
Objective C Convert int to NSString (iPhone)

I have the following code that is meant to convert milliseconds into hours, mins and seconds: int hours = floor(rawtime / 3600000); int mins = floor((rawtime % 3600000) / (1000 * 60)); int secs = floor(((rawtime % 3600000) % (1000 * 60)) / 1000); NSLog(@"%d:%d:%d", hours, mins, secs); NSString *hoursStr = [NSString stringWithFor...

Python string decoding issue

I am trying to parse a CSV file containing some data, mostly numeral but with some strings - which I do not know their encoding, but I do know they are in Hebrew. Eventually I need to know the encoding so I can unicode the strings, print them, and perhaps throw them into a database later on. I tried using Chardet, which claims the stri...

Java loss of precision

Hello all, I have a problem concerned with losing of precision my task is to print numbers as strings int exponent = ... int[] Mantissas = { 1, 2, 5 }; double dataStep = java.lang.Math.pow(10.0, exponent) * Mantissas[mantissaIndex]; ... for (int i = 0; i < NSteps; i++) steps[i] = firstStep + i * dataStep; draw(ste...

PHP substr and strlen alternative

I heard that in PHP there are some alternatives for the functions substr() and strlen() which handles safer bits. Is this true and if it is then what are those functions? I heard that it is based on the function strcmp() but I don't see directly how can I use it. ...

bytes.Split separator as []byte("...")

In bytes_test.go I see: a := Split([]byte(tt.s), []byte(tt.sep), tt.n) where tt.s and tt.sep are strings. But when I try to do a := bytes.Split([]byte("test"), []byte("e"), 0) I get: cannot convert "test" (type ideal string) to type []uint8 in conversion cannot convert "e" (type ideal string) to type []uint8 in conversion ...

How to replace all points in a string in JavaScript

Hi, I want to replace all the occurances of a period '.' in a JavaScript string For example, I have var mystring = ''; I want to get -> okay this is a string so far I tried mystring.replace(/./g,' ') but this ends up with all the string replaced to spaces. Any idea how to resolve this? ...

How to make a natural String class in PHP

Hai. I was making this simple string class and was wondering if there was a more natural way of doing it. class Str{ function __construct($str){ $this->value = $str; $this->length = strlen($str); .. } function __toString(){ return $this->value; } .. } so now i have to use it like th...

Is there any string operators like the POSITION() method of MySQL available in SQLite3?

I didn't find it on their doc So just want to get confirm or options here. ...

Front-popping a Java String

Having read the documentation of Java's String class, it doesn't appear to support popping from front(which does make sense since it's basically a char array). Is there an easy way to do something like String firstLetter = someString.popFront(); which would remove the first character from the string and return it? ...

going through a string of characters and extracting the numbers?

Hello there, This is related to my previous question. Basically, given a string of characters, how do I go through it and assign all the numbers within that string into an integer variable leaving out all other characters? Not at input but when there is a string of characters already read in through gets(); ...

Convert DateTime Value into String in Mysql

I want to convert Date & time value into varchar and then store in database I am fetching the Current Date & time using NOW() in mysql and now want to convert it in string because i have to merge this value with String value ...

Knowing the length of each sequence in a string

Hi, I have a string like this "0011100001100111", and i would like to know the length of each sequence (00, 111, 0000, 11, 00, 111), in the right order. How can I do that in PHP ? Thanks to who will help me. ...

D (Tango) Read all standard input and assign it to a string

In the D language how I can read all standard input and assign it to a string (with Tango library) ? ...

how do i add a int to a string.

i have a string and i need to add a number to it i.e a int. like: string number1 = ("dfg"); int number2 = 123; number1 += number2; this is my code: name = root_enter; // pull name from another string. size_t sz; sz = name.size(); //find the size of the string. name.resize (sz + 5, account); // add the accoun...

How to replace special characters with their equivalent (such as " á " for " a") in C#?

Hi. I need to get the Portuguese text content out of an Excel file and create an xml which is going to be used by an application that doesn't support characters such as "ç", "á", "é", and others. And I can't just remove the characters, but replace them with their equivalent ("c", "a", "e", for example). I assume there's a better way to...

What is the best way to get two parts of a Groovy string?

If I have a string in Groovy like so... '' ... and I want to get the the word "company" and "name" from that string, what is the best way to go about it? I was thinking of something like this, but I'm not sure if it's the most efficient/groovy way: def items = ''.tokenize('.') def company = items[-2...

Searching std::string between a limit

if you know the start and end positions in string from where to begin and end the search. For example - string s = StringStringString |S |t |r |i |n |g |S |t |r |i |n |g |S |t |r |i |n |g 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 How would you find "tr" in the string specifying the the position to begin search is at inde...

In Haskell, how can you sort a list of infinite lists of strings?

So basically, if I have a (finite or infinite) list of (finite or infinite) lists of strings, is it possible to sort the list by length first and then by lexicographic order, excluding duplicates? A sample input/output would be: Input: [["a", "b",...], ["a", "aa", "aaa"], ["b", "bb", "bbb",...], ...] Output: ["a", "b", "aa", "bb", "a...

How to split big numbers?

I have a big number, which I need to split into smaller numbers in Python. I wrote the following code to swap between the two: def split_number (num, part_size): string = str(num) string_size = len(string) arr = [] pointer = 0 while pointer < string_size: e = pointer + part_size arr.append(int(stri...

testing a string to see if a number is present and asigning that value to a variable while skipping all the non-numeric values?

Hi there, given a string say " a 19 b c d 20", how do I test to see if at that particular position on the string there is a number? (not just the character '1' but the whole number '19' and '20'). char s[80]; strcpy(s,"a 19 b c d 20"); int i=0; int num=0; int digit=0; for (i =0;i<strlen(s);i++){ if ((s[i] <= '9') && (s[i] >= '0')){...