
How can I generate graphical (chart) report?

I am developing an iPhone app using Cocoa Touch and SQLite. I want to generate a graphical (chart) report. How can I generate a graphical chart report? Are there any tools for generation graphical report easily? ...

In SQLite how does one define a column default to be the current user?

In SQLite database how does one define a column default to be the current user? ...

How to do IF NOT EXISTS in SQLite

I am trying to port this line from MS SQL Server to SQLite IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM EVENTTYPE WHERE EventTypeName = 'ANI Received') INSERT INTO EVENTTYPE (EventTypeName) VALUES ('ANI Received'); It seems that SQLite does not support IF NOT EXISTS or at least I can't make it work. Am I missing something simple? Is there a work...

How to return the value of AUTO INCREMENT column in SQLite with VB6.

I have a table in SQLite: CREATE TABLE "EventType" ( [EventTypeID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, [EventTypeName] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE ); Since EventTypeID is an integer and a primary key, that automatically makes it an auto-incrementing column, and that works fine. I'd like to insert a row into the table and get the newly incremented...

python, sqlite error? db is locked? but it isnt?

I get "database table is locked" error in my sqlite3 db. My script is single threaded, no other app is using the program (i did have it open once in "SQLite Database Browser.exe"). I copied the file, del the original (success) and renamed the copy so i know no process is locking it yet when i run my script everything in table B cannot be...

Will SQLite Work in a ClickOnce Deployment?

And if it will, what is the best practice in terms of connection strings? Just a relative path? |DataDirectory| ? ...

Can you format 24-hour time string into 12-hour time string with AM/PM?

I store some time values in sqlite in %H:%M string format (for example "15:43"), but I would like to get them out formatted in 12 hour format with AM/PM indicators (for example "3:43 PM"). Is this possible with sqlite (and if so, how), or do I need to do this in my application code? ...

Python, Sqlite3 - How to convert a list to a BLOB cell

What is the most elegant method for dumping a list in python into an sqlite3 DB as binary data (i.e., a BLOB cell)? data = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] # now write this to db as binary data # 0000 0000 # 0000 0001 # ... # 0000 0101 ...

How to create encrypted Jar file?

I am working on project that must need to protect data (revealing code is not main problem) files. We are using Java + Netbeans. Is there any facility that will create jar in encrypted format? We are also using sqlite for database - so putting text file in encrypted format is not proper option for us too. ...

Fixing Unicode Byte Sequences

Sometimes when copying stuff into PostgreSQL I get errors that there's invalid byte sequences. Is there an easy way using either vim or other utilities to detect byte sequences that cause errors such as: invalid invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xde70 and whatnot, and possibly and easy way to do a conversion? Edit: What my w...

Best Embedded SQL DB for write performance?

Has anybody done any benchmarking/evaluation of the popular open-source embedded SQL DBs for performance, particularly write performance? I've some 1:1 comparisons for sqlite, Firebird Embedded, Derby and HSQLDB (others I am missing?) but no across the board comparisons... Also, I'd be interested in the overall developer experience for ...

Running / compiling jdbc-sqlite on OSX 10.5

I can't for the life of me get the library located here: http://www.xerial.org/trac/Xerial/wiki/SQLiteJDBC and zentus.com to run in native (JNI) mode on OSX 10.5. If I query the driver for the mode it always says "pure", which means it's running in nested VM mode and pure java code is running to query the sqlite database, which is slower...

How to convert sqlite3 database to RSS feed for a static site?

I need to create an RSS feed from a sqlite3 database containing blog posts. The site that will use the feed is on Google App Engine but is a static site currently. To create an RSS feed would it be easier to use a server-side script in Python or to use a Windows software tool (e.g. FeedForAll) to produce the news feed, say, once a week? ...

SQLite table with Git merging

I have a log file stored in an SQLite database which I would like to distribute in a git repository. Later on I would like changes to the log file to be merge automatically with the original. Is this going to work? Will an automatic binary merge into an SQLite file blow up more often than not? ...

Database schema updates

I'm working on an AIR application that uses a local SQLite database and was wondering how I could manage database schema updates when I distribute new versions of the application. Also considering updates that skip some versions. E.g. instead of going from 1.0 to 1.1, going from 1.0 to 1.5. What technique would you recommend? ...

Entity Framework + SQLite deployment

Hi, I have a ASP.NET MVC app that is using SQLite database through Entity Framework. Everything works on VS 2008's local development webserver. However, deploying the web app to my service provider causes this error: [ArgumentException: Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed.] System.Dat...

Deploying sqlite DB on iPhone app upgrade

I'm using sqlite as a datasource in an iPhone app. I have two questions regarding application upgrades. 1.) The data is all config/nontransactional. Meaning, it is readonly. When I update/add config data, I'll issue an upgrade for the app. When a user gets an updated iPhone app, does the original get uninstalled? If that is the case...

Portable database for storing secrets

I'm developing a application that needs storing secrets in a database. I need a portable database (like Firebird, Sqlite, etc) where the data will be stored encrypted or password protected or both... Let's take as example that I want create a password manager. I will need store that passwords in a database. I'm accustomed to use Embed ...

"ambiguous column name" in SQLite INNER JOIN

I have two tables in a SQLite DB, INVITEM and SHOPITEM. Their shared attribute is ItemId and I want to perform an INNER JOIN. Here's the query: SELECT INVITEM.CharId AS CharId, INVITEM.ItemId AS ItemId FROM (INVITEM as INVITEM INNER JOIN SHOPITEM AS SHOPITEM ON SHOPITEM.ItemId = INVITEM.ItemId) ...

Why does SQLite provide amalgamations of their code?

Every time I download SQLite, I come across the fact that they provide several different versions of their source code, which is something I've actually never seen any other project do. And more so they provide Amalgamations of Source, that kind of merge all their files into just 3 files. What's the reason for this? Is it just compilatio...