
What's the difference between a string constant and a string literal?

I'm learning objective-C and Cocoa and have come across this statement: The Cocoa frameworks expect that global string constants rather than string literals are used for dictionary keys, notification and exception names, and some method parameters that take strings. I've only worked in higher level languages so have never had to co...

PHP ToString() equivalent

How do I convert the value of a PHP variable to string? I was looking for something better than concatenating with an empty string: $myText = $myVar . ''; like the ToString() method in Java or .NET. ...

Does PHP have an equivalent to this type of Python string substitution?

Python has this wonderful way of handling string substitutions using dictionaries >>> 'The %(site)s site %(adj)s because it %(adj)s' % {'site':'Stackoverflow', 'adj':'rocks'} 'The Stackoverflow site rocks because it rocks' I love this because you can specify a value once in the dictionary and then replace it all over the place in the ...

Converting bool to text in C++

Maybe this is a dumb question, but is there any way to convert a boolean value to a string such that 1 turns to "true" and 0 turns to "false"? I could just use an if statement, but it would be nice to know if there is a way to do that with the language or standard libraries. Plus, I'm a pedant. :) ...

Does anyone have a good Proper Case algorithm

Does anyone have a trusted Proper Case or PCase algorithm (similar to a UCase or Upper)? I'm looking for something that takes a value such as "GEORGE BURDELL" or "george burdell" and turns it into "George Burdell". I have a simple one that handles the simple cases. The ideal would be to have something that can handle things such as "O...

Easiest way to convert a URL to a hyperlink in a C# string?

I am consuming the Twitter API and want to convert all URLs to hyperlinks. What is the most effective way you've come up with to do this? from string myString = "This is my tweet check it out"; to This is my tweet check it out <a href=""&gt;;blah&lt;/a&gt; ...

What is the most efficient way to keep track of a specific character's index in a string?

Take the following string as an example: "The quick brown fox" Right now the q in quick is at index 4 of the string (starting at 0) and the f in fox is at index 16. Now lets say the user enters some more text into this string. "The very quick dark brown fox" Now the q is at index 9 and the f is at index 26. What is the most effi...

How do I sort a list of strings in Python?

What is the best way of creating an alphabetically sorted list in Python? ...

Searching for phone numbers in mysql

I have a table which is full of arbitrarily formatted phone numbers, like this 027 123 5644 021 393-5593 (07) 123 456 042123456 I need to search for a phone number in a similarly arbitrary format ( e.g. 07123456 should find the entry (07) 123 456 The way I'd do this in a normal programming language is to strip all the non-digit chara...

What's the best way to read the contents of a text file to a string in .NET?

It seems like there should be something shorter than this: private string LoadFromFile(string path) { try { string fileContents; using(StreamReader rdr = File.OpenText(path)) { fileContents = rdr.ReadToEnd(); } return fileContents; } catch { throw; } } ...

Strip all HTML tags except links

I am trying to write a regular expression to strip all HTML with the exception of links (the <a href and </a> tags respectively. It does not have to be 100% secure (I am not worried about injection attacks or anything as I am parsing content that has already been approved and published into a SWF movie). The original "strip tags" regula...

Differences in string compare methods in C#

Comparing string in C# is pretty simple. In fact there are several ways to do it. I have listed some in the block below. What I am curious about are the differences between them and when one should be used over the others? Should one be avoided at all costs? Are there more I haven't listed? string testString = "Test"; string anot...

VB.NET Empty String Array

How can I create an empty one-dimensional string array? ...

How to parse a string into a nullable int in C# (.NET 3.5)

I'm wanting to parse a string into a nullable int in C#. ie. I want to get back either the int value of the string or null if it can't be parsed. I was kind of hoping that this would work int? val = stringVal as int?; But that won't work, so the way I'm doing it now is I've written this extension method public static int? ParseNull...

Getting an int representation of a String

Hi I am looking for a way to create an int\long representation of an arbitrary alpha-numeric String. Hash codes won't do it, because I can't afford hash collisions i.e. the representation must be unique and repeatable. The numeric representation will be used to perform efficient (hopefully) compares. The creation of the numeric key wi...

concatenating unknown-length strings in COBOL

How do I concatenate together two strings, of unknown length, in COBOL? So for example: WORKING-STORAGE. FIRST-NAME PIC X(15) VALUE SPACES. LAST-NAME PIC X(15) VALUE SPACES. FULL-NAME PIC X(31) VALUE SPACES. If FIRST-NAME = 'JOHNbbbbbbbbbbb' (where 'b' signifies a space), and LAST-NAME = 'DOEbbbbbbbbbbbb', how d...

java String concatenation

I'm curious and wasn't sure, so i thought id ask: assuming String a and b. a+=b a.concat(b) Under the hood are they the same thing? Edit: Here is concat decompiled as reference, I'd like to be able to decompile the + operator as well to see what that does, not sure how to do that yet. public String concat(String s) { ...

Approximate string matching algorithms

Hello. Here at work, we often need to find a string from the list of strings that is the closest match to some other input string. Currently, we are using Needleman-Wunsch algorithm. The algorithm often returns a lot of false-positives (if we set the minimum-score too low), sometimes it doesn't find a match when it should (when the mini...

A good algorithm similar to Levenstein but weighted for Qwerty keyboards?

I noticed some posts here on string matching, which reminded me of an old problem I'd like to solve. Does anyone have a good Levenstein-like algorithm that is weighted toward Qwerty keyboards? I want to compare two strings, and and allow for typos. Levenstein is okay, but I'd prefer to also accept spelling errors based on the physical d...

How do you do string comparison in JavaScript?

I have a list of data objects to sort. I want to do something like list.sort(function(item1, item2){ return item1.attr - item2.attr; }) to sort it based on a string attribute of the object. But I found that the minus (-) operator does not work for strings in JavaScript. So how do you do string comparison? ...