
Limit to HTTPRequest parameter size between Flex/BlazeDS and Tomcat?

We have a web app with a Flex front end making requests to our Spring/Tomcat back end through BlazeDS. I noticed when the data for a parameter we send in the request is over a certain size (something like 1.5M), it simply doesn't show up as a parameter in the request in our servlet. We've verified that the value is populated in the req...

Spring servlet for serving static content?

I'm wondering what's the Spring way of serving static files. It should support: Written in a Springy way! Simple and reliable Support for resuming downloads (eg. Range request header, and Accept-Ranges, ETag and Last-Modified response headers). Support for client-side caching (eg. If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since request headers, an...

How to integrate Spring ,JSF and hibernate

I'm trying to integrate spring with jsf portlet that uses hibernate.I just want to use spring DAO to get the best of spring transaction management. How could I do this in a simple way? It's worth to mention that I'm using ant. Thanks ...

Using Hibernate with Spring 3

My current web development tool is Spring 3, I've used Hibernate before, I'm actually quite familiar with it after I have access to the annotations and entities, and the session object. However, this will be my first time needing to actually set it up from scratch. Currently I have a datasource that I have used for JDBCTemplate, and I ...

Dynamic Table creation in Hibernate Template

I am importing stock quotes data using HibernateTemplate + SpringFramework Format of the data AAPL,09-Jun-2010 09:00,251.47,251.47,251.39,251.39,640 AAPL,09-Jun-2010 09:01,251.4,251.4,251.05,251.26,6844 INTC,09-Jun-2010 09:00,251.47,251.47,251.39,251.39,640 INTC,09-Jun-2010 09:01,251.4,251.4,251.05,251.26,6844 MSFT,09-Jun-2010 09:00,25...

loading multiple properties files from projects in workspace

I have three projects - proj-a, proj-b, and main such that main depends on proj-a and proj-b. proj-a and proj-b each contains a module-context.xml and properties file. proj-a module-context.xml <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:context="http://www.s...

i am using spring for hibernate only not as spring mvc and i am using jsf2.0 and now i need to implement AOP

Possible Duplicate: How to implement AOP with Spring i am using spring for hibernate only not as spring mvc and i am using jsf2.0 and now i need to implement AOP but I am not getting at what to do i am not following Spring MVC.. ...

Failing to create Innerbean using Spring - BeanInstantiationException No default constructor found

Hi All, I started learning spring from Spring reference 3.0 and i wanted to try how to instantiate inner bean: Here is my code: package com.springexample; public class ExampleBean { private String samplePropertyExampleBean; public void setSamplePropertyExampleBean(String samplePropertyExampleBean) { this.samplePropertyExampleBe...

Spring MVC doesnt work

hi I can t deploy my programm but when I click on submit form nothing happen,my controller is(Create ticket controller) <bean id="urlMapping" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping"> <property name="mappings"> <props> <prop key="index.htm">indexController</prop> <prop k...

Why is commons-logging believed to be unpopular?

Dave Syer (SpringSource) writes in his blog: Unfortunately, the worst thing about commons-logging, and what has made it unpopular with new tools, is also the runtime discovery algorithm. Why? What is the issue with its runtime discovery algorithm? Performance? ...

How we will access to the database from AuditTrailInterceptor?

Hi, I'm trying to access the database from Hibernate Interceptor (I need to audit only specific objects that are defined in a different table) and the access is impassable (I get exceptions). Is there a way to access database in interceptor? My AuditTrailInterceptor is: public class AuditTrailInterceptor extends EmptyInterceptor { ...

spring resource in WEB-INF

I have a bean that has a property of type File. I want that property to end up pointing to a file under WEB-INF. It seems to me that the ServletContextResourceLoader should have that job, somehow, but nothing I try seems to do the job. I'm trying to avoid resorting to something like this in the Java code. ...

Passing errors back to the view from the service layer

Edit: I have looked into Spring 3's @ExceptionHandler annotation and combining this with Option 1 below looks to be a pretty clean solution. See http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/spring-framework-reference/html/mvc.html#mvc-exceptionhandlers I also found this to be a good read: http://blog.decaresystems.ie/index.php/2006...

Prevent data from being deleted after test run with Hibernate / Spring / Maven / MySQL

Hi I am using Hibernate / Spring / Maven / MySQL and unit tests with JUnit. Up to yesterday, my testdata persisted in the database even after the test run was completed. I configured the hell out of this day and all of the sudden all data are being deleted after every test run. Quite sure, this is no bug, but a config issue. Nevertheles...

Finding out order of bean creation in the spring IOC

How can i find out in what order my beans were created? +1 for anyone who can recommend a tool to display it visually. ...

i am trying to use aop pointcut stuff for transaction but gettig error i am using hibernate too.

i am trying to use aop pointcut stuff for transaction but gettig error i am using hibernate too. I am following this : http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/2.5.x/reference/transaction.html Before that i was using hibernate+spring sessionFactory and all that.. Error : WARNING: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addCh...

Migrate from Spring 2.5 to 3 within an existing Axis 1.4 webservice

I have to migrate from Spring 2.5 to 3.0. My web services are still running with Axis 1.4, with Spring 2.5 I was rather simple, every class of a service implementation extends the ServletEndpointSupport. In Spring 3.0 the ServletEndpointSupport is deprecated. For example: public class PersonBindingImpl extends ServletEndpointSupport i...

Get all beans implementing a generic interface in Spring

How do I get a reference of all beans implementing a specific generic interface (e.g. Filter<TestEvent>) in Spring? This is what I want to achieve with a minimum number of lines: public interface Filter<T extends Event> { boolean approve(T event); } public class TestEventFilter implements Filter<TestEvent> { public boolean...

Spring 3 MVC: How to store € symbol from form?

Hi there, I am using Spring 3 MVC and MySQL 5 as my DB. I have created a form using Spring form tags for updating an object in my database. I enter "Ticket price: €35" into one of this form's text input fields and save the item. Then when I view the item in a display page, the text appears as "Ticket price: ?35". If I enter "Ticket ...

using spring aop pointcut getting error although i had added aspectjrt.jar also

Not able to solve this problem Error : java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addChild: start: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl not found at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(Co...