
Saving MFC Model as SQLite database

I am playing with a CAD application using MFC. I was thinking it would be nice to save the document (model) as an SQLite database. Advantages: I avoid file format changes (SQLite takes care of that) Free query engine Undo stack is simplified (table name, column name, new value and so on...) Opinions? ...

SQL trigger for deleting old results

We have a database that we are using to store test results for an embedded device. There's a table with columns for different types of failures (details not relevant), along with a primary key 'keynum' and a 'NUM_FAILURES' column that lists the number of failures. We store passes and failures, so a pass has a '0' in 'NUM_FAILURES'. In...

How do I find out if a SQLite index is unique? (With SQL)

I want to find out, with an SQL query, whether an index is UNIQUE or not. I'm using SQLite 3. I have tried two approaches: SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = 'sqlite_autoindex_user_1' This returns information about the index ("type", "name", "tbl_name", "rootpage" and "sql"). Note that the sql column is empty when the index is ...

How do I access sqlite db instance on iPhone?

I'm developing an iphone app that uses the built in sqlite db. I can view the db when running the simulator but how do i access the db instance on the physical device?? Any help is greatly appreciated. FYI: i'm trying to view the open the db via the sqlite3 command line so I can execute arbitray sql against it. For the simulator, I can...

What is the best way to export a large table with many records from SQLite to a custom delimited text file?

The table I'm dealing with it potentially larger than available memory (let's say 10GB) and some of the fields can have at most 100MB of text. So a simple SELECT query probably isn't going to cut it. I've seen some command line solutions but I need to be able to do this through a C# program. ...

Best way to store urls locally

I am creating an RSS reader as a hobby project, and at the point where the user is adding his own URL's. I was thinking of two things. A plaintext file where each url is a single line SQLite where i can have unique ID's and descriptions following the URL Is the SQLite idea to much of an overhead or is there a better way to do things...

Sqlite export

Does anyone know of a tool to migrate a Sqlite database to SQL Server(both the structure and data)? Thanks? ...

Is it possible to have separate SQLite databases within the same Django project?

I was considering creating a separate SQLite database for certain apps on a Django project. However, I did not want to use direct SQLite access if possible. Django-style ORM access to these database would be ideal. Is this possible? Thank you. ...

Probability of hardware related disk or memory corruption?

I've got a few hundred computers running an app. On one computer, I've seen two instances of a single bit being incorrectly set on some strings that I pull out of SQLite. If this was my dev computer I would assume I have a bug somewhere, but there is certainly some number of installations at which point I'll start seeing rare hardware ...

Create/Use User-defined functions in System.Data.SQLite?

User-Defined Functions & Collating Sequences Full support for user-defined functions and collating sequences means that in many cases if SQLite doesn't have a feature, you can write it yourself in your favorite .NET language. Writing UDF's and collating sequences has never been easier I spotted this bit on the C# SQLite ADO.NET p...

What is the best / easiest way to talk to SQLite from .NET?

Question says it all, really. My application is a time tracker. It's currently written as a spreadsheet, but there's just too much data and I would like to impose a bit more structure on it. SQLite seems like a neat way to go. I would be open to other suggestions, too. ...

Sqlite on an embedded system

I have a database file that is generated on a PC using Sqlite. This file is then transferred to an ARM7 based embedded system without an operating system. The embedded system must access this database, but does not need to update it. I have been trying to get sqlite3 small enough for the embedded system, but so far I cannot get the ap...

Case-insensitive UTF-8 string collation for SQLite (C/C++)

I am looking for a method to compare and sort UTF-8 strings in C++ in a case-insensitive manner to use it in a custom collation function in SQLite. The method should ideally be locale-independent. However I won't be holding my breath, as far as I know, collation is very language-dependent, so anything that works on languages other than...

How many rows can an SQLite table hold before queries become time comsuming

I'm setting up a simple SQLite database to hold sensor readings. The tables will look something like this: sensors - id (pk) - name - description - units sensor_readings - id (pk) - sensor_id (fk to sensors) - value (actual sensor value stored here) - time (date/time the sensor sample was taken) The application ...

Problem using SQLite :memory: with NHibernate

I use NHibernate for my dataacess, and for awhile not I've been using SQLite for local integration tests. I've been using a file, but I thought I would out the :memory: option. When I fire up any of the integration tests, the database seems to be created (NHibernate spits out the table creation sql) but interfacting with the database c...

What is the best way to remotely manage a Sqlite DB?

We have an Sqlite DB on our Linux/PHP production webserver. What is the best way to manage it remotely? I've found some server wrappers are available and some applications claim to offer remote access methods. Any suggestions? ...

SQLite and Caching Application Block

Hi, Has anyone used the Caching Application Block with SQLite to persist data? I'd like to get some details. Thanks ...

Can I pickle a python dictionary into a sqlite3 text field?

Any gotchas I should be aware of? Can I store it in a text field, or do I need to use a blob? (I'm not overly familiar with either pickle or sqlite, so I wanted to make sure I'm barking up the right tree with some of my high-level design ideas.) ...

The best way to create a new table in Sqlite using Ruby on Rails 2

So what's the best way to create new tables in a Sqlite database in Rails 2. I have created the database using rake db:migrate command. So should I write individual sql scripts to create a database or use rake somehow. I don't need scaffolding. ...

sqlite database default time value 'now'

Is it possible in a sqlite database to craete a table that has a timestamp column that default to DATETIME('now') ? Like this: CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, t TIMESTAMP DEFAULT DATETIME('now')); This gives an error... How to resolve? ...