using ApplicationContextAware in Spring is some what similar to the Interface injection. when ever Spring' context reference is required in our Spring bean, we'll...

Mapping restful ajax requests to spring

I have this piece of code: @RequestMapping(value = "/test.json", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) public @ResponseBody Object[] generateFile(@RequestParam String tipo) { Object[] variaveis = Variavel.getListVariavelByTipo(tipo); return variaveis; } As far as I know it should take a request to test.jso...

Suggestions needed for request-reply on ActiveMQ and Camel using Spring NMS on .NET

I am trying to use the ActiveMQ and Camel (running in broker) on .NET using Spring and NMS. In general, these components work brilliantly. I have a camel route for send/receive, and some code in .NET to handle this - works like a charm. The issue I am trying to resolve is for a request-reply integration pattern. Camel support this, a...

Disable Spring URL resource loading in context file

I have the need to specify a URL in a Spring context file but don't want Spring to turn it into a resource, i.e. I want the URL to be passed as a String to the bean that I'm creating in the context file rather than it being converted into a Resource object. How can I avoid Spring creating a Resource? Thanks, Andrew ...

Spring FactoryBean and scopes working together

I'd like to use FactoryBeans and scopes together. Specifically, I'd like the object created and returned by a FactoryBean to be placed into a specified (perhaps custom) scope. The issue is that doing the following: <bean class="x.y.z.TestFactoryBean" scope="test" /> Results in the FactoryBean itself being scoped, and has somewhat unpr...

Things to keep in mind during Application Migration: ColdFusion to Spring

This question is regarding migration project. Currently the legacy Application is in ColdFusion and we want to migrate it to Spring Framework. So my main questions are: What are the things to keep in mind while considering Migration Project ? Are there any specifics things that I need to keep in mind while considering migration from ...

Spring-samples don't understand the templates

Could please anybody explain to my how the templates work ? Can't find any info about it, there is no README, nothing. Is it supposed to be some kind of maven archetype or what ? https://src.springframework.org/svn/spring-samples Thank you ...

Spring MVC and Weblogic integration

I get this error whenever I try to view my tutorial app in the browser WARNING: No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/HelloWorld.Web] in DispatcherServlet with name 'dispatcher' That just means the request is being received by the dispatcher servlet but it can't forward it to a controller. But I can't seem to know where th...

Why does Spring Security's BindAuthenticator require read permissions for users?

Hi all, I'm currently implementing/configuring the LDAP authentication of a Java web application using Spring Security 3.0. I'm using Microsoft AD LDS as LDAP server and chose the Spring's BindAuthenticator. I found out that the authentication only works if the authenticated user is a member of the partition's Readers role. The BindAuth...

How to call a stored procedure using HibernateTemplate in spring framework?

Hi Experts, Can anyone help me with calling a stored procedure using HibernateTemplate in spring framework? I'm new to Hibernate, so please help me with this. Thanks in advance, Sinu Mathews ...

Embedded Jetty resourceBase classpath URL

I'm embedding Jetty in a Spring based application. I configure my Jetty server in a Spring context file. The specific part of the configuration I'm having trouble with is this: <bean class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext"> <property name="contextPath" value="/" /> <property name="resourceBase" value="????????" /> <prope...

How do I pass parameters between request-scoped beans

This is a question that has been bothering me for sometime. My application uses ICEFaces for our UI framework and Spring 2.5 for Dependency Injection. In addition, Spring actually maintains all of our backing beans, not the ICEFaces framework, so our faces-config is basically empty. Navigation is not even really handled through naviga...

Ruby on Rails vs Grails vs. Spring ROO vs. Spring App

Hi, I'm planning on writing a simple web application that will be used by lots of users (as complicated as a simple bookmarking app) and I'm trying to decide which framework/language to use. I'm very experienced with Spring/Hibernate and Java in general but new to both Grails and RoR (and Spring ROO). The only reason I'm considering R...

ETL , Esper or Drools?

Hello, The question environment relates to JavaEE, Spring I am developing a system which can start and stop arbitrary TCP (or other) listeners for incoming messages. There could be a need to authenticate these messages. These messages need to be parsed and stored in some other entities. These entities model which fields they store. ...

How can I connect two users so they can share common object (game instance) with use of J2EE web technologies (JSP, Spring etc.)?

My idea is that player 1 creates a game (for two players), server returns him a URL, player 1 sends this URL to player 2 and the player 2 opens URL and that connects him to the game. What is the best and the easiest way to achieve this using JSP and related technologies? ...

Problem with Spring @Configuration class

Hi, i use class with @Configuration annotation to configure my spring application: @Configuration public class SpringConfiguration { @Value("${driver}") String driver; @Value("${url}") String url; @Value("${minIdle}") private int minIdle; // snipp .. @Bean(destroyMethod = "close") public DataSource dataSource() { ...

How to override the behavior of Spring @Autowired

Hi a little background: I am Using Spring 2.5, and specifically spring IOC and annotations. I am using @Autowired in my code (the Autowiring is done by type) and use @Component for exposing Classes to the Automatic wiring. The situation described bellow arose while i tried to test my code. now to the problem: Note: i use a differe...

Locking database edit by key name

I need to prevent simultaneous edits to a database field. Users are executing a push operation on a structured data field, so I want to sequence the operations, not simply ignore one edit and take the second. Essentially I want to do synchronized(key name) { push value onto the database field } and set up the synchronized item so ...

Spring/EJB 3 books?

Ok so I'm a complete beginner when it comes to Spring and EJB and I really want to change it, the problem is I can't find any single book on Spring 3/EJB 3, everything is about 2 (for Spring/EJB) or 2.5 (for Spring). What are the differences between 2.x and 3? Should I just go with the 2.x books and then google the differences? I was thi...

How to externalize web.xml servlet init-param? Spring DelegatingFilterProxy for Servlets?

I have a 3rd-party servlet that I cannot modify. It accepts an init-param that I would like to externalize (from web.xml). I can externalize a servlet filter init-param using DelegatingFilterProxy. This effectively moves the servlet filter definition into Spring where there are much more powerful externalization tools (eg: PropertyPlace...