
Accepted practice for converting an Object to and from a String in Java ?

What is the commonly accepted method for converting arbitrary objects to and from their String representations, assuming that the exact class of the object is known ? In other words, I need to implement some methods similar to the following: public interface Converter { /** * Convert this object to its String representation. ...

problem in char array ?

char *funcNames[]= {"VString","VChar","VArray","VData"}; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { char* temp = funcNames[i]; int len = strlen(funcNames[i]); for(int j = 0;j<len ;j++) { if(j!=0) { char arr = temp[j]; } } } here i want to separate "V" from all string in char array ...and create a...

How to read a word into a string ignoring a certain character.

I am reading a text file which contains a word with a punctuation mark on it and I would like to read this word into a string without the punctuation marks. For example, a word may be " Hello, " I would like the string to get " Hello " (without the comma). How can I do that in C++ using ifstream libraries only. Can I use the ignore fu...

parsing float into string

Hi I have a number like so: 4.47778E+11 Can anyone give me a way of converting that into its number representation easily in c#? Thanks ...

Quick padding of a string in Delphi

I was trying to speed up a certain routine in an application, and my profiler, AQTime, identified one method in particular as a bottleneck. The method has been with us for years, and is part of a "misc"-unit: function cwLeftPad(aString:string; aCharCount:integer; aChar:char): string; var i,vLength:integer; begin Result := aString; ...

How to check if my string starts with uppercase character

Hi, I'm working with cocoa on the iPhone and I'm looking for some method like: NSString *s = @"Hello"; [s isStringStartsWithUpperCaseCharacter] -(BOOL) isStringStartsWithUpperCaseCharacter; The first letter of the string may be non ASCII letter like: Á, Ç, Ê... Is there some method which can helps me? I saw in the documentation that...

Integer to IP Address - C

Hi guys... I'm preparing for a quiz, and I have a strong suspicion I may be tasked with implementing such a function. Basically, given an IP address in network notation, how can we get that from a 32 bit integer into a string in it's dotted decimal notation (something like Obviously we can't be using any type of inet...

What is the difference between a character array and string?

What is the difference between a character array and string? ...

IP Address to Integer - C

Hey guys, I previously posted how to implement a function that will convert an integer to an IP address string. So how would we go vice-versa, that is, given a string ( that is an address, how can we get that integer back, using no inet functions. ...

How to convert IEnumerable<char> to string[] so I can use it with String.Join?

How can I convert the IEnumerable<char> "nonLetters" to a string[] so that I can use it with String.Join? string message = "This is a test message."; var nonLetters = message.Where(x => !Char.IsLetter(x)); Console.WriteLine("There are {0} non-characters in \"{1}\" and they are: {2}", nonLetters.Count(), message, String.J...

Equivalent of += for prefixing

Is there a bit of syntactic sugar for prefixing data to the beginning of a string in a similar way to how += appends to a string? ...

Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid.

When I try to run the following code I get a Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid. error. Dim maj = (From c In connect.Courses _ Where c.COTRequired = CBool("True") _ Select c.CourseID, c.CourseName, c.CreditHours).Except _ (From en In connect.Enrollments ...

How to make two arrays into a function in c++?

I have two string arrays "Array1[size]" and "Array2[size]". They both have the same size. I would like to write a function which contains this two arrays but I am having problems in the way that I am declaring them. I am declaring it like this: void Thefunction (string& Array1[], string& Array2[], int size); And when I call it I am...

There is some way to do this string extraction faster?

I need to extract the virtual host name of a HTTP request. Since this willl be done for every request, I´m searching for the fastest way to do this. The following code and times are just some of the ways I had studied. So, there is some faster way to do this? $hostname = ""; $iteractions = 100000; //While Test $ti...

Execute a PHP file, and return the result as a string

Let's assume I have the following file - template.php: <?php $string = 'Hello World!'; ?> <html> <head> <title>Test Page!</title> </head> <body> <h1><?= $string; ?></h1> <p>You should see something above this line</p> </body> </html> I'm aware that I can use file_get_contents() to get the conten...

C++ compilation error using string and istream_iterator

When trying to compile the following: #include <string> #include <iterator> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { string s(istream_iterator<char>(cin), istream_iterator<char>()); return s.size(); } g++ 4.4.1 gives me: In function ‘int main()’: error: request for member ‘size’ in ‘s’, which is o...

alternatives to string.Format(".... {0}....{1}....",v1,v2) in .net?

string.Format() with it's "bla {0} bla" syntax is great. But sometimes I don't want to enumerate the placeholders. Instead I just want to map the variables sequentially in the placeholders. Is there a library that can do that? For instance, instead of string.Format("string1={0}, string2={1}", v1, v2) something like string.Format("s...

Fastest way to find duplicates in a string without using any additional memory in java?

What is the fastest way to remove duplicate character in a string without using an extra memory in Java? ...

How do I remove the first character from a link's text with jQuery?

I want to remove first character from link's text with jQuery. <span class="test1"> +123.23 </span> <span class="test2"> -13.23 </span> I want to remove the "+" and "-" from with jQuery. Output: <span class="test1"> 123.23 </span> <span class="test2"> 13.23 </span> ...

Whats wrong with this program?

char *s = "hello ppl."; for (i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++) { char c = s[i]; if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) { c += 2; s[i] = c; } } I want to rotate the string by two characters: "hello ppl." -> "jgnnq rrn." I am getting a segmentation fault. What is wrong with the code? ...