
jboss envers for versioning?

I have entities that required versioning support and from time to time, i will need to retrieve old version of the entity . should i just use options available 1. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/762405/database-data-versioning 2. jboss envers (can this be used on any web server,tomcat,jetty, appengine) ? 3. any similar library like...

Spring Jdbc Template + MySQL = TransientDataAccessResourceException : Invalid Argument Value : Java.io.notSerializationException

I was using spring jdbc template to insert some data into the database and I was getting this error. Here is my code : JdbcTemplate insert = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); for(ResultType result : response.getResultSet().getResult()) { Object[] args = new Object[] {result.getAddress(), result.getCity(), result...

Can not find Driver when using generic database bundle

I have a project that is build up from several OSGi bundles. One of them is a generic Database bundle that defines a DataSource that can be used throughout the project. The spring bean definition of this service is: <osgi:service interface="javax.sql.DataSource"> <bean class="org.postgresql.ds.PGPoolingDataSource"> <property...

Long running transactions with Spring and Hibernate?

The underlying problem I want to solve is running a task that generates several temporary tables in MySQL, which need to stay around long enough to fetch results from Java after they are created. Because of the size of the data involved, the task must be completed in batches. Each batch is a call to a stored procedure called through JD...

Encoding problem using Spring MVC

Hi all, I have a demo web application that creates users. When I try to insert data in other languages (like french) the characters are not encoded correctly. The code on the controller is: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @RequestMapping(value = "/user/create.htm", params={"id"}, method = RequestMethod.GET) public String edit(@...

how to change constraints errors messange in grails

Hi, I have domain with constraints like min value must greater than 0 I have no idea how to change the message if the constraints are not passed. which file i need to edit to do that ? I also need to display the values some properties as well .. like "you cannot make any transaction because your balance is less than 100. Yo...

No unique bean of type [javax.persistence.EntityManager] is defined

I am using JUnit 4 to test Dao Access with Spring (annotations) and JPA (hibernate). The datasource is configured through JNDI(Weblogic) with an ORacle(Backend). This persistence is configured with just the name and a RESOURCE_LOCAL transaction-type The application context file contains notations for annotations, JPA config, transaction...

Input not firing in jsp page

Hi, i have been using the spring mvc frameworks lately for a university project. Could you tell me why this work <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="SaveName.jsp"> <input type="image" class="floatR marginTMinus10" src="images/delete.png" name="image" value="${rssItem.id}" alt="Delete"/> </FORM> while this not...

Problem with Date type on CXF endpoint

Hi, I've configured a simple CXF endpoit with spring wich expose a simple object with a java.util.Date property. once remotely invoked with a .NET client the date property is always null. endopit: <jaxws:endpoint id="simpleService" implementor="cxf.base.SimpleServiceImpl" address="/SimpleService" /> .NET call: SimpleServiceClie...

Bind multiple request parameters to one object in Spring 3

Hi, I can't figure out a way to bind several arguments and headers to one request parameter using annotations in Spring 3. For example, let's say I'm getting this request: Headers: Content-type: text/plain; POST Body: Name: Max Now I want it all to mysteriously bind to this object: class NameInfo { String name; } Using some ...

Java Generics Issue (w/ Spring)

I think I may be a victim of type erasure but thought I'd check with others here first. I have the requirement to do something like this: public interface FooFactory { public <T extends Bar> Foo<T> createFoo( Class<T> clazz ); } It is perfectly valid to write this code. However, I'm trying to implement this functionality using a S...

How to use @Autowired with Java-based config?

I am using Java-based Spring configuration in my project, specifying bean construction in @Bean-annotated methods in @Configuration. Recently, Recently, I've started to think that maybe it would've been better to use @Autowired to remove all non-important beans from @Configuration, leaving only small "root" set of them (key services and ...

Spring SimpleMappingExceptionResolver not going to default view

I am playing with the SimpleMappingExceptionResolver to see how it works and to see if it will be of use to us for a client but I am having problems understanding it. What I have tried is visiting a particular page in my application and having it throw an exception in the handleRequestInternal method. When I throw a RecoverableDataAcce...

Unable to pass attribute from controller to view

I'm using Spring MVC 3 for a web app. In the app a URI template is supposed to be handled by a controller method, which then passes an attribute to a view. Currently, the controller does handle the request, and it even forwards to the correct view. However, it does NOT pass the attribute to the view. Below are the URI template, controlle...

References between Spring beans when using a NameSpaceHandler

I'm trying to use a Spring context namespace to build some existing configuration objects in an application. I have defined a context and pretty much have if working satisfactorily - however, I'd like one bean defined by my namespace to implicitly reference another: Consider the class named 'Node': public Class Node { private String ...

Where can I find good ajax support in Java/Python ?

Hello, I want a framework (or anything) that helps me make rich client guis. I know my server-side, but I don't like programming in ajax, javascript, css etc. Something that wraps the ajax code in some objects/methods with clean syntax, would do the trick. I want to write code in java instead of defining css and html tags. Does Java ...

sequence generators are getting ignored

I'm getting the following error while saving a object. However similar configuration is working for other model objects in my projects. Any help would be greatly appreciated. @Entity @Table(name = "ENROLLMENT_GROUP_MEMBERSHIPS", schema = "LEAD_ROUTING") public class EnrollmentGroupMembership implements Serializable, Comparable,Auditabl...

Spring datagrid with checkboxes

I have a web-application in spring where tasks should be assigned to workers (say programmers). the application should be able to list tasks (unassigned tasks) in a grid On another side, the application should list workers (say programmers) the manager should be able to choose select tasks (or checking), and choose workers to whom he...

How to access proprietary .js file in Spring MVC?

Hi guys, I am newby in Spring, but have a task, and I am learning on the fly. I used Roo to generates for me part of the code, but now I have to make some dynamic list binding, which is done with form, popping-up in new window, and when the submit button is pushed I have to insert the new values in the parent window. For the purpose I...

How do you configure a Spring bean container to load a Java property file?

How do you configure a Spring bean container (or application context) to load a Java property file? JavaWorld article Smartly Load Your Properties explains how to load property files from the classpath using one of the following resource processing methods in the standard Java library: ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream ("some/pkg/resourc...