
Using YUI with Spring framework

hey guys i am new to ajax technology and i want to use YUI technology with spring framework so please guide me where to start;useful links & tutorials thank you. ...

Can I override spring beans instatiated with component scanning?

If I use component scanning in Spring 2.5 but then also define a controller in xml. Do I get two instances of this bean in my application context? If so which instance will be called for its related RequestMappings? <bean id="myController" class="domain.MyController"> <property name="filters"> <list> ...

spring or jetty.xml?

I have a spring web application (currently packaged as a war file) which I would like to be able to launch from jetty in a stand-alone configuration (small scale all-in-one deployment, and for launching in the development environment). Since I am already using spring, it seems like what I want to do is create my jetty Server and WebCont...

Connection reset SQLException with jetty

Hi, I've switched my webserver from tomcat to jetty and encounter a "java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection reset" when back from idle time (eg. i go out for a while) :( This issue doesn't appear when i use tomcat. Does it come from jetty or i've done something wrong ? Here is my datasource config <bean id="dataSourceOracle"...

How to manage user authentication/sessions?

What is the best way to manage user authentication/sessions in a web app, ideally in a clustered environment, using Spring Framework/MVC? I thought of creating a login bean that creates a jsession for authenticated users and then using AOP to check for the jsession before each controller method inovcation. If there isn't a better way,...

Pattern for version-specific implementations of a Java class

So here's my conundrum. I am programming a tool that needs to work on old versions of our application. I have the code to the application, but can not alter any of the classes. To pull information out of our database, I have a DTO of sorts that is populated by Hibernate. It consumes a data object for version 1.0 of our app, cleverly ...

Hibernate Session flush behaviour [ and Spring @Transactional ]

I use Spring and Hibernate in a web-app, SessionFactory is injected into a DAO bean, and then this DAO is used in a Servlet through webservicecontext. DAO methods are transactional, inside one of the methods I use ... getCurrentSession().save(myObject); One servlet calls this method with an object passed. The update seems to not b...

Multivalue Mysql Inserts using HibernateTemplate

I am using Spring HibernateTemplate and need to insert hundreds of records into a mysql database every second. Not sure what is the most performant way of doing it, but I am trying to see how the multi value mysql inserts do using hibernate. String query = "insert into user(age, name, birth_date) values(24, 'Joe', '2010-05-19 14:33:14'...

How do I configure encodings (UTF-8) for code executed by Quartz scheduled Jobs in Spring framework webapps?

I wonder how to configure Quartz scheduled job threads to reflect proper encoding. Code which otherwise executes fine within Springframework injection loaded webapps (java) will get encoding issues when run in threads scheduled by quartz. Is there anyone who can help me out? All source is compiled using maven2 with source and file encod...

Should you use LAMP or Spring Framework?

Recently, I've been exploring the Java space, and I came across the Spring Framework. Is this a web app framework like CodeIgniter or Rails? If so, is Springs used for developing enterprise web applications that run on Java EE technology? I am curious, why is Spring getting lot of attention? Isn't it a lot cheaper to simply use LAMP...

How to configure Struts to work with Spring?

Hi Seniors, Could you please suggest me the best possible answer to this question for a telephonic interview. I tried to dig through the forums but couldn't find a detailed answer. Your help is highly appreciated. ...

Spring integration with RabbitMQ

We have build a solution based on file based delivery using Spring-Integration. This works fine but we need to process many files. We are happy with Spring Integration but we want to scale up. For this we'd like to use a messaging system like Rabbit MQ(or other solutions). Does anybody have experience with this, what's needed to get this...

how can i display rownum value retrived from database in a jsp page using spring

I have retrieved the rownum value from database using hibernate. Now i want to print that value on a window. how can i do that? ...

How to make a spam tester

In my project I need to make a spam tester to check the spam score of the mails prepared to be sent. When I searched, I found Spam Assassin, which they say is used as sapm filters in many mail servers. Can I create a spam tester using Spam Assassin? Another option I found is one Litmus API, which is a paid service. Is there any options o...

Spring properties (property-placeholder) autowiring

I have in my applicationContext.xml <context:property-placeholder location="classpath*:*.properties" /> <bean id="clientPreferencesManager" class="pl.bildpresse.bildchat2.business.ClientPreferencesManager" > <property name="clientApiUrl" value="${clientapi.url}" /> </bean> Is it possible to do the same by autowire ? Somethi...

Migrating from Struts2 to Spring MVC

Scenario: A fairly mature project uses Struts2 and Spring and Hibernate. I say mature because it has been going on a for a while and there are many struts actions written already. Suppose we wanted to remove Struts2 from the project and instead depend entirely on Spring MVC without rewriting the entire project. Is this something that s...

Spring - How to insert a nested bean using a SimpleJdbcDaoSupport class

I have two beans (POJOs) - a Customer and an address class defined like this: public class Customer { private String name = null; private Address address = null; public Customer() { address = new Address(); } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(name) { this.name = name; } //addit...

Why can I run JUnit tests for my Spring project, but not a main method?

I am using JDBC to connect to MySQL for a small application. In order to test without altering the real database, I'm using HSQL in memory for JUnit tests. I'm using Spring for DI and DAOs. Here is how I'm configuring my HSQL DataSource <bean id="mockDataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.SingleConnectionDataSource"> ...

Spring ResourceServlet throws too many open files exception in jetty and tomcat under linux

I was running the petclinic example that was created with spring roo, also I test booking-mvc example that comes whit spring webflow 2.0.9 and the same happens, this is when I reload the main page many times. If I remove the lines from both examples there is no error. < spring:theme code="styleSheet" var="theme_css"/> <spri...

Help with ejb 3, weblogic and spring.

So,hi there. I've created a simple EJB3 test project, the code is simple: @Stateless @Remote( { ISumaSimple.class }) public class SumaSimpleBean implements ISumaSimple { /** * Default constructor. */ public SumaSimpleBean() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override public int sumar(in...