
Spring: Okay to have two contexts - web & backend?

Hi, I have a spring-base web app with a spring-based backend. Currently, the integration is done in a stupid way of manual copying the backend .xml's to the web app resources and merging. I was wondering whether Spring is ready to have a bean which would be another ApplicationContext, and whether it can get beans from it; also if it ha...

How can I see the generated SQL from my Spring StoredProcedure?

I have an org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure which I am using to call a DB function. I want to be able to see the generated SQL. I am calling org.springframework.jdbc.object.SqlCall.getCallString() on my StoredProcedure object but this returns a String with ? characters in place of the parameters. How can I get the com...

Does Spring support SharePoint

Does Spring support SharePoint? In my Spring Application, i would like to SAVE data in ShaePoint. In another (java) application of ours, we are using CAML to read/update the data in SharePoint. Do you think I should use the same(CAML) or does Spring provides any APIs which makes my job easy. Thank You :) EDIT: Its SharePoint 2003 an...

EasyMock object for unit testing involving scope="request" bean

I am trying to add some Unit Testing to some of our companies code. Yes, I know it should already be there, but not everyone seems to have the same view of unit testing that I do. However, I have come against a bit of a stopper for me. Admittedly, my Java, Spring and Unit Testing knowledge are not all that they should be. My problem ...

Spring Framework JDBC DAO with agrgegation/composition

I have an application that is already using the Spring Framework and Spring JDBC with a DAO layer using the SimpleJdbcTemplate and RowMapper classes. This seems to work very well with small class structures being read from the database. However, we have the need to load objects that hold collections of other objects, which hold collectio...

Loading selected Hibernate entities with JPA & Spring

Is there a way to load only selected entities with Hibernate? I would like to only load a selected handful for integration testing. ...

Spring annotation with xml mixing problem

I'm trying to find an optimal way to use the latest Spring 3.0. I really like the @RequestMapping annotation with all features applied to it. However, what I don't like, is that the URL bound to the action should be fully specified in the java file. It would be the best to somehow send the whole url-binding configuration to the context ...

value of specific Database rows update via registration link

I want to construct a system which is responsible for updating my database columns. It is similar to registration of memberships.We have users and they send a request form of their wishes.First of all , the system inserts all of these information in a table .One column specifies the state of the request.It contains the integer values w...

Spring beginner No Context available

Hello, I'm trying to set up a Spring configuration with tutorials and some stuff. It seems everything is OK but when I call the constructor of a Bean with a @Resource everything blows up. I'm am also giving a try to Apache Click killing two birds with one stone. Please, can anyone tell me what happens here and how could I fix this? T...

When entityManagerFactory is not named "entityManagerFactory" ...

My webapp contains many entityManagerFactories (DBs) , each has its unique name , such as entityManagerFactoryApp , entityManagerFactoryBusiness , entityManagerFactoryForum ...etc. In a webapp , I have to add OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter to achieve "Open Session in View" pattern. <filter> <filter-name>Spring OpenEntityManagerInVie...

How can I handle multiple messages concurrently from a JMS topic (not queue) with java and spring 3.0?

Note that I'd like multiple message listeners to handle successive messages from the topic concurrently. In addition I'd like each message listener to operate transactionally so that a processing failure in a given message listener would result in that listener's message remaining on the topic. The spring DefaultMessageListenerContaine...

Simple Spring-Maven HelloWorld -> appContext.xml not found?!?

I am having some difficulties with the simplest maven-spring app. Actually, BeanFactory does not find the appContext.xml file, despite it is located in the resources dir and copied properly into the target dir. Here's my main class, the dir structure and the error: // MAIN CLASS package sas.test.spring; import java.io.FileInputStream; ...

Grails GSP tab fieldValue formatting

How does the Grails tag fieldValue perform its formatting? I have an domain class with an Double attribute. class Thing { Double numericValue } In GSP, the fieldValue is used (as created by grails generate-all) for rendering: ${fieldValue(bean:thing, field:"numericValue")} Unfortunately digits after 3 decimal places are not di...

I want to create a payment gateway for my project ..how it can be done?

In my web appliction there is one line transaction system for online resrvation. i have no idea on how to implement it i.e when an end user wants to do reservation ,an form has to open show different banks ,by selecting bank ,user is allowed to enter his debit/credit card info and i have to send this to third party payment gateway vendo...

Spring framework issues

i am newly with spring framework a lot of problems with spring like as which cotroller when it used and and what method i should implement and when. Any one can share video tutorials or or a trining Spring video . I am really in trouble..... i work with hibernate on lot of project but not used with spring Any help or suggesstion ..........

call applet in spring class

how to call a applet in spring control class? ...

Stopping Invokation of Spring Quartz Job on spring context loading

Hi, My application has got multiple Jobs which needs to be executed programatically when user wants. I have implemented all the Jobs using MethodInvokingJobFactoryBean and the issue is whenever my spring context gets loads up all the Jobs gets fired. How to stop the execution of Job on spring context loading ?? Thanks in advance Aj...

Can't call method in EJB bean

Hi. I'm getting crazy over an error I'm currently experiencing. nde Argumente der invocation 14:45:08,492 ERROR [BusinessControllerInterceptor] object is not an instance of declaring class [ERRID: 0845] org.springframework.aop.AopInvocationException: AOP configuration seems to be invalid: tried calling method [publi...

Could not access HTTP invoker remote service

hello all, i'm working in a kofax application connected with oracle database. i found an error as ERROR markview.viewer.MvViewer org.springframework.remoting.RemoteAccessException: Could not access HTTP invoker remote service at [ias9:opmn:ormi://uhmvtst.uhhs.com:6003:markview_tst4/mvas/remote/EnterpriseService]; nested exception is ...

Spring test context setup without SpringJUnit4ClassRunner or AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests (in Selenium testing)

I am setting up JUnit 4.7 tests with Selenium 1.x and Spring 3.0. I want to extend Selenium's SeleneseTestCase for the shortcuts and conventions it provides (more importantly, the Selenium IDE generated code seems to expect this). Yet I want the Spring context and other goodness to be present during the execution. Because I cannot exte...