
Win32 status bar with XP style

I try to create a window with a status bar: #include <commctrl.h> InitCommonControls(); hStatus = CreateWindowEx( 0, STATUSCLASSNAME, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SBARS_SIZEGRIP, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, (HMENU)IDC_MAIN_STATUS, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); int statwidths[] = {100, -1}; SendMessage(hStatus, SB_SETPARTS, sizeof(statwidth...

How do I show error messages back to an ASP.NET MVC page?

Hi folks, Notice how StackOverflow displays some nice Status Bar message based on your activity? (That orange bar at the top page) I'm hoping to do the same but I'm not sure how. Now I know how to display validation errors to the UI using ASP.NET MVC 1.0 ... that's not too hard. But if i want to show a status bar thingy (not sure what...

How to Remove a Field from a wxStatusBar

This may be obvious, but I'm missing it. I'm working in wxpython. I have a wxStatusBar with several fields (these fields have text as well as other widgets). I need to be able to add and remove these fields throughout the app session. Is there a way to remove fields from a statusbar, or do I just have to redraw it? I think to do the...

how to show status bar in ribbon window wpf c#

I would like to use the ribbon bar like MS Office 2007 (and greater) in my own applications. Could anyone please provide me with links or references about how I can do this? EDIT: Actually I am using Microsoft's Ribbon Control Library but could not found way to add status bar like MS Word. ...

Why do I see double status bars when starting my app?

When starting my iPhone application, I'm seeing both the status bar from Default.png and the OS's built-in status bar, instead of just seeing the OS's status bar. What have I done wrong? ...

wxPython: StatusBar does NOT update with long help from wxToolBar

I am creating a ToolBar within a wx.Frame init and setting the help string as follows: def __init_(self,...): ... self.CreateStatusBar() tb = self.CreateToolBar(wx.TB_HORIZONTAL|wx.NO_BORDER|wx.TB_FLAT) tb.SetToolBitmapSize((32,32)) tb.SetSize((-1,132)) tb.AddTool(ID_CLASSIFIER, bmp, shortHelpString='Classifier', longH...

BlackBerry - How to show the system status bar on top of the application screen

Hi My question is rather simple, but I couldn't find an answer, could be because I'm using the wrong terms, but let me try: is there a way for a BlackBerry application (extending the regular Screen component) to keep the status bar visible (by status bar, to clarify, I mean the area where you see the battery strength, network name, sign...

iPhone Status Bar for custom message ala Evernote, In-Call, etc.

I am trying to find how to implement a custom message on the status bar, something like the Evernote "Downloading changes..." message seen here. Is this a private API call? Any suggestions or pointers? ...

How to create the notification icon in the right side of the statusbar on blackberry?

I am able to create the notification icon in the statusbar using ApplicationIndicator class. It shows up in the middle of the screen on the indicator area. How do I create the icon in the right side of the status bar near to the wi-fi icon. Is there any way I can tell the postion where to create the notification icon in the status bar. ...

LSUIElement behaves inconsistently with activateIgnoringOtherApps

Specifically, it behaves inconsistently regarding text field focus. I have an LSUIElement popping up a status menu. Within that menu there is a view containing a text field. The text field needs to be selectable -- not necessarily selected by default, but whichever. When the status item is clicked, it triggers [NSApp activateIgnoringO...

C#: Getting label injected into native app's statusbar pane to show up

Hey everyone, I am writing a .Net COM DLL that runs inside a native Windows application. I am attempting to inject an additional pane into this app's statusbar, and it does not have any specific implementation to do so, so I am trying to subclass the app's statusbar myself. I am using the Win32 API SetParent() to switch the parent of ...

Status bar in webbrowser

Hi, Am looking an option on how to add status bar and show the same for webbrowser control, any thoughts on that. When i type sites with https: on a texbox above webbrowser i am supposed to show the ssl secure icon on status bar. Please reply. Thanks in advance, Karthick ...

Android - incremental status bar notification icon

You know what I'm talking about: for example when you get multiple new emails the notification icon in the status bar is augmented with a little red circle that contains number of unread mails. Twitroid has the same icon. Any idea how it's done? I don't think (or so I hope) there are 10000 similar icons. Is this red circle generated and ...

Insert progressbar into statusbar panel using powershell and windows forms

I am currently working on a project that requires me to put a progressbar in one of the panels of a statusbar. Does anyone have any experience with this, or can anyone provide any input or direction on how it is done. I have been searching for 2 days now for a solution with no luck. There is still not an abundance of powershell help o...

How to cover also the UIStatusBar with UIView when i cover all the screen with the UIView? (iPhone)

How to cover also the UIStatusBar with UIView when i cover all the screen with the UIView? thank guys. ...

how do I duplicate animation from iPhone photos app

I am building an app that has picture viewing capabilities. I have wrestled the UIScrollView beast to the ground (hope to post my scrollview knowledge RSN) and am now trying to duplicate some of the other visual effects of the iPhone photos app. specifically, when viewing an image, I would like to dissolve the controls and bars away. I...

What is the point of the StatusBarItem class in WPF?

How is the StatusBarItem class supposed to be used? Is every element in a StatusBar's content supposed to be wrapped with it? I don't really understand how StatusBarItem affects the StatusBar layout. It seems like I can use HorizontalAlignment on a StatusBarItem, but not when I put the element in the StatusBar directly: <StatusBar> ...

SWT: Native status bars

Is there a way to create native status bars in SWT like those found in Windows applications: I have seen status bars simulated using labels, but I am more interested in a true solution. ...

How come some of my UIViews are shifted after navigation?

In some of my application designs or for just some UIViews, following a navigationController's pushViewController, my new view will be shifted off the window by the height of the status bar. As a result, I will put this code stub in the viewDidLoad method. CGRect frameAt = [self.view frame]; CGRect statusBarFrame = [[UIApplication sh...

C++ Toolbar and Statusbar layout problem

I have created a toolbar that is located at the bottom of my application using the style flag CCS_BOTTOM. The problem is that I also have a status bar located at the bottom and when I use the style CCS_BOTTOM for my toolbar the two controls overlap each other. I am trying to get the toolbar to be located directly above the status bar. I...