
cache provider for hibernate + jsf + spring

Which cache provider is suggested for an application that uses Hibernate3 Spring JSF2 ...

How to show tiles2.tilesview in spring mvc3

I have been trying to render tiles view with UrlBasedViewResolver for hours. Can anybody show me how it's done. I generally am trying to work this out <bean id="tilesViewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.UrlBasedViewResolver"> <property name="viewClass" value="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles2.TilesView...

Spring session-scoped beans (controllers) and references to services, in terms of serialization

a standard case - you have a controller (@Controller) with @Scope("session"). classes put in the session usually are expected to implement Serializable so that they can be stored physically in case the server is restarted, for example If the controller implements Serializable, this means all Services (other spring beans) it is referring...

Spring disconnecting from Derby

I'm using Apache Derby with the Spring JdbcTemplate inside a web app running on Tomcat. Spring is managing the data source. I've noticed that if I update the .war file and Tomcat undeploys/redeploys the app, I get this error: java.sql.SQLException: Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database /tmp/manager_db/manager....

How to lean Spring mvc in 3.0?

Spring mvc 3.0 is so good ,I want to trying,Who can recommend a book on this type of? ...

spring tutorial

I am new to spring and want to know if there are any good tutorials on Spring. I have seen some links already but considering that i am new to Spring, can someone suggest a nice tutorial to get started with? I also want to know why should one use Spring? ...

jsf 2.0 spring stored procedure

Hello friends I am getting problem when injecting JSF bean into a bean that extends StoredProcedure abstract class... The Bean return null values... ...

ERROR: 'ContentNegotiatingViewResolver'of Spring 3.0.3 MVC Portlet+JSON ...

Hi, I want to make spring MVC 3.0.3 portlet using DispatcherPortlet class With JSON support. So, i added following configuration in the spring context file. <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.ContentNegotiatingViewResolver"> text/html ...

Java, Hibernate,Spring

I have 2 entities User and Status. I can load users list and can see its sql(log) in console (select this_.id as id0_0_, this_.cl_point_id as cl2_0_0_, this_.date_ll as date3_0_0_, this_.date_reg as date4_0_0_, this_.name as name0_0_, this_.passw_salt as passw6_0_0_, this_.status_id as status7_0_0_, this_.passw as pass...

Tomcat configuration for Spring app.

Hello, I have built web application for use in Tomcat. It depends on Spring. I have the following exception when trying to access it: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission createClassLoader) I read tomcat docs, and found that I need to configure security. I added following lines to "/usr/sha...

HibernateTemplate Save Not Throwing Exception when trying to insert duplicate Key row.

Hello, I m using Spring's HibernateDAOSupport class to handle my DAO. my problem is that when I use getHibernateSupport().save(order) when order already exist in the database, it just update the database row instead of throwing some kind of Exception. my Hibernate hbm.xml file is : <hibernate-mapping> <class name="com.shopping.db.Cust...

How to display dynamic columns in richfaces datatable

Hello, I am currently trying to come up with the best way to create dynamic columns in a data table using richfaces and was wondering if maybe some out there has done this before or could point me in the right direction. Basically I would like to click some kind of add button and another identical column with input fields appears below ...

Spring Security with Spring Remoting

Has anyone had any real success in seamlessly propagating a Spring Security context using Spring Remoting (HttpInvoker) and a RemoteAuthenticationManager? I'm really frustrated that support in Spring seems very limited when it comes to dealing with RemoteAuthenticationExceptions. When dealing with local AuthenticationExceptions, everyth...

Order of Spring Bean Initialization

Hi, In my Spring File I have multiple Beans (in multiple application context files being imported from one main application context). My requirement is that, I want a particular Bean(which makes some configuration changes) to be initialized first among all the rest of beans. Is there any where I can specify Spring to load that bean f...

Use Spring IoC with servlets defined in web.xml

Hi all, This may be a relatively straight-forward question that I just haven't been searching for correctly, but I'm trying to use the Spring IoC container to configure my servlets. I have some additional handlers (that are private data members) and such that I would like to be configured at runtime. Is it possible to do this? Right ...

Good way to access Spring singleton from within domain objects?

I have a domain model that consists of fairly large object graphs, where domain objects are creating other domain objects and so forth. Each of these domain objects needs access to a small handful of singleton-type helper objects for various purposes. I was about to implement them using the Java singleton pattern when I remembered t...

How does Spring fit into my application architecture?

I'm currently rebuilding an existing PHP application using Java. I therefore have an existing frontend GUI and an existing database schema that I'm working with. Here is the technology stack I'm working towards: jQuery, client-side Wicket, front-end Spring, ??? Hibernate, ORM MySQL, database Before reading about Spring in both Wicke...

Multiple DisplayTag tables in a page

Hi, I am using spring with appfuse framework and I would like to display two or three tables in my JSP page. Something like below, <display:table name="users" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" requestURI="" id="names" class="table" export="true">.....</display:table> .... in controller : return new ModelAndView(getSuccessView(), Cons...

Why spring warn message is" org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound "?

I trying spring 3 mvc this package is org.spring.test and code is @Controller @RequestMapping("/welcome") public class WelcomeController { private Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(WelcomeController.class); @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public void welcome() { logger.info("Welcome!"); } @RequestMapp...

Websphere: JPA: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Object: Entity is not a known entity type.

I'm trying to deploy an app using Eclipselink as my JPA Layer on IBM Websphere While trying to do any CRUD operations, i get the following exception: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Object: Entity is not a known entity type. at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.registerNewObjectForPersist...