
ASP.NET, Streamwriter, Filestream - 0 byte file

This works: using (StreamWriter stw = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("\\xml\\file.xml"))) { stw.Write(xmlEncStr); } This creates an empty file: using (FileStream file = new FileStream(Server.MapPath("\\xml\\file.xml"), FileMode.CreateNew)) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file)) { sw.Write(xmlEncStr); ...

Ambiguous Newline behavior in StreamReader

Hi, When i write using StreamWriter.WriteLine, it adds CRLF to the string and sends it (to the SerialPort). When i read a string in the same C# program using StreamReader.ReadLine with data like below, it only reads upto the first CR represented by the first (char)13.ToString(), not the CRLF that is represented by the (char)13.ToString...

In C#, how to pre-pend text string to a file without changing original encoding

I would like to pre-pend(to the beginning) a file with a string in C#. Currently, I am just replacing content of the file with my string plus original content. I DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS, because streamwriter will mess-up encoded characters. Is there a way to pre-pend a text file without changing it's original encoding(of each character)....

Inheriting from StreamWriter with smallest possible effort

I am using an external library which allows logging using StreamWriter - now I want to add some handling based on the content of the logging. As I want to avoid to loop through the log file, I would like to write a class which inherits from StreamWriter. What is the best way to inherit from StreamWriter with as few re-implementations of ...

How to send keys instead of characters to a process?

System.Diagnostics.Process exposes a StreamWriter named StandardInput, which accepts only characters as far as I know. But I need to send keystrokes as well, and some keystrokes don't map well to characters. What should I do? ...

Console.SetOut to StreamWriter, write to textfile constantly

I'm using the Console.SetOut method to write all my Console.Out.WriteLines to a file, and this works. The only problem is that it only writes everything to the textfile when I close my application instead of it writing whenever a Console.Out.WriteLine happens. Any ideas on how I can realise this? How I do it: Before Application.Run(); ...

StreamWriter not creating new file

I'm trying to create a new log file every hour with the following code running on a server. The first log file of the day is being created and written to fine, but no further log files that day get created. Any ideas what might be going wrong? No exceptions are thrown either. private void LogMessage(Message msg) { string name = _log...

StreamWriter stops writing when file is opened from web link

Following on from my previous question... The following code creates log files on a web server: private void LogMessage(Message msg) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(_logDirectory + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".txt")) { sw.WriteLine(msg.ToString()); } } The log files are linked to from an admi...

simultaneously read and write data into file

Hi, i want simultaneously read and write data into file. Can i use StreamReader and StreamWriter with only file? And why code below doesnt out numbers? var stream = new FileStream(path,FileMode.Create,FileAccess.ReadWrite,FileShare.ReadWrite); var sw = new StreamWriter(stream); var sr = new StreamReader(stream); for(int i=0;i<10;i++)...

Rapid Opening and Closing System.IO.StreamWriter in C#

Suppose you have a file that you are programmatically logging information into with regards to a process. Kinda like your typical debug Console.WriteLine, but due to the nature of the code you're testing, you don't have a console to write onto so you have to write it somewhere like a file. My current program uses System.IO.StreamWriter f...

How do I write escape characters verbatim (without escaping) using StreamWriter?

I'm writing a utility that takes in a .resx file and creates a javascript object containing properties for all the name/value pairs in the .resx file. This is all well and good, until one of the values in the .resx is This dealer accepts electronic orders. /r/nClick to order {0} from this dealer. I'm adding the name/value pairs to t...

Exporting winform data to .txt file

I have a winform with two data grids, and multiple text boxes. I want to give the user the option to export this data to a text document in a location of their choice on their drive. I also want the text document to be pre-formatted, and the values from the text boxes and datagrids to be plugged in. Is it possible to pre-format a txt ...

What is the difference between calling Stream.Write and using a StreamWriter?

What is the difference between instantiating a Stream object, such as MemoryStream and calling the memoryStream.Write() method to write to the stream, and instantiating a StreamWriter object with the stream and calling streamWriter.Write()? Consider the following scenario: You have a method that takes a Stream, writes a value, and retu...

Program crashes after trying to use a recently created file. C#

So here is my code if (!File.Exists(pathName)) { File.Create(pathName); } StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter(pathName,true); But whenever I run the program the first time the path with file gets created. However once I get to the StreamWriter line my program crashes because it says my fie is in use by another process. Is t...

How to write to a file in Unicode in Vb.Net

How should I modify the following Vb.Net code to write str to the file in unicode? Do I need to convert str to Unicode before writing to the file? Using sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(fname) sw.Write(str) sw.Close() End Using ...

Writing a file by a webservice

Hi, I have a wevservice, and I would like to write logs into a textfile. My problem is that i do not know what path to give when creating the streamwriter: TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("????"); Can you please help what path I should enter? ...

StreamWriter appends random data

Hi I'm seeing odd behaviour using the StreamWriter class writing extra data to a file using this code: public void WriteToCSV(string filename) { StreamWriter streamWriter = null; try { streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filename); Log.Info("Writing CSV report header information ... "); streamWriter.Writ...

C# StreamWriter and StreamReader memory managment problem, why won't memory used deallocate?

So I'm using a StreamReader that uses a MemoryStream to write to a StreamWriter and inside of this application but the memory usage increases by 300mb (From one of the larger inputs) and does not deallocate after Im done using it: StreamWriter log = new StreamWriter("tempFile.txt"); log.Write(reader.ReadToEnd()); log.Close(); reader.Di...

Grant WPF application access to local drive?

Hello, I'm writing an application in C# (it's very basic, for a friend of mine), but I have a StreamWriter object that creates a local file in C:. I have to do Run as Administrator, and it works fine, but otherwise it crashes with "Access to the path 'C:\final.html' is denied." I've never worked with any sort of security or permissions...

Why does file extension affect write speed? (C#, StreamWriter)

I am currently testing the performance of different methods for logging text data into a file. It seems that when I open/write/close a large amount of times, the extension used affects the performance. (.txt and .log are ~7 times faster) Code used: private static void TestWriteSpeed(FileInfo file) { Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(...