
Want to form a string with given hex code values

I want to replace certain characters in an input string with other characters. The input text has Microsoft left and right smart quotes which I would like to convert to just a single ". I was planning on using the Replace operation, but am having trouble forming the text string to be searched for. I would like to replace the input seq...

Render a string[] as a series of editable controls?

I have a string[] containing individual words parsed out of a paragraph of text. I need to display each word in its own cell, and have each cell be assigned a dynamic width based on the word's length. I want to be able to have as many words as possible within the maximum width of each row. In short, I'm trying to take a given parag...

C++ Compare char array with string

I'm trying to compare a character array against a string like so: const char *var1 = " "; var1 = getenv("myEnvVar"); if(var1 == "dev") { // do stuff } This if statement never validates as true... when I output var1 it is "dev", I was thinking maybe it has something to do with a null terminated string, but the strlen of "dev" and v...

Generated string won't save to database... but tack "A" on the end and it will.

In my application, these "planners" (essentially, article ideas) follow predetermined templates, written in Markdown, with some specific syntax here: Please write your answer in the following textbox: [...] Please write your answer in the following textarea: ...So here, on line, you should write one thing. ...Here, on line 2, you shoul...

Disposing a StringBuilder object

How does one effectively dispose a StringBuilder object? If an user generates multiple reports in a single sitting, my app ends up using a huge amount of memory. I've read in a few sites online that the follow may help: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1000000); // loop goes here adding lots of stuff to sb exampleObject.Text = sb...

Converting list of integers into a binary "string" in python

I have a list of numbers that i would like to send out onto a socket connection as binary data. As an example, i start off with the following list: data = [2,25,0,0,ALPHA,0,23,18,188] In the above list, ALPHA can be any value between 1 and 999. Initially, I was converting this into a string using hexdata = ''.join([chr(item) for i...

Replace multiple characters in string in one line of code in

Using VB.Net I'd like to be able to replace a range of characters in a string in a single line of code. i.e. something like Dim charsToReplace as string = "acegi" Dim stringToBeReplaced as string = "abcdefghijklmnop" charsToReplace.ToArray().ForEach(Function (c) stringTobeReplaced = stringTobeReplaced.Replace(c, "")) however, this ...

How to remove unwanted characters from a string?

Hello, I'm parsing a large text file using PHP and some lines look like this "äåòñêèå ïåñíè", or "ääò", or like this "åãîð ëåòîâ". Is there any way to check if there are more than three characters like this in string? Thank you. ...

How do sites like tinyurl generate urls?

I looked at tinyurl, tinypic, imgur and youtube! I thought they would use a text safe representation of a index and use it as a primary ID in their DB. However trying to put the keys into Convert.FromBase64String("key") yields no results and throw an exception. So these sites dont use a base64 array. What are they using? What might i wan...

How to get Last Index Of "%" in a string ?

How to get Last Index Of "%" in a string in .NET ? I tried string subString = content.Substring(0, startIndex); int nextOpeningComment = subString.LastIndexOf("%", 0); This is always giving me -1. Here subString I'm getting is: <div id=\"xyz\"> \r\n <img alt=\"\" src=\"App_Themes/Default/Images/abc.jpg\" />\r\n <%-- Any h...

finding common prefix of array of strings

I have an array like this $sports = array( 'Softball - Counties', 'Softball - Eastern', 'Softball - North Harbour', 'Softball - South', 'Softball - Western' ); and i would like to find the longest common part of the string so in this instance, it would be 'Softball - '; I am thinking that I would follow the this process $i = 1; // ...

How do I do the equivalent of a Graphics.DrawString() in WPF?

I'm creating a WPF application (in C#) and I need to be able to draw strings using the C# code, not the XAML. The strings will be changing rapidly, so whatever method I use should be able to reflect that. I like the graphics.drawstring method in windows forms. Is there anything similar I can use in WPF? Edit: Creating FormattedText see...

Are PowerShell Arrays just .NET Arrays?

I am creating an array of string objects in PowerShell which needs to be passed into an Xceed zip library method which expects a string[], but I get an error everytime. It makes me wonder if the PowerShell array is something other than a .NET array. Here is some code: $string_list = @() foreach($f in $file_list) { $string_list += $f.Fu...

Quickest way (performance-wise) to turn a string into a byte[] array in C#

Hi, What's the fastest way to turn a string into a byte[] array in C#? I'm sending tonnes of string data through sockets and need to optimize every single operation. Currently I transform the strings in to byte[] arrays before sending using: private static readonly Encoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding(); //... byte[] bytes = encodin...

One-liner Python code for setting string to 0 string if empty

What is a one-liner code for setting a string in python to the string, 0 if the string is empty? # line_parts[0] can be empty # if so, set a to the string, 0 # one-liner solution should be part of the following line of code if possible a = line_parts[0] ... ...

Good way of handling NoneType objects when printing in Python

How do I go about printin a NoneType object in Python? # score can be a NonType object"NEW_SCORE : "+score) Also why is that sometime I see a comma instead of the + above? ...

Avoiding implicit def ambiguity in Scala

I am trying to create an implicit conversion from any type (say, Int) to a String... An implicit conversion to String means RichString methods (like reverse) are not available. implicit def intToString(i: Int) = String.valueOf(i) 100.toCharArray // => Array[Char] = Array(1, 0, 0) 100.reverse // => error: value reverse is not a member ...

Is there a better way to write new List<string> {"a", "b"}.Contains(str) ?

I want to test whether a certain string is contained in a short list of strings. Currently the code is like this: if (new List<string> { "A", "B", "C" }.Contains (str)) { However, this seems bloated. For instance, iirc, in Java I could simply write {"A", "B", "C"}.Contains(str) which would be much preferable to the above. I'm sure th...

Overriding ToString() of List<MyClass>

Hello. I have a class MyClass, and I would like to override the method ToString() of instances of List: class MyClass { public string Property1 { get; set; } public int Property2 { get; set; } /* ... */ public override string ToString() { return Property1.ToString() + "-" + Property2.ToString(); } } I w...

How to convert char * to unsigned int in C programming in win32

Hi I am trying to convert char *str = "" ; in to unsigned int . can u pls tell me any method is there or any sample code . pls share me. ...