
break a string in parts

I have a string "pc1|pc2|pc3|" I want to get each word on different line like: pc1 pc2 pc3 I need to do this in C#... any suggestions?? ...

PHP - Remove whitespace from within a string.

I get a string from a db, then I remove all the HTML tags, carriage returns and newlines, before I put it in a csv. Only thing is I cant remove the excess white space from between the strings, any ideas? Thanks, Joe ...

String corruption and nonprintable characters using XML::Twig in Win32 Perl

This is a really weird problem. It's taken me practically all day to whittle it down to a small executable script that demonstrates the problem fully. Problem Summary: I'm using XML::Twig to pull a data snippet from an XML file, then I'm sticking that data snippet into the middle of another piece of data, let's call it parent data. ...

What is the difference between char s[] and char *s in C?

In C, I can do like this: char s[]="hello"; or char *s ="hello"; so i wonder what is the difference? I want to know what actually happen in memory allocation during compile time and run time. ...

How to capture a string into variable in a recursive function?

I tried to print all the possible combination of members of several vectors. Why the function below doesn't return the string as I expected? #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; string EnumAll(const vector<vector<string> > &allVecs, size_t vecIndex, string strSoFar) {...

Removing XML entities from string in Ruby

Hi, I try to parse RSS chaanal with simple-rss lib. Unfortunately I got a lot of garbage in node: <description>&lt;p&gt; some decryption &lt;/p&gt; &lt;a href=";amp;amp;version=28"&amp;gt;(diff)&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&lt;/description&gt; I need to retrieve text ("some description") and o...

Python: How to ignore #comment lines when reading in a file.

In Python, I have just read a line form a text file and I'd like to know how to code to ignore comments with a hash # at the beginning of the line. I think it should be something like this: for if line !contain # then ...process line else end for loop But I'm new to Python and I don't know the syntax ...

php regex for string containing a "." and "-"

Hay all, i need help making a regex. The string must contain a "-" and must not contain a ".". Can someone help me please. ...

cut out part of a string

Say, I have a string "hello is it me you're looking for" I want to cut part of this string out and return the new string, something like s = string.cut(0,3); s would now be equal to: "lo is it me you're looking for" EDIT: It may not be from 0 to 3. It could be from 5 to 7. s = string.cut(5,7); would return "hellos it me you'...

send string to serial

Buongiorno, I'm trying to send a simple string to a serial port to command an instrument for noise measures. The strings are very easy: "M 1" = instrument on "M 2" = instrument off "M 3" = begin the measure "M 4" = stop the measure I've found this program: import serial ser = serial.Serial(0) #Seleziona la porta seriale COM4 ser.baud...

What does 'u' mean in a list?

This is the first time I've came across this. Just printed a list and each element seems to have a u in front of it i.e. [u'hello', u'hi', u'hey'] What does it mean and why would a list have this in front of each element? As I don't know how common this is, if you'd like to see how I came across it, I'll happily edit the post...

Windows Shell Script: Can't make string substitution working in subroutine...

Greetings dear Experts! Could you please advice me on how to cope with the problem: @echo off cls setlocal enabledelayedexpansion path=%CD%;%path% set NumberOfPages=553 rem set /A MaxFileIndex=%Counter% - 1 set MaxFileIndex=1 del Output.txt for /l %%i in (0,1,%MaxFileIndex%) do call :GenerateFileList %%i goto :eof :::::::::::::...

retrieving a string with spaces from a file in C

We were given an assignment that involved taking information from a file and storing the data in an array. The data in the file is sorted as follows New York 40 43 N 74 01 W the first 20 characters are the name of the city followed by the latitude and longitude. latitude and longitude should be easy with a few fscanf(i...

how to split a string to what I want in python

I have string ling like this: 'Toy Stroy..(II) (1995)' I want to split the line to two parts like this: ['Toy Story..(II)','1995'] How can I do it? thanks ...

Space code in C#

Not literally code from space however: I'm wondering if there's a more OO way if creating spaces in C#. I currently have tabs += new String(' '); and I can't help but feel that this is somewhat reminiscent of using '' instead of String.Empty. What can I use to create spaces that isn't ' '? ...

AppleScript: Index of substring in string

I want to create a function that returns a substring of a specific string from the beginning of said string up to but not including the start of another specific string. Ideas? So something like: substrUpTo(theStr, subStr) so if I inputted substrUpTo("Today is my birthday", "my"), it would return a substring of the first argument u...

Deleting comments from a string using NSScanner?

Hi, I've a string that may or may not include C++ comments on it (multi-lin and single line) and I need to strip those comments out before being able to use that string. My current idea is to use an NSScanner to do that - find the position of opening and closing multi-line comments and delete that portion of the string and find the posi...

MySQL string match with multiple words

This page has a great example using REGEXP to do pattern matching. the problem with REGEXP won't match the following strings: "Mr John" "Dr. John" or even: "Mr. John Doe" with the string "John Doe" I would like to know how do I get positive matches for any of the given examples? Here is a sample code: Drop table Names; CREATE ...

Inject XML into a node using a string

I am rebuilding a nodes children by saving them out to an array as strings, trashing them in the XML, inserting a new child node into the array as a string... now I want to loop through the array and write them back out to the original node. The problem is I can't find anything on how to add a child node using a string. See below for ...

Using preg_replace to format

Having trouble with pattern and replacement. How can I make the replacement echo a final product such as INSERT INTO `table` (`person`, `file`) VALUES ('test','test'), ('test2','test2'), ('test3','test3'); I am trying to insert the string into SQL but I need to format the current string below to do so, and I need to have the last part...