
Doubt about instance creation by using Spring framework ???

Here goes a command object which needs to be populated from a Spring form public class Person { private String name; private Integer age; /** * on-demand initialized */ private Address address; // getter's and setter's } And Address public class Address { private String street; // get...

Using both RolesAllowed and Transactional in beans

I have some beans which contain methods which are annotated with both @RolesAllowed and @Transactional. I have one Spring config file which utilizes a BeanNameAutoProxyCreator for Security related beans and another Spring config file which utilizes a BeanNameAutoProxyCreator for Transactional related beans. The problem is that some bean...

When transactionManager is not named "transactionManager" ...

I am trying Spring 3(.0.2.RELEASE) and JPA2 and Hibernate 3.5.1-Final... One thing upsets me is that spring seems only accept a transaction Manager named "transactionManager" If I don't name it "transactionManager" , Spring will throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'transactionManager' is defined. Here is my config : <c...

Suggestions for designing large-scale Java webapp from the ground up

Hi all, I'm about to start developing a large-scale system and I'm struggling with which direction to proceed. I've done plenty of Java web apps before and I have plenty of experience with servlet containers and GWT and some experience with Spring. The problem is most of my webapps have been thrown together just to be a proof of conce...

Hibernate, Spring and SLF4J Binding

Hi, I'm trying to setup a webapp with maven2 managed dependcies. Here my pom.xml <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd"&gt; <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId...

error initializing multiple configuration files

Hi, during initialization startup on tomcat, the configurations are: a webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml that imports yummy-servlet.xml in contextConfigLocation (although i'm aware that is not required since the servlet-name is yummy it will try to load yummy-servlet.xml by default) a webapp/WEB-INF/yummy-servlet.xml that imports a spring/applic...

Using OpenSessionInViewInterceptor with Hibernate and JSF 2

I'm building an application in Hibernate, Spring and JSF2 using only annotations. How can I take advantage of OpenSessionInViewInterceptor found in Spring to catch any hibernate session that might open within a bean? I'm trying to elegantly solve the common “failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: your.Class.assocation no se...

How to achieve conditional resource import in a Spring XML context?

What I would like to achieve is the ability to "dynamically" (i.e. based on a property defined in a configuration file) enable/disable the importing of a child Spring XML context. I imagine something like: <import condition="some.property.name" resource="some-context.xml"/> Where the property is resolved (to a boolean) and when true ...

Starting new transaction in Spring bean

We have: @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public class MyClass implementes MyInterface { ... MyInterface has a single method: go(). When go() executes we start a new transaction which commits/rollbacks when the method is complete - this is fine. Now let's say in go() we call a private method in MyClass that has @...

Spring constructor injection of SLF4J logger - how to get injection target class?

I'm trying to use Spring to inject a SLF4J logger into a class like so: @Component public class Example { private final Logger logger; @Autowired public Example(final Logger logger) { this.logger = logger; } } I've found the FactoryBean class, which I've implemented. But the problem is that I cannot get any information a...

How To Replace @Resource Annotation with Java 1.4 Compliant Version

Hello, I have a test class that has a @Resource annotation for a setter and I need to make it Java 1.4 compliant, so obviously the annotation has to go. I'm using Spring. So, how would I replace something like @Resource("my.resource") so that the setter gets the correct dependency injection? Would I need to make a bean in an xml file? ...

JPA DAO integration test not throwing exception when duplicate object saved?

I am in the process of unit testing a DAO built with Spring/JPA and Hibernate as the provider. Prior to running the test, DBUnit inserted a User record with username "poweruser" -- username is the primary key in the users table. Here is the integration test method: @Test @ExpectedException(EntityExistsException.class) public void save...

Tomcat / Spring - Restart Webapp

What's the best approach to use in order to programmatically restart a Spring web app running on Tomcat? I have two specific scneario's I'm considering: Installation The user is configuring the system, providing database connection params etc. Once provided, the Spring data contexts are invalid, and I'd like to restart to re-initializ...

Saving owned/child objects in Hibernate

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the way hibernate objects work. Here's a little chunk of what my model looks like: JobOpening: @ManyToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER,cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @JoinTable( name="jobOpening_questionSet", joinColumns=@JoinColumn(name="jobOpenings_id"), inverseJoinColumns=@J...

Hibernate/Spring: failed to lazily initialize - no session or session was closed

For an answer scroll down to the end of this... The basic problem is the same as asked multiple time. I have a simple program with two POJOs Event and User - where a user can have multiple events. @Entity @Table public class Event { private Long id; private String name; private User user; @Column @Id @GeneratedValue public Lo...

Spring - SessionAttribute problem

Hello, I want to implement something like this: @Controller @SessionAttributes("promotion") class PromotionController { @RequestMapping("showPromo") void showPromotionInfo( @RequestParam("promId") String promotionId, @ModelAttribute Promotion promotion, Errors errors ) { promotion = Promotions.get(pr...

How to query for Double with Spring JDBC template query

How do one query for a double with the Spring JDBC temple? For example: public double getAverageScore() { return jdbctemplate.queryFor???("select avg(score) from test"); } There are queryForInt and queryForLong, but no queryForDouble ...

how do I register a custom conversion Service in spring 3 / webflow 2?

I've been trying to follow this example and using the reference to guide me, but I'm having no luck. I've defined a converter: import org.springframework.binding.convert.converters.StringToObject; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Date; public class Strin...

Spring MVC - JSP - Place to Store Environment Specific Constants

Where in the Spring-MVC/JSP application would you store things that need to be accessed by both the controllers and views such as environment specific base_url's, application ids to be used in javascript and so on? I've tried creating an application scoped bean and then <jsp:useBean> at the top of my JSPs, but that doesn't seem to be wo...

Database connection timeout

Hi I have read so many articles on the Internet about this problem but none seem to have a clear solution. Please could someone give me a definite answer as to why I am getting database timeouts. The app is a GWT app that is being hosted on a Tomcat 5.5 server. I use spring and the session factory is created in the applicationContext.xm...