
iphone - how to clear SQLite database?

I have an iphone app that is using a SQLite database, everything works and I can save the database to file and load it back up when the app is reloaded. But the problem i'm having is that I don't know how I can clear the database and start over from scratch. I have tried deleting the database file, doing so will cause the app to start a...

iPhone sqlite sync with sqlite on dekstop/mac

Can I sync the local sqlite database on desktop/mac with sqlite database on iPhone for application by directly connecting the phone to my mac/pc? ...

Corrupted memory. SQLite or Android bug...

I get such stack trace: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: someTa???: , while compiling: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM someTa??? WHERE a = ? AND b = ? at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCompiledSql.native_compile(Native Method) at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCompiledSql.compile(SQLiteCompiledSql.java:91) at andro...

Rails/ActiveRecord: Get a record made *AFTER* a particular date

So currently I have an issue where I am populating a database from xml files through my client's API. Each record has an expiration date in it, with the following format: <offer_ends_at>2010-10-20T07:59:59-04:00</offer_ends_at> Now, I need to run a query where I only get records that have an expiration in the future. My current code i...

Crazy SQLite and cursor leak on AutoComplete

In my activity, I have an AutoCompleteTextView that gets its contents from my custom adapter. I created my adapter by following this example. The adapter works so far, but I am getting so many errors on leaks and cursors that are not finalized. My question is: how do I close the db in runQueryOnBackgroundThread? Here is my method: @...

SQLite equivalent of Python's "'%s %s' % (first_string, second_string)"

As the title says, what is the equivalent of Python's '%s %s' % (first_string, second_string) in SQLite? I know I can do concatenation like first_string || " " || second_string, but it looks very ugly. ...

sqlite to coredata

Can we map an sqlite file to coredata? ...

How to add Primary Key from Existing table in SQLite?

Hi friends, Now i am working in SQLite database. I want to add primary key from my existing table. But i couldn't add the primary key in existing table and i have deleted all the records in the old table. So how can i add the primary key from existing table in SQLite? Here my query is, alter table studetails add constraint pk ...

Can all Blackberry devices upgrade to the latest firmware?

I've been reading about the OS on BlackBerry and one of its latest updates, SQLite, introduced with the v5.0 OS. Can all BlackBerry phones upgrade to this OS? I have a BlackBerry Storm 9500 from Orange (France) and I can download a simulator for this phone with 5.0 OS on, but the device itself wont update past v4.7 OS. Does anyone know ...

DatabasePathException with sqlite

I created a sqlite database, but after creating the schema I am getting an exception in the following code: try { URI myURI = URI.create("file:///SDCard/Databases/dbstill.db"); distillDB = DatabaseFactory.open(myURI); Statement st = distillDB.createStatement( "CREATE TABLE 'People' ( " + "'Nam...

Exception Message: Some kind of disk I/O error occurred

I am getting this error when I try to run a update query on a SQLite database. This only happens on XP (on Vista works fine). The database is created without any issue, insert also works fine. I also checked and I have permissions and disk space available (as sqlite.org says these are possible causes). ...

SQLite, PDO, and PHP: New inserts not being saved

I have a few PHP (version 5.1.6) scripts and an sqlite3 database. For a while, everything was working fine, including inserts, updates, selects, and deletes. Now: Select statements still work fine Inserts, deletes, and updates all fail without an error that I can see. A -journal file is created in the same directory as the database, ...

sqlite journal file location

Curently sqlite is writing journal file in the same directory where is placed database file. It makes a problem with the directory permission (it has to be writable). Is there any method to force sqlite to write journal files in other directory? ...

Encryption of sqlite db in java

Hello, I am using SQLite JDBC driver from xerial project. What do we mean when we say encrypting the sqlite db ? I would like to know the best way to encrypt either the data in the db or the whole sqlite DB. For that, do I need to encrypt each field value and then write it in to DB or should I simply encrypt the .db file using Java ? Wh...

sqlite odbc getting hour min. sec.

I am using sqliteodbc and for some reason it won't get the hours, minutes, and seconds. I bind the column using this: SQLBindCol(hTimeStampNotes, 5, SQL_C_TIMESTAMP, &(noteTimeStamp.submitTime), 16, &junkLong); noteTimeStamp.submitTime is a time stamp data type: typedef struct tagTimeStampType {//TIMESTAMP_STRUCT short year; ...

PySide or PyQT SQLite support in Ubuntu

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid and am developing a application in QT using Python. Today I tried to create a database binding to a SQLite database via QtSQL.QAddDatabase and got the following error: QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QMYSQL3 QMYSQL So obviously I don't have the SQLite driver...ho...

Python 2.7, sqlite3, ValueError: could not convert BLOB to buffer

I am trying to save a BLOB created from an integer array (that is, a packed array of integers) in an SQLite DB. The script shown below gives the following traceback. As far as I can see from the Python 2.7 sqlite3 documentation, it should be possible to insert a buffer object into a table, where it is supposed to be saved as a BLOB. Howe...

Update iPhone SQLite DB

I want to use SQLite update query to update the database in iphone. Could anyone provide me with the code how to do that? ...

Android sqlite reading

Hi, i want to only read data from the sqlite database. when i am creating database and reading it it is working but i have already a database created and i want to read data from this database. I am pushing the database to the sdcard and trying to run the application but it is not reading form the database. I want to know that if install...

SQLite model to JAVA classes

I have an SQLite db and I have to make it work with an Android application. So my question is: Is there any way to generate JAVA classes automatically from an SQLite db model? This db has several tables and I would like to get a JAVA class for each table to handle easily my datas. Thanks. ...