
How enable GZIP compression for Spring HttpInvoker requests using Tomcat?

Hi, Wondering if anyone has set up GZIP compression for Spring HttpInvoker requests using Tomcat, and what steps are necessary? Also, any advice on whether it's actually worth it; is there much to be gained from trying to compress what are basically serialized Java objects, or do they not really reduce in size much? Thanks, Brian ...

Problem in Apache CXF (Simple Frontend): 'Already connected'

I am using apache CXF for the first time. I am trying to establish a connection based on the CXF simple front end (Configuration notes) technology. I can't really see what I've done wrong, but I am getting a weird error (see below). I have also posted this question to [email protected], but I haven't received a response yet. Perhaps s...

Spring upload file

hi every one, I'm a novice in Spring, i started to develop an application to upload files,i used the official spring documentation but, i have this error: Handler processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFileOutputStream at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherSe...

ActiveMQ ignoring persistent=false

I am using Active MQ for integration testing my application. I have defined an active-mq broker in a spring config like so: <amq:broker useJmx="false" persistent="false" deleteAllMessagesOnStartup="true" useShutdownHook="true"> <amq:transportConnectors> <amq:transportConnector uri="tcp://...

Injecting Annotated Bean into Regular Bean

AppContext.xml <bean id="myBean" class="com.myapp.MyClass"> <property ref="myService"/> </bean> MyService.java @Service public class MyService { ... } This will throw an exception stating that no bean can be found for property "myService", which I understand because it can't be found in the context files, but I can autowire th...

Spring-json problem in Liferay with Spring 2.5

Hi all, I am trying to use the library spring-json.1.3.1 in a project that has been done with Liferay 5.1.2 which includes Spring 2.5. Following the project website instructions, I managed to make the request hit in my controller, but at the moment of returning the json object back through the modelAndView object it fails with the foll...

Do Spring property editors only work on forms?

I'm working on a Spring application that simply searches a set of data for things that match some criteria. There are two main views: one is a simple form that lets the user configure search criteria, while the other displays the results as a table. One of the search fields is a closed set of options (about 10). Lower down in the code, ...

Character-encoding problem spring

Hi All, I am stuck in a big problem with encoding in my website! I use spring 3, tomcat 6, and mysql db. I want to support German and Czech along with English in my website, I created all the JSPs as UTF-8 files, and in each jsp I include the following: <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="...

What is an Eclipse Sprint STS "Config Set" good for?

I have the Spring STS plugin activated within my Eclipse project. Doing this enabled many cool Spring features including specialized management of Spring bean files. However, I noticed that the project settings for Spring allows for the creation of "Config Sets" -- which look like groups of bean configuration files. I cannot find do...

Deploying spring message driven pojo on weblogic 8.1

Hello, I am trying to deploy a spring message message driven POJO on weblogic 8.1. It is a simple POJO, and it works fine being run outside of an application server, but the messages do not seem to be picked up at all. I have created empty home and remote interfaces, as well as a container bean class that contains an instance of the poj...

Spring framework support with Google Apps

Does Google Apps support the Spring framework? ...

Why is the Spring framework called "non-intrusive"?

Spring framework is NON - INTRUSIVE. Can you please elaborate this? Thank You :) ...

Spring 3 MVC validation BindingResult doesn't contain any errors

I'm attempting to get a Spring 3.0.2 WebMVC project running with the new annotated validation support. I have a Hibernate entity annotated like this: @Entity @Table(name = "client") public class Client implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @Basic(optional = false) @Column(name = ...

Spring 3 mvc namespace and i18n

Problem with i18n and Spring 3 mvc namespace I have not figured out how to get messages resolved when using Spring’s mvc namespace. For example, a JSP with this line: <fmt:message key="welcome.title"/> shows: ???welcome.title??? I have a messages directory under WEB-INF with messages.properties. Here is the web-servlet.xml (my d...

[Spring] Programatically creating an object?

Hi, Is there a way in Spring to get an object programatically as if it was injected by the xml file. Here is what i mean I have this class called securityDelegate. It's instances are always created by spring <bean id="securityDelegate" class="securityBusinessDelegate" lazy-init="true"> <property name="securityServiceEJB" ref="sec...

java spring restful-url with semi-colon

I am currently working on a project that requires the use of a semi-colon in our restful-url scheme. As you can imagine, we're having issues pulling this off - the underlying Java HTTPServletRequest isn't playing nicely. Is there a way to work around this issue? example restulf-URL: http://service/BOB;MIKE/ Looks like Spring is only...

JSFUnit Spring Security

Hi, I'd like to test my secure pages with JSFUnit : My Testclass: public class BasicAuthenticationTest extends ServletTestCase { public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite( BasicAuthenticationTest.class ); } public void testBasicAuth() throws IOException, ServletException { WebClientSpec wcSpec = new WebClientSpec...

[Maven] Using different Spring properties for integration tests

I am testing with Selenium a web application developed with Spring to check that the web application displays the right stuff for the user and that he's able to do everything that is in the specification. The other developers are using a fake Hibernate database in memory (HSQLDB) for unit testing. I have to use the real DB used by the p...

msql table name with $ sign

I have tables in Mysql 5 db with names prefixed with a dollar sign '$' ie tablename $MYTABLE I am using Spring 3.0 JdbcTemplate to do my select query but couldn't get it to work. ie String tablename = "$AAPL"; private static final String STOCK_SELECT = "select symbol, open, high, low, close, vol, ev from ?"; jdbcTem...

"Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions" Hibernate, Spring, JSF

I'm starting to lose faith in Hibernate. It has caused me nothing but weird problems throughout the last few days. Upon deleting an entity from the database I get the following exception: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersisten...